Homestead Garden Work & Building A Chicken Run

in #homesteading7 years ago

We are taking our 18 acre homestead off the grid and working to become self sufficient. We are growing our own food and raising chickens for meat and eggs in hopes of providing more of our own needs.

I am sharing our videos since we moved to our new homestead in order to give you the background story. When I get you caught up I will continue to share our daily videos and articles as we make them.

I worked in the garden a bit on this day and then cleaned up the construction zone by the chicken coop.

When I was finished cleaning up I put some metal posts in the ground and then ran some heavy duty rolled chain link fencing around the chicken area.

This will be the chicken runway during the way so the birds can get out and get fresh bugs and grass.

After I finished setting up the chicken run I cut a hole in the chicken coop to allow the birds to come out and play.

The birds really loved their new yard.

We will close the door of the chicken coop at night after the birds go to bed in order to protect them from predators.

You can watch the video here:

NOTE: You will likely notice a whole mess of filth and accusations in the comments below. These are trolls I had blocked on YouTube and found me here. They are on me like a disturbed hornets nest seeking revenge because I blocked them. Their harassment has extended into real life. Do NOT engage the trolls for your own safety.

Thank You

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The Do It Yourself World


Love the videos man. Keep them coming.

Your chickens sure looked happy when you let them into their new play pen.

Thank you. Yes the birds were very happy in their new home.

That's really cool I'm so happy to hear that you got the new home going for the chickens

Thanks. They sure are loving it. Pretty safe too. Only a bear could get in there now. But the electric fence is meant to stop a cow so maybe a bear would not bother.

They are doomed just like the hundreds of pitiful birds you allowed raccoons to kill in New York. You built crap fences playing with their lives. You claimed the electric fence would protect them but it never worked and you knew that. Just kept buying more birds and letting them die horrible deaths.

Hundreds of chickens?? Wow, where did I keep all these hundreds of chickens??? I dont remember even having that many ever. Not even all together. Wow!!!!

Your memory sucks. Someone on sucks recorded every time you said any chickens had died and its over an hour long video. I think it was over a hundred. Just watch your own videos and see what I'm talking about.

Actually the electric fence works very well. Think about it if you can bring your brain into reality for a minute.

An electric fence meant to stop a cow.

Should stop a teeny little raccoon.

Dont ya think?

So all the footage of you filming the aftermath of a coon attack was fake? Your stock answer was the electric fence was not working. You strung up crap fencing and depended on a sometime on sometime off fence to protect what you called your pets. Just what I saw on your videos. LMAO

Where is 'greasey' chicken that you let suffer under your trailer for two weeks. Died of starvation and illness, right cruel bastard! Watch the video of Troy plucking 5 dead baby chicks from inch deep feces after they froze to death overnight. No animal should suffer from your abuse.

I bet you made your house look like troys old house and just pooped on the yard on the chicks tell they died. Can I ask did you kill the chicks with your poop hunnybadger?

Really? They froze over night and were immediately under an inch of frozen feces?

How is that even possible?

Our chickens are quite happy and anyone with any animal experience can see that.

anyone with animal experience knows you should never have control of any living creature. You allowed all those chickens to die horrible deaths by your laziness. Its all on your videos, I'm not making this up.

The inch deep feces happened through a long period of neglect. Then the freeze killed them. It happens at time 13:00 minutes in this video. That is Troy's hand who is animal abuser and killer of hundreds of chickens.

Why is this blocked and blocked because it does in fact show three dead chicks at the 13:00 mark

timcat100 did you join honnybadger in the chicks poopathon?

Feelip can you park a car in your garage. Feelip do you have permits for all that hacking you did to your house? All them Edison batteries and all you get is 10 kWh of storage, you stupid or what? Does your local FD know about the shit that's in your shack? Not a chance in hell your system is legal. But why should you care after all you HVAC guys know errrthing bout errrthing. Dumb ass....

Cry me a river tim. I will try not to fail a permit like you.
P.S. I don't need to pay some moron to fail it for me when I know that I can do it for my self.

And you have no right to copy and edit my own videos and them post them here on my blog.

It's not my work nor yours. It belongs to BFTD he created it using snips from your channel. You truly are a snake oil salesman. Just shut the fuk up already and answer my original questions.

I have to say your just going to have to buy toilet paper for the net time you and them are going to poop on the chicks timcat100.

You know, its funny you coming on my blog and telling me (in unkind words) to shut up.

Very odd really.

So you are admitting that your friend is making money off my work?

Thank you.

Boy such anger.

If you dont like my videos you can just leave.

It makes no sense to hate on someone just because you dont like their work.

The internet is huge. Get cable TV or something.

Get a hobby.

Your own voice and words said they froze overnight. No mother hen was with them in that tiny hutch with inch of feces from neglect. You always incriminate yourself and then LIE about it later.

You know the English language?

You know how we say something like "they froze" when it meant that the outdoor temperature was too cold even though it could be summer.

Have you ever said you were "freezing" but did not mean it literally?

You know, the English language.

Oh, you mean the ones the mother hen killed - in spring time and there was no freezing snow.

Your sick ideas of modifying my videos and the context to turn people against me are not wanted here.

Take them to your sucks (well named) members.

I am just wondering now if Reids buddy Phil is plagued with Coprophagia. he sure likes them turds

Don't make me power up

you guys are the ones that staged feces with chickens in it and then posted up like it's something that Troy did you guys are just a bunch of pieces of garbage

Nah, some of it is rubbing off of you guys, I fear.

hunnybadger please do post the link showing this act

There is none. They are showing when the mother hen killed her own chicks in the spring time!!!

Nothing to see here but child's play.
Poor workmanship and construction looks more like a movie prop.
Very mundane to say the least I give this video a -2

Reid is a total mess as a person.
Seeking a mental heath professional should be priority for himself.

Thank you again for your opinion.

We have facts you have opinion.

YOU are trolling me on my own blog.

We show daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

If you do not like it then leave.

Do your followers know that you are a registered member at the sucks site ? He uses one of the following accounts .

Ekim , Biker T or Danny

There is definitely paranoia reeling it's ugly head . The feeling you must be experiencing with winter fast approaching and so many unfinished projects . YT revenue diminishing , steemit returns are also somewhat sketchy and bills accumulating . Yes , someone here is most assuredly suffering from paranoia .

The anticipation of my next tale should and will be cause for excessive insomnia . BJ Hands On will take center stage . Sleep well Fruitloops .

Yes you guys are paranoid for sure.

WE, on the other hand, are doing just fine.

Doing just fine????? The neighbors are talking about the freaks that moved in. The town is now aware of your bullshit and crying poverty. Meee Ling is worse off in the United States than she was in her third world home country and you say just fine? Parents are supporting you and you are just fine? Who is watching the baby while your slave wife works in the yard? You often mention naps- People that rely on their hands to make a living on a homestead work from sunup till sundown but you take naps. Thats cute. Once she has been here long enough for a divorce she will not say things are just fine. Get your tiny head out of the compost and see what a mess you created.

Spreading lies to turn people against us is slander and a crime

Not once have I lied about you. Its all things I saw on your videos. If you don't want us to see the bad stuff then maybe you should pretend this is a job and do some editing. No crime to tell you what you have shown or said on YOUR videos. Maybe you should consult an attorney about your rights and what is slander and what makes a crime. Where is your big fat lawyer friend Molly Dolly? Shouldn't she be telling you that you are bringing all this on yourself? Did she run like the rest of your friends? I figured as much

You talking to me or someone else?

Cause its not me. Makes me want to puke when I go over there.

Like a greasy filthy feeling you just cant wash off.

But is certainly shows your paranoia

@thediyworld, Did you know Hitler had a problem with Filth too. A Big problem.


@thediyworld I’m glad you’re laughing and having a great time on steemit, because I doubt you’re going to be laughing much during your IRS tax audit. LOL.

Oh just wait. When I find out who to turn to for help because you are using the Federal Government to harass us - boy you are gonna wish you never knew me.

No one’s going to help you, unless you pay a lawyer plenty of money, money that you’ll lose when you’re found guilty. Good luck with that, you’re going to need it. You made your bed, now you have to lie in it. You enjoy lying, that’s why you do it so much, but it’s going to ruin you in the end.

It is encouraged by our government to report tax crimes. Now how did you want to spin this???? LMAO

So you and him have something in common huh?

More than one thing I would say. LOL!!!!!

If you showered occasionally the greasy feeling might go away. As for puking you should be feeling betting better since leaving the toxic dump in NY.

Oh, so now you are saying that our new homestead IS clean?

Its so interesting how you guys contradict yourselves all the time.


Do you suffer from some form of ADD Troy . His statement suggested the new home is still somewhat organized as compared to what can only be described as a dumpstead left behind in NY . Your well on the path to cluttering up this place .

Oh, no. I feel just fine. But I am not sure what videos YOU watch. Because this place is so beautiful.

Chernobyl was clean in comparison to your toxic dump in NY. Mi property was fine until your arrival but is now on the way to becoming toxic dump #2. The cloud follows you just like Pig Pen.

That's some good looking chickens you have there.

Thanks. They sure were happy to be let out in such a large area. We feed them only natural food, kitchen scraps and what they can forage.


YOU are trying to get our baby taken away.

YOU are trying to fabricate evidence again in an attempt to get me in jail.

YOU are harassing me on my own blog.

YOU are stalking my family in the real world.

Your baby will be taken away on your account of your actions.
No body to blame but yourself. nothing new on that front.

My actions?

What actions are you talking about?

We show videos of our daily life on the homestead.

I dont see how any REAL evidence that could cause our child to be taken away.

But I sure bet you guys have fabricated evidence.

@mollydolly, Reid is doing the same to me with his diy-electronics account.

More proof he is crooked.

All the evidence is in YOUR videos, in YOUR words.

Nothing is fabricated.

You are a lying common troll. Nothing you say can be trusted. Nothing you write is true.

We show our daily videos of life on our homestead.

You try to edit, modify, twist and pervert what we show.

Working on it, he has pages and pages that need to be reported, I don't want the IRS to miss anything, Its going to be a huge report, thats why I have not been commenting, I figure his AUDIT will be over a month

offgridproject, Have you noticed the satisfaction achieved by taking the time and making the effort to right a wrong committed by a maggot clinging to the exit orifice of the human species? To see Justice served. is a feeling that can't be put into words.

Your form of justice is to harass an innocent family and attempt to destroy our lives.

Dont you think that after 5 years of fabricating evidence against me maybe you should eventually give up?

One day you guys will use the authorities to harass us one too many times. One day I pray they turn on your for wasting tax payer dollars.

Reid as a true Christian are you suppose to pray for bad things to happen to people?
Sounds counter intuitive to the basics of what you profess to believe.
The reality of it is just wishful thinking.
Just consider us the flames of hell biting you in the ass.

Tax payer dollars, who paid for Chris's baby and all the medical bills? Certainly wasn't you on your YT income. You must be claiming to be poverty level to get free health care.

Bring on the Whistle Blowers, you can get paid a lot of money to take him down.
All the evidence is here on a blockchain!

You have a lot of gifts in the mail this week TR, nice.
How do you access each one for declaring to the good tax people?

I really do not think my taxes are any of your business.

If your not paying taxes because Troy's law says he doesn't have to, then we all want to be singing on the same hymn sheet.Is that fair Reid!

I have no idea what you are talking about. Everyone should pay their taxes.

Tax evasion is every bodies business. are you hiding something?

I do wonder though if the IRS takes lightly to people trying to use them to harass people?

They love whistle blowers they have a page dedicated to dropping a dime on persons like you.

But how on earth would you have any knowledge of my taxes? You see, that is the big question.

Unless you are fabricating evidence against me, there is NO WAY you could have any real knowledge of my taxes.

Odd that you would even think about such a thing.

If your not hiding anything and your so squeaky clean then why are you so worried.
If everything is good then may the Trolls will give up and leave you alone altough I beg to ask why are you so unpopular, the only YouTuber with is keen dedicated .sucks forum?
Maybe we all have it all wrong and you are as pure as the driven snow!

Reid you need to seek professional medical help.
Your having a real problem determining whats reality and fantasy.
Your living in your own world of make believe.

Why don't you release your tax information on the internet so we can all see it gilholey

That's what Al Capone said as he sat in a prison cell as his brain was being eaten out by syphilis

Did someone estimate the unpaid taxes on all these gifts could be as much as 100k?
Even a low percentage reward could really set someone up, what an easy way to make some money.

Surely Troy declared all these gifts, two vehicles (Olds Aurora + Dodge truck), many vacations as income when he recieved it. IRS 'loves' lying tax evaders, eh Troy.

Surely Troy declared all these gifts, two vehicles (Olds Aurora + Dodge truck), many vacations as income when he recieved it. IRS 'loves' lying tax evaders, eh Troy.
Hiding a truth does NOT make it go away cause you still OWE the taxes + PENALTIES> Those IRS penalties are nasty for those that lie and cheat, eh Troy.

NOTE: You will likely notice a whole mess of filth and accusations in the comments below placed there by Reid. I had blocked the truth on YouTube but the truth found me here. They are on me like a disturbed hornets nest seeking revenge because I lied and deceived them. The truth extended into real life. Do NOT engage the truth for your own safety.

Thank you !
Because I'm a filthy lying sack of Off Grid BS
Troy Reid

I know you are talking about yourself but you got my name in there in some places. Think you got it a bit messed up.

Because I am here sharing our daily lives on the homestead.

I do NOT bother or harass anyone anywhere at all.

YOU are harassing us in the real world and the internet.

I'll follow you. and follow me

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Poor little man, Getting your ass kicked with evidence from your own videos. Get a job you slimy little prick.

I need to get a job too maybe I will make articles and videos for Troy because he is the only
one here that can pay for my work in social media LOL.

Phildip, Is everyone on your home planet IQ challenged?

Maybe, I think your from the some one so that makes you calling your self intelligence quotient challenged

Ohh, thats funny coming from someone who calls themself dimwhit

You could make video's of all your scat adventures.

Oh, I am happy with my job, thank you. I guess you must be jealous or you would not be harassing me.

The only thing we do is show videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

Most of your so called "evidence" is fabricated by editing videos.

That has been proven time and time again when authorities come to investigate me for all the crimes you guys set me up for all these years.

Again little man you need to improve on your lack of reading and comprehension skill. Fact is not harassment and I am not sure what "you guys" are but I am not one.
Your logic is that of a Liberal. Repeating the same lies over and over does not make them true.

Your warped idea of facts are criminal harassment online and offline

The crazy thing is that you guys are threatening my family so openly and then in another comment, deny it.

This poor guy is not stable enough or competent to be raising a child.
Every statement out of his filthy mouth is a fib.

Oh. So the chickens are imaginary and I did imaginary work in this video?

You guys do call this a stage prop right?

He's doing a great job if you ask me.Michelle looks very happy and healthy.

Everybody loves her and talks about her everywhere we go. She is growing so fast too.

Does she put out??? I like them young.

wow you really went there talking about raping a baby honey badger you're something special aside from a piece of garbage right

That's threatening to rape somebody what you just said can never be unsaid I really hope you go to prison for that s*** Anthony Weiner's going to prison for 18 months for stupid s*** on the internet
