
You have a lot of gifts in the mail this week TR, nice.
How do you access each one for declaring to the good tax people?

I really do not think my taxes are any of your business.

If your not paying taxes because Troy's law says he doesn't have to, then we all want to be singing on the same hymn sheet.Is that fair Reid!

I have no idea what you are talking about. Everyone should pay their taxes.

Tax evasion is every bodies business. are you hiding something?

I do wonder though if the IRS takes lightly to people trying to use them to harass people?

They love whistle blowers they have a page dedicated to dropping a dime on persons like you.

Oh really?

So there is a place where you can turn in innocent people for crimes they did not commit?

But how on earth would you have any knowledge of my taxes? You see, that is the big question.

Unless you are fabricating evidence against me, there is NO WAY you could have any real knowledge of my taxes.

Odd that you would even think about such a thing.

If your not hiding anything and your so squeaky clean then why are you so worried.
If everything is good then may the Trolls will give up and leave you alone altough I beg to ask why are you so unpopular, the only YouTuber with is keen dedicated .sucks forum?
Maybe we all have it all wrong and you are as pure as the driven snow!

mollydolly, Now that comment was clean pure comedy!

Because you guys harass us day and night with no end.

Because you are trying to set me up for crimes I did not commit.

Because for years you have used the authorities to harass us based on false charges.

Because you have openly admitted to trying to get our baby taken away.

Because you guys have openly bragged about trying to get my wife deported.

Reid you need to seek professional medical help.
Your having a real problem determining whats reality and fantasy.
Your living in your own world of make believe.

The insane thing is you here harassing me and telling me my daily videos of our lives on a homestead are fantasy and then you telling me that I need to seek help.

I am here on my own blog, writing articles.

You are here harassing me online and offline.

@thediyworld, YOU invited everyone here on your DIY YT channel to "have fun and Make You Money".

This is the discussion area of your blog.
It looks as though most of your followers here thinks your steeming pile of crap video's you call free entertainment really sucks.
It's your problem that your product is sub par.
No body even wants your free crap.
Stop embarrassing your family with your nonsense.

We all would love to praise your and your lousy crappy video's.
But we believe in telling the truth which is really not in your forte.

If you don't like the comments.
shut it down.

Why don't you release your tax information on the internet so we can all see it gilholey

That's what Al Capone said as he sat in a prison cell as his brain was being eaten out by syphilis

Did someone estimate the unpaid taxes on all these gifts could be as much as 100k?
Even a low percentage reward could really set someone up, what an easy way to make some money.

Surely Troy declared all these gifts, two vehicles (Olds Aurora + Dodge truck), many vacations as income when he recieved it. IRS 'loves' lying tax evaders, eh Troy.

Surely Troy declared all these gifts, two vehicles (Olds Aurora + Dodge truck), many vacations as income when he recieved it. IRS 'loves' lying tax evaders, eh Troy.
Hiding a truth does NOT make it go away cause you still OWE the taxes + PENALTIES> Those IRS penalties are nasty for those that lie and cheat, eh Troy.