Your phone camera takes very good pictures. Sorry about the puppy dogs. May I ask how they came back with worms. I never had a dog but know that cats have to be de-wormed when you get them from outside. :-)
Your phone camera takes very good pictures. Sorry about the puppy dogs. May I ask how they came back with worms. I never had a dog but know that cats have to be de-wormed when you get them from outside. :-)
All puppies get worms, even if they haven't been outside. They get them through mom's milk. We dewormed all of them before they left but sometimes they need a second dose. Ours didn't go outside until they were six weeks old and had gotten their first round of shots. This case was so sad because nobody noticed how skinny they were. They've been here since Sunday and already look bigger.
Posted using Partiko Android
Good you got them when you did...