Simplifying the process only works if you actually do it correctly.
A while ago I had a good idea: let's hook up a watering system for the rabbits so that we no longer have to fill the individual bottles. The idea was great and I even hooked up the system pretty well, but there was one error that I made.
The mistake that I made, which should have been an obvious error in hindsight, was that I ran the plastic tubing directly next to the cages. The plastic tubing hooks a five gallon bucket of water up to six different watering spouts. This is supposed to allow rabbits in each pen to be able to drink as much as they want until the water supply is depleted.
Unfortunately, the tubing is not bite-proof and the rabbits can stick the front of their faces out of the cages. This allowed them to chew right through the tubing and ruin the whole system. Obviously, once a hole is in the system, it doesn't work anymore. Honestly, I should have thought about this ahead of time and realized that the rabbits, who like to gnaw, would reach the tubing and chew through it.
The tubing wasn't that expensive to replace, but I wasn't thrilled to have to invest more time in redoing something that I already did. Again, as long I learn my lesson I don't mind, but it still can be irritating. Thankfully, my caging allowed for a relatively easy fix, which also means that it would have been easy to just do properly in the first place.
Here you can see how I now put the tubing far away from the reach of the rabbits. I just wove it under the caging and brought it up to connect it to the drinking spout. This way, the only part that the rabbits can reach is the drinking spout.
I think that I have sufficiently learned from my mistakes, and hopefully by sharing this here you can all avoid making the same foolish mistakes that I did.... well for those of you who plan on hooking up watering systems for your rabbits anyway! Hope it helps.
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Until next time…
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Are those rabbits for pets or food?
Trial and error is one of the best teachers. Those rabbits got sharp teeth. Reminds me of the true story of a guy who was dropping off an item at a friends house and had his Macaw in the front seat of his car. When he returned to the car, the Macaw had bitten clean through the steering wheel...
Wow! Now that is a story!
Yup, rabbits will chew on just about anything, including fingers ;-)
This is a good lesson for the other farm animals, especially pigs. Pigs will eat anything.
True story - in the UK I worked on a pig farm. One day a concrete block fell off a wall and into a pig pen. I saw it in the morning and went back in the afternoon to pull it out and put it back on the wall.
The pigs had eaten it! And they were eyeing up the next block that looked like it might come down.
Makes you wonder how they stayed in the pen huh? And these were super pigs. If they all got out and started rampaging through the countryside, no house withing about 10 miles would have been safe from being nibbled on.
I heard that a bowling ball is about the only toy that lasts with pigs, mostly because it is smooth and round enough for them to not be able to get a grip.
Great," that is why they is a say that experience is the best teacher" you have gain the experience. Kudos to you.
Hmm, one may not know the actual or correct way of doing a particular thing until you try one out. And experience is the best teacher
Good point!
I have learned more through "experience" (failure) then through success. The key is to not give up after the failure.
Wonderful idea..
and great work.
And yout pets are so cute i love this.
Thanks for sharing your thought. sir
Excelent idea! In this way your rabbits stays hidrateted all the time, and the most important thing is that you can go outside relaxed thinking that they have all they need. WATER and Food till you come back and verify them. Good ideea. Congratulation!
Thank you. I'm glad that you like it!
Seems like a genius idea in the first place. And you fixed the problem so easily. I would have been thinking copper pipe or something involving a lot more work. You may have noticed I'm homesteading vicariously through you and a few others. I live in downtown in a small town in Texas and the things you are doing fascinate me. Something I might have done when I was younger.
Cool! I'm glad that you find what we are to interesting. My wife was born in Texas and we enjoy heading there when we get the opportunity.
I have always learned the hard way. Every time it was irritating to repeat the the same thing that i had previously done. It requires a lot of patience.
Yeah, hopefully that irritation is encouragement to do it right the second time.
I would have such a system already, but as I ponder the snow on the ground I still wonder how you keep the system from icing upwhen their trays freeze solid?
Their strong chewing instinct that makes them such a great source of fertilizer can make them equally destructive if great care is not taken to keep vulnerable objects away from them.
wow very excellent
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Hi my friend how are you. I like your posts✌️👍
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I think that is your pet animal
really that is goot
I like it
thanks for sharing
Wonderful post
Thanks for sharing this post
I like this animals
Best of luck.
good animal that is
looking so prety that is
It really is!
Not a mistake... you discovered the learning curve when it comes to rabbits.
See... that sounds better, right?
Okay, a learning curve then! lol
i agree with you.
please try....
I'll try and try again!
its an educative matter.
thanks a lot dear...
Now that is a great fix!
It worked... so far!
rabbit is also my favourite animal, l like your idea
Cool! I think that my first pet was a rabbit, appropriately named "Hop."
Live and learn.
Amen to that! Options are limited!
your idaea is really good
cheaper than iron pipe or copper.
Yup. Sure is.
post is very interesting and good information
Thursty wabbits! Good job @papa-pepper 🐰
Lol, thank you Mr. Fudd.
This is a great idea.
With a very fast process, all will be successful again.
Rabbits are animals that like to chew soft things, @papa-pepper.
birds chirping
I love rabbits, had them as a child. Glad to see someone take such good care of all their animals. Thank you for caring and, thank you for sharing!
🏁 exceptional & This is very nice!
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Very clever of you. That should speed the process up a bit. Why don't the rabbits shew on the spigot? They don't tear that up too?
That part is metal. It's lasted so far.
Great to learn from our mistakes.
That it is, or save yourself the time and just learn from mine!
I learnt late last year not to term any trial with an unexpected end a failure but rather a means of learning. If you don't try, you don't learn. what you just shared is a further prove of the statement. When I'm engaging in something related to what you shared, I won't make the mistake you made as I've learnt from you. well-done sir!!!
You don't think there will be any hiccups with the tubing being lower than the drinking point? I don't have any experience with this system but it is something I've been reading about a little bit in relation to quail keeping, if I decided to go with cages at any point.
Another fix I might have done would have been putting some hardware cloth at the bottom outside of the bun cages so they couldn't stick their paws and faces through the cages. So many different fixes! :)
I don't think so. The five gallon bucket reservoir is high enough.
Rabbits can be a pain. I tried them for a while but found them to be hard to have in cages. They get to pulling their hair and beating each other up. But I probably would too if I was in a cage. Ended up with them on the ground surrounded by chainlink and they did a bit better.
Here is the video of what my design was for my rabbits. It worked pretty well having the copper pipe, but the hard part is ensuring the system siphoned correctly. The heater needed to be regulated so it didn't get the water boiling in the tank, but the idea was good. Rabbit waterer
Cool man. Thanks for that. We like to have them on pasture during the summer.
Live and learn. Took them awhile to build Rome.
You think they finally got it right in the end?
They learn from Pisa what not to do.
In my job we are big on reviewing projects and creating lists of "Lessons Learned". One person in our group noted that if the "Lesson Learned" is not applied correctly it's just a mistake.
Looks like you learned and applied it well.
Lol, good point and that sounds like a worthwhile project.
Sometimes we need to experiment to find the best way to do something. As long as we learn from failures it is all good. We repeat the same mistake several times, then we have a problem.
Yes, that would be a problem.
The wise man learns by making mistakes, the foolish man repeats the same mistake.
If you haven't made a mistake you haven't made anything.
Now you and all the other and potential homesteaders who want to grow rabbits know how to water them.
Nice, I've said for a while now that "Making a mistake does not make you a fool, but refusing to learn from it increases the odds."
This is brilliant. You have one of my favourite animals; rabbit. I love them and i am still going to rear them again. I love all breeds but my favourite is the "New zealand white"; all white with red eyes. I love these collections you have. A saw a blue beveren there. Is there any animal you don't raise? Hahahaha. I am really picking up lessons from you a lot. Thank you for always sharing.
LOL - There are a few animals that we don't raise!
Really? Like? Hahaha like dogs i guess...only because i read it when you talked about it. Haha.
“We don’t make mistakes, we just have happy accidents”-Bob Ross 🙂
Your rabbits are so adorable. I love their black and white furs and their cute little noses.
Your thought and idea is really amazing.I have a cat.And i will try to apply your idea.

100% upvote and resteem done sir. Thanks for sharing your great work sir @papa-pepper
Is a good innovation .i have learned slot from your post thanks for sharing your idea and your mistake as well. Kudos brother.
Ha! Nice one, @papa-pepper ! While doing experiments we meet such unpleasant results and failures :D We still continue experiments because the failures are a stepped stone to our success. You did a good job right there ;) It is only by experience that we learn not to repeat our mistakes.
Thanks for sharing..Good idea @papa-pepper..
I read this and could not help hearing Elma Fudd in the back of my head...
be vewwy, vewwy quiet, we'we out watewing the wabbits...
The beauty of failing while learning is that you learn what not to do. As long a mistake is learned from, it is not a mistake, it is an error. The biggest mistake is to not learn, or not try something different, to just give up is not acceptable in learning either.
And a small mistake in the short term can lead to valuable time and effort being saved in the long term when you do not make that mistake on a large project of similar style.
Cute bunnies! You've so many animals, have you ever thought of doing a tour of your place? I'm sure many would love to watch!
Used to raise rabbits in Virginia! Had my watering system with pressure from the house. Had to run the pipe underground to prevent freezing. I learned many things along the way. I never had the rabbits bite through my water lines, but I found the females to be pretty deadly in many ways. You had to make a place for the momma rabbit to get away from her bunnies or she may kill them. Also you could not leave the buck in with the doe or she would kill him or wound him by method of non-surgical castration. Also, don’t let the kids name them if you intent to eat any! What’s for dinner? “Mary!” Didn’t go over very well!