in #homesteading7 years ago

This came up more quickly than we had planned!

We thought that we would have to breed this goat before we could milk her, but as it turns out, she was bred almost two months before we even got her! That's a huge bonus. Since we wound up with our own milk source a lot more quickly than we had anticipated, we figured that we should get to work building a milking stand to use!


That random pile of boards is what we planned on using. It's basically a bunch of scrap lumber and other miscellaneous boards that would most often just be burned. For us though, they are a free resource that we can repurpose and use, rather than waste.

These screws have a similar story and were all discarded. Except for the time and effort, this job should cost us nothing to get done. That's the way that I like to do it, whenever possible. Reuse and repurpose, which not only eliminates waste, but it can be incredibly cost effective.

should look like when completed. Operating this way allows for creativity, as well as "learning the hard way."Once we rounded up our tools and resources, we were ready to begin. In typical @papa-pepper style, I also did not have any real plans, only a general idea of the concept and a vague understanding of what things


This board was going to be the main platform of the stand. Since I wanted it to be about as high as a five gallon bucket, I set it on top of a five gallon bucket. Pretty smart, huh?

Then I began adding the legs, and reinforcing them for maximum stability. Once the platform and legs were taken care of, I just needed the head mount.


The base may not be the prettiest, but it certainly is stable and functional. I definitely don't want to put anyone or any animal in harm's way, so I make sure to do the best that I can on jobs like this.


For the head mount I secured one upright board to the platform and left the other one able to swivel on only one fixed point. This way it can be moved to allow Daisy's head through and then secured safely on her neck. At first, it was a little too wide and she just pulled her head out and left, but after a minor distance adjustment we were good to go.

Here Red-Pepper shows how the head mount works and how we can just use a short stick to hold it still. I wanted it safe and secure, but also simple enough that my @little-peppers wouldn't struggle with it. So far, so good!

The finished project looks great, and should be able to be used for milking goats, shearing sheep, and trimming hooves on both of those animals. If so, we will get a lot of use out of it. Daisy seems comfortable enough, but I'll probably add a feeding tray to the front to give her something to do while we milk her.

here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and


Until next time…

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GIF provided by @orelmely


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Your always doing something crazy...

That's very similar to how we built our old milking stand! We made sure the kids could maneuver it too. It's so important for them to be able to help us and feel like their contribution is actually making a difference. You can see it in their faces, very rewarding! All these pictures of your piglets and milk goat are making me eager to get this new homestead steaming (or should I say steeming?) along! We did invest in Icelandic hens, so right now while other hens are taking their winter breaks, we're getting a solid 6-8 eggs/day, which is great, but I'm tired of having to go to the store for milk!
These were our first kids on Crowbar Farm. The Mama was not letting the babies nurse at first so we were getting up every few hours to get them nursing. I think she caught on by day 3 or 4, but it was an exhausting couple days! Our goat was an Alpine/Nubian/Saanen cross. Cleanest goat milk I've ever had. Even fooled a few friends who don't like goat milk into thinking it was cow's milk! She gave 3/4 gal each morning, then we let the babies have the rest and just separated them at night. What type of goat do you have?

looks cool
but what the goat think about this?

Well done sire. Keep up the good work

interesting post, I like a child who is so cheerful and their smiles are so beautiful.

Yeah, they are excited and happy about it all!

please log in to my blog

I like the goat, in the Kiss, don't eat the grass of his tp wkwkw


That looks familiar!

thank you my friend. I am very happy to follow you

I like the idea of the milking stand. very good. I like the way you involve your children they look so happy and healthy. thank you for a great post @papa-pepper.

Yeah, if the children cannot watch and help, they will not learn certain things. To simply look at a photo online and then create it can be a good thing for them to observe. Thank you!

Beautiful, that's awesome.. Thumbs up bro

a very healthy goat, and a very beautiful goat, I really like the pet goat @papa-pepper.

Wow, You have done a pretty impressive job!

Reuse and repurpose, which not only eliminates waste, but it can be incredibly cost effective.

Totally agree!

And the kids apparently had a great time looks like you have a whole crew of goat milkers

Oh yes, they enjoy it very much!

The beauty of this is the interaction of the girl from the pink sweater with the goat, that little girl has a beautiful and noble heart.

I will tell her you said so. Thanks!

Industrious people.

It always fun having kids willing to participate in new invention.

The availability of a feeding rack to the project will helping easy milking from the goat/sheep

Yes it will! Soon enough. Thank you!

Hi sir
Wonderful post as usual
With proof, as usual!

Looks like you have some great helpers!! Thanks for the tutorial. I look forward to having milking goats in the near future. I have made goat cheese from a neighbor's goat and it was delicious!!

this is a very good job,

continue to share this kind of experience, this will be an example for us. @papa-pepper always involves very dutiful children to parents, I am very proud to have a child like this @papa-pepper.

when I was little, my grandmother also had a goat. steamed milk is very cool and useful. I was afraid of milking her, afraid that she would butt)) I would have such an adaptation at the time)

I've always loved all yo posts.
I also do not like wastage so i like to recycle and repurpose like you.
I can see that you guys had loads of fun doing the project especially the little cute peppers😉
Little daisy feels comfortable in her new home.
Repurposing saves a whole lot of money and the turnup is always nice.
Have fun.Nice one @papa-pepper.

Ingenius and economical ideas!

images.jpeg Something like a removable tray would do like this for Daisy to eat/chew something while milking @papa-pepper. The wheels would add a touch of mobility.

Good Job and u made an awesome thing to get milk from it easily.

good teamwork and luck to minimize a little work with the goat, by the way very rich goat milk congratulate them and beautiful family that have

such a great work thats how we should do, im glad for you having thoese upvotes , my best one 0.4 maybe lol the begainnig on steemit is a bit hard , we need some encouragement from you mates I belive in relation with this beautiful commuity, waiting to see your next professional work

Oh!!!!! This is another super cool idea

Never tried goats milk but goat cheese... DAMN is that stuff good.. I'd love to have some of my own land soon though and finally be able to grow what I eat and truly know where my energy is coming from.
Hope you have a good day @papa-pepper

I love how you got your kids involved 😀 they are learning awesome life skills while having fun. I think a food tray is an awesome idea, I know everytime I nurse or pump I get insanely thirsty and hungry right away. I'm sure it is probably true for all mammals.

Ah, this is so cool! Love it. Will you make cheese from the milk?

Since I wanted it to be about as high as a five gallon bucket, I set it on top of a five gallon bucket. Pretty smart, huh?

Now we're cooking with peanut oil!

Always impressed at how resourceful you are. It's awesome you can reuse so much stuff. And the finished milking stand looks great. I was imagining you testing it on Daisy only to have her head pop out. Then running to catch her so you could try again.
At least she doesn't look too spooked by it. And the feeding trough should go a long way toward calming any fears about it. What's to get mad about when you can eat?

Very cool papapepper!

Keep up the good work sire. Lovely kids

wow....what a nice work. i like your BUILDING A MILKING STAND FOR DAISY post @papa-pepper . thanks for share the post.

So creative.... Amazing

Its hard work but so creative @papa-pepper

Thank you! It pays off in the end!

Ma men... you are like Papa-Mcgiver all over that goat

LOL - Thanks!

I like a child who is so cheerful and their smiles are so beautiful.Thanks @papa-pepper

wow, amazing, very interesting post

![IMG_20180201_104433.jpg]( did you ever choose a sheep, like this

I always love how you keep @little-peppers involved. Well done @pappa-pepper

Thank you. They are the future.... and the present!

This looks soo funny. Daisy seems to enjoy it after all. Kids are having really fun building the milking stand.

Looks like Daisy will be comfortable there :)
I usually wing everything with wood scraps too. It helps that my husband is a tradesman so has all the know how in his head, and can guide me in the right direction haha.
This past spring I found a huuuge amount of windows for free and he built me a greenhouse! Most of the wood used was scrap from jobsites, we did buy a load of gravel for the ground and some plastic panels for the roof though.
Its really nice building stuff with materials that would otherwise go to waste :)
Take care,
Very nice construction @papa-pepper! <3 @amymya

wow .... very interesting and fun day day life goat sheep ...@papa-pepper

Great Post & Pictures!
I’ve never had goats milk.
Steem & stead on :)

And that's how you do it... reuse, reduce, recycle! What a fun family time you shared. I love seeing families playing, working and having fun together. Slow life down so you may enjoy it... life goes so quickly and the kiddos are grown up and out of your home. Cherish these moments.

We cherish them! Thanks @sending-arrows! Any chance that name comes from the book of Psalms?

Absolutely! One of my favorites... Psalm 127:4-5. Our quiver is full with 3 little warriors who do damage for the Kingdom! 🏹 Arrows to the enemy!

Man you really got seems to me U r the man of dedication.....what u want in your life you accomplish it.....#DaySpentWell

This is really amazing. Well done sir! What a bonus! Can you send some milk through Steemit? Haha

I love when you have the kids around.. Haha... They makes it a fun experience as they're fun to watch.

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