Another tale is about to unfold concerning our man from Michigan . The reason(s) the man was forced to abandon his empire in Pine Bush NY . Several videos and countless comments all documented by the man himself will have you scratching your head in disbelief . We will concentrate on 3 different ones . Let us begin , shall we .
Harassment and Vandals : Persons of ill repute were travelling hundreds if not thousands of miles several times per week to lay carnage upon our hero . Killing chickens , destroying property and general mischief all done while professionally installed video surveillance captured , well , none of it . This is the one our hero wishes everyone to sympathize with and take to heart . The truth in this one has more holes in it then a pasta strainer .
Mortgage or Land Contract : As stated and documented by the man himself he was unable to meet the monthly payment . A subliminal message to garner sympathy donations no doubt . You see folks this is how our hero operates . He doesn't directly ask for your money , just throw an idea out to the audience . Crafty but you can only go to well so often .
Code Violations : Lastly and most likely the true reason for his departure . The tiny shack on wheels was uninhabitable for permanent residency . A structural nightmare . The initial build was more than adequate with the guidance from his friend Hahn ( not his actual name ) it was the projects our hero added to the initial build that come into question .
The electrical installment was brazenly amateurish , dangerous in some regards .
No septic system to speak of . Compost toilet and buckets to receive waste from sinks and shower .
Finally and to me the author the most bizarre aspect of the mans existence at the fairy meadow . He didn't have a well . Traveled to a near by creek and collected rain water was his source . The man's property was surrounded by wetlands . The well would have and should have been high priority . Several years passed without an attempt to remedy this .
All the code violations were easily remedied and with plenty of time to complete . Did our hero attempt to right the wrongs ? NO , he drove around on his $700.00 juvenile mini bike , spent monies on a failed greenhouse along with countless trips to name a few , all the while claiming poverty .
What do you think of our main character Troy ?
My next tale will feature some of our hero's friends and ardent supporters . A self proclaimed judicial representative . Another , like our hero , a chicken loving , crown bearing individual . The main character will be BJ Hands On . Stay tuned .
In all fairness Troy I would like to give you the honor of suggesting a topic for one of my stories . Some conditions apply . I will not put to words anything about FBD for the simple fact that all your troubles with him started before I began following your channel . I could go back and watch earlier videos to get a better grasp of the situation but let's face it , a person can only watch grass grow or paint dry a limited amount of time .
2nd and more importantly no mention of that site whom you consider a blight upon this very earth .
Thirdly , and I must be firm on this condition . You must upvote this post . As with all my comments the proof of my words are easily verified from your very own videos and comments . I must insist you do likewise .