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RE: Homestead Garden Work & Building A Chicken Run

Youtube is a business and pays other businesses, now that means you must pay your taxes and Your wife must pay hers, Oh wait your wife is not allowed to work, hmmm, yet she has her own cooking show on Youtube and is working with out a green card, well thats illegal... gonna have to report that... and she works in your business, might be for free but you still show her in your videos and your collecting money from YouTube and steem it, so that means she is working...

So now she is working 3 jobs including DIY-electronics, geez, No green card and working 3 jobs WOW, well off to report her to Immagration and ICE...

Have a nice day, and learn the laws about working with out a green card


Again, thank you for being so open about your harassment of my family here in public.

It shows the type of things I am dealing with and helps to back up my side of the story.

We are just homesteaders trying to make our way through life.

You and your friends are harassing us online and offline.

Often using the authorities by turning us in for crimes we did not commit.

Often fabricating evidence by editing my videos to turn us in and get us investigated time after time after time.