The Off Grid Tiny House On Wheels I Built On Our Homestead

in #homesteading7 years ago

I built a fully off grid tiny house on wheels using mostly recycled materials which became my home for a few years on my 56 acre homestead. My story starts out in a run down, drafty camper when I lost my job and apartment during a blizzard. But that is a story I shared already.

You can go back and see that story here:

I had a 56 acre plot of land I was buying on a land contract where I was making my way through life. I made daily YouTube videos of my experiences and that paid my bills and the mortgage.

I was a mile from the last paved road and a quarter mile from the last house. I was truly and fully off the grid.

Eventually I started to demolish that old camper to get the trailer for the frame for my tiny house on wheels. It was hard to demolish the camper which had been my home through some hard times but I needed the trailer and I was tired of suffering in the cold.

I was going to build an off grid tiny house on wheels like never before seen. And I was going to do it using recycled materials.

Things were falling into place as I was working on preparing the trailer for my tiny house. I got a lumber yard clean out job where I got all the plywood sheathing I would need for the project.

Someone gave me some windows that were so new the stickers were still on them.

I found a stove and sink on craigslist that were used but would do the job for me.

With some help from a friend I got the framing done and then got the sheathing on the tiny house. We managed to get the roof on before the rainy season hit full force.

And then it was all work inside the tiny house.

I build literally everything myself using all recycled materials.

The paneling on the walls came from the lumber yard job. I had some old pine lumber which had been sitting for 10 years outside in the weather. When you cut it open, it was beautiful and pink like a piece of salmon.

I got a free table saw and got to work cutting my own paneling out of 2x4 lumber. I would slice the wood the long way to get about 3 wide and 2 short pieces of paneling from each 2x4.

I used an air compressor and brad nailer to get the paneling done fast. I had to use a generator to power the air compressor though.

In the image you can see I used LED light strips to make indirect LED lighting in my living room. These were powered by solar panels with battery backups. At this time I only had 12 volt DC power in my off grid tiny house.

I used the scraps from my paneling to make a butcher block style kitchen counter. I sanded and heavily varnished this to give it a protective coating.

A friend came over and built the stairs for me and helped frame in the bathroom walls while he was there.

I used recycled pallet wood on the bathroom walls to give it a beautiful rustic look. I also had some porcelain and brass bathroom fixtures I got for free which I put on the walls.

It looked like some resort area bathroom rather than something I had built.

I had a wood stove that I bought from a friend for only $50 which I installed on a raised platform in the living room. This heated the off grid tiny house very nicely.

For backup if I was gone in the winter, I had a blue flame propane heater which has a thermostat setting on it. I could keep the tiny house from freezing when I was away.

I picked up some antique newspapers which I thought looked very good in that corner.

Later I got married and my wife Melanie added her touches to the tiny house like curtains and homemade pillow covers.

And then I got to work putting hanging racks on the walls for her pots and pans, utensils and other things so that my new wife would be happy.

Behind the pots and pans you can see a different kind of pallet wood I used on the kitchen walls. I had planed this to reveal the beautiful wood colors and textures inside. I also hand oiled all the walls with mineral oil three times to protect and preserve the wood.

Later I improved the wood stove and chimney system. As the funds became available I got newer and better parts. I swapped out the entire chimney with triple wall insulated stainless steel pipe.

I also put down a cast iron tray under the wood stove to catch ashes and a nice looking heat shield on the back wall to protect the walls from getting hot.

In the image you can see my companion Baby Cat checking things out. Also notice the fire extinguisher next to the wood stove for safety.

With time Melanie added some more personal touches on the inside while I continued to work on the outside of our house and property.

We also closed in the loft upstairs to give us more room now that I was married. I had an open loft with two small rooms and a crawl space between. With the arrival of Melanie we closed in the upstairs and gave her a craft room.

I continued to improve our lifestyle by adding more solar panels, rain water collection system and a real shower with hot and cold running water.

We had a propane on demand hot water heater and a real stand up shower with a shower head. The kitchen and bathroom had hot and cold running water on demand.

I used two 275 gallon water tanks inside a rain water storage shed I built to collect the water coming off the roof of our off grid tiny house. We had no well so we had to rely on the rain water for all our needs.

We filtered the rain water using a black berkey water filter which gave us safe drinking water.

A 12 volt RV water pump kept the tiny house water lines pressurized at all times. The house was wired through and through with 12 volt DC outlets and USB outlets.

Eventually I wired up AC power to an inverter which was out in the water and battery shed.

I expanded on the power and got 8 Trojan golf cart batteries to provide all our needs after the sun went down.

I had two Tristar solar charge controllers and two Renogy solar charge controllers which were connected to 1,200 watts of solar panels.

This gave us enough to run our laptops, water pump, LED lighting, 32 inch LED TV and other small devices with no problem.

Eventually we had to leave our little tiny house on wheels but that is another story.

Please follow and share our journey.

We moved to an 18 acre homestead in Northern Michigan surrounded by State land. It is peaceful and quiet here. We are taking our two houses and garage off the grid using the equipment we brought with us from New York.

But that is also another story which is unfolding even now.

Thank you for reading.

NOTE: You will likely notice a whole mess of filth and accusations in the comments below. These are trolls I had blocked on YouTube and found me here. They are on me like a disturbed hornets nest seeking revenge because I blocked them. Their harassment has extended into real life. Do NOT engage the trolls for your own safety.

You see, you cannot go off the grid and leave the rat race behind without picking up some jealous trolls.

Please Subscribe & follow my daily YouTube videos

Read my articles at The Do It Yourself World

The Do It Yourself World


Tiny+solar = new way of life.

Troy Reid wasn’t even living in his tiny shack on blocks for a lot of the time at the meadow that he turned into a dumpsite. New York state regulations require a building for occupation to be at least 800 square feet. His tiny hut was around 300 square feet. He resided elsewhere, fully on grid and used the shack and dumpsite as a film set in order to keep his off grid scam going and keep the donations rolling in. For quite a few months, before he hightailed it to Michigan, him and his imported wife, who was paid for by donations, were trying to live in the shack, illegally. His youtube income had dropped substantially and he couldn’t make the payments of rent for where they were really staying and rent on the dumpsite. With no running water and a baby on the way, thay had to flee, leaving behind tons of trash at the once pristine meadow. Absolutely shameful.


He was at one w/ nature in the unmovable shit shack in the back yard of an old ladies house on her property...T-bag never owned anything and bankrupted a retired widow by forcing her to clean up his toxic illegal garbage dump site...

@danmcc Was this the tiny house? I'm not sure I see it. Is it the tall structure? This can't be a real picture, is it? I'm stunned! Is this on his channel?

Yes, that is actually where he lived surrounded by rotting dead animals and buckets of human waste...He won't post those videos here, but they are all on You-Tube...

Oh, show the photos of my fire wood pile before I cleaned it up. Just will till I find my photos of it after we made it look nice.

Oh. Interesting story. But your fantasy sure is different that the stuff I showed on my daily videos.

You know, the videos of our real daily lives.

Bugs you that you guys could never get me kicked out huh

You guys....
Grow the hell up. You effectively got yourself kicked out of NY. Your extremely low quality videos meant that viewership dropped substantially, reducing your income so you couldn’t keep up with the land payments. Now in Michigan, with your youtube income dopping even further, you still refuse to get a real job. At 48 years of age, you needed your parents to help buy you dumpsite No 2.

And look up Land Contract. There is no kicking out of a land contract.

@thediyworld, Sure there is, when YOU stopped paying on your so-called contract, YOU voided that said contract.
Stop blaming trolls.

Actually I left because of harassment, vandalism and the fact that sucks members were threatening to have our child taken away.

NY is more of a nazi state so we moved to MI.

And do NOT even try to deny it because some are even on here bragging about trying to get our child taken away.

Its on the block chain and now its permanent.

@thediyworld. You, in your own words and video stated from the start, it was about your income.
Mrs. Wright had enough of you.
Doc Ryan is the only one that said he would turn you in as soon as he saw you violating anything, not "you guys".
Then while on one of your many "vacations" you told your family Melanie was pregnant and started looking for houses in MI. Your mother bailed you out.
Even Mrs. John Thayer verified this.
You know, and I know, there was no way you could have lived in that un-zoned property, especially with a newborn child.
The trailer was just a prop for your show.
You were living in an apartment the entire time.

You said you loved NY, now it's a "nazi state"?

Boy, you change your story with blame,
the same way the wind blows.

You NEVER has Proof of vandalism or harassment.
Even with having a survellience system.
No proof.

That's why the police did not take you serious and called You "whacked" (your words, not mine, remember?"

Oh, and we pay our own bills, thank you

You lost the land deal by failing to pay, you even admitted it in a video

Actually NO. I said that we were moving due to harassment from you guys, the threats to have our baby taken away and the fact that you guys were reducing our income.

But you always leave those parts out huh.

Nope, you stood there and said you didn't have the money for this month's rent. You had to move and you can't remember your lies

@thediyworld If you’re so afraid of trolls coming onto your property, why do you have no problem giving out your address when some well meaning but ignorant viewer wants to send you free stuff?

By the way, what things have you bought yourself for your daughter? A real man (or woman) would be providing for his family by himself, not relying on donations because he refuses to get a real job.


Actually no. It was one of your friends who forced us to leave NY.

Remember the psycho green haired man who vowed to destroy our lives and have our baby taken away and will use all his strength to the day he dies?

Remember that one?

Here is the link if you forgot:

Yeah, that is the big reason. That and the visits to our property every 2nd to 3rd night.

Melanie was pregnant and afraid to go outside anymore.

Boy you guys are such a fine gang huh

@thediyworld No one trespassed on your property. That is a lie you have been propagating to try and smear your detractors, the ones who are awake to your scamming ways. Doc wont be doing a thing, unless you show actual evidence of any mistreatment of your baby on video. Do the right thing and you wont have anything to worry about on that front. Trying to raise a baby in the illegal structure in NY would have been a recipe for disaster though, so you had to flee.

@jackhoffman, You guys, you guys, you guys. Reminds me of the character Frank Burns from Mash.Sniveling, slimy, incompetent Mommy's Boy always following the path of least resistance.
Deja vu.

Yes, you guys do sound pretty bad. You really should give it up finally and move on since you hate me so much.

It is not healthy for you.

Actually you guys paid a person to come to our land and its all on the internet. A permanent record.

I am sure you guys deleted it all when you shut down your forum for cleaning.

But dont worry, I have screen prints and copies enough.

Oh you guys are so innocent huh

You guys turn me in all the time. You openly plot against me and brag about it on your forum.

And then you come on here and act innocent???

You guys really need to seek professional help. I feel sorry for you.

The Off Grid Tiny House on wheels was just fine. It was warm and cozy and held the weather out nicely.

There was nothing wrong with it.

But being stalked and harassed was a problem.

And you forget, I had witnesses to the vandalism in the last months. Not that the authorities over there cared one bit. Another part of the reason for our move.

those videos and the pages from sucks have all been saved the days they were posted

@thediyworld I have already debunked your lies about that visit to Pine Bush, after you had fled the dumpstead. The thread on the sucks forum has NOT been deleted. Why would they? There was nothing wrong done by anyone. If that’s your best example of “real life harassment”, then you’ve got nothing. You say there was nothing wrong with the tiny house? Lol it was an illegal structure, not built to any codes and illegal by NY laws to permanently reside in.

So if sucks commenters were just playing with you knowing you read their site it would seem the joke is on you troy. That should hold up in court nicely unless someone has an attorney then its not gonna slide. Where is your big fat attorney friend Molly Dolly? Did she finally die of obesity?

Please think of us as super hero's saving the good and descent citizen from the likes of you.

Oh really?

So you are a super hero for setting me up for crimes I did not commit.

You are a super hero for stalking and harassing us on and off the internet

You are a super hero for trying to take our baby away.

YOU (meaning sucks members)

And dont deny it. They are bragging all over steemit now.

@thediyworld, The "green haired man" is NOT a friend of mine,
but I did see the video he made calling you out.

And I agree with everything he said.

So you stand by a man who vows to have my little child taken away no matter how or what he has to do in order to make it happen?

Ok. good. We got that all out in the open.

Thank you for admitting this to the World.

@thediyworld, And again, YOU have twisted all those facts.

I won't dwell here, however, you Failed to include that Ryan told you in that video, that when he witnesses YOU screwing up, he will report you.

You should fix your comprehension skills Reid.
Grow up.

Oh really?

So you stand by a man who vows to destroy my life until he breathes his last breath.

Let us cover point by point so we get the facts straight.

So you stand by a man who vows to destroy my source of income and chase me to the ends of the earth?

So you stand by a man who swears I never served in the military no matter that I showed awards, medals, photos and DD214

The man who rants and raves that I never served and that its all fake

i have never seen docs proof though that he was in the army or even kicked out of the army for socalled medical reasons , i wonder why not ? because fixedbydoc is a fake and passing the buck by keeping the attention on other people

so will doc for not declaring his full income,
so fixedbydoc has never lied or ebegged ? and claims he gets over $3000 a week from the government ??
then this video turns up , i hope he has told the proper departments of his extra income ,
and this is the man who bought his own land to live on
so who is the lieing scrounger now doc ?/

did you see this one fixitbydoc posted ? did you know he himself is a ebegger ? and this was not long after he bought his large bit of land and payed for it in one lumpsum ??

so will doc for not declaring his full income,
so fixedbydoc has never lied or ebegged ? and claims he gets over $3000 a week from the government ??
then this video turns up , i hope he has told the proper departments of his extra income ,
and this is the man who bought his own land to live on
so who is the lieing scrounger now doc ?/

Wait. This is the ring leader who stirs up people against me?

This is the man who is calling me all those things but he is doing precisely that?

And you will never see me asking for anything.

The fiction in this one is really spread on thick.

boy you sure are warped. Its all on YouTube.

Its almost laughable if you guys were not destroying our lives in the real world too.

for someone that makes a living off filming his life its odd you had an opportunity every 2nd or 3rd night to film bad people coming on your property but you never did. You are armed to the hilt according to you and a man does what a man's gotta do but staying up and guarding your shack is too much trouble after all its just Ming LIng who is scared. Is that what you meant to say? Not one video of a trespasser in all the years you were trashing the property. Plenty of gift opening videos and videos on how to stop trolls and how to stay healthy ( hahahahhaaha) and videos on cooking some crap meal fit for a Somalian but not one pic of a trespasser- Lets blame it on a wildlife camera with a red light. Not buying that for a second.

so will doc for not declaring his full income,
so fixedbydoc has never lied or ebegged ? and claims he gets over $3000 a week from the government ??
then this video turns up , i hope he has told the proper departments of his extra income ,
and this is the man who bought his own land to live on
so who is the lieing scrounger now doc ?/

Duh!!!! you left all your trash and high tailed it to mommy's house. Pretended someone was threatening you and maybe gonna steal some of your junk you reckon. Lets face it- you were always sick and whining and complaining you didn't have enough money and your gay friends were always in your videos. You kicked yourself off the property= remember you said you didn't have the money to pay the land note? Its in your video troy. Your memory sucks

Did you pull all the proper permits for your area to build the tiny house? How did you depose of your human waste? Was it your full-time residence or did you live somewhere else? How much were your land payments? Did you sell that property after you moved?
All questions waiting for truthful answers...?

do doc have the permits for his home on the woods ?
where do his human waste go ? as he is not plumbed into the system,
how much did he pay for that land ?
why was he ebegging after buying that land ?
where do he get his water from ?
so will doc for not declaring his full income,
so fixedbydoc has never lied or ebegged ? and claims he gets over $3000 a week from the government ??
then this video turns up , i hope he has told the proper departments of his extra income ,
and this is the man who bought his own land to live on
so who is the lieing scrounger now doc ?/

Well, you know all the answers to your questions since your friends have been harassing me for years.

But for the others here, I will answer.

  1. Not needed. Considered a camper or RV. (in my videos, as you know)
  2. $1,000 composting toilet approved by the State of New York (in my videos as you know
  3. It was my home. My homestead.
  4. None of your business really. Odd you would ask such a thing.
  5. No, because your friends (openly bragging about it) offered the lady a HUGE buyout and she is still waiting to this day. The person who did that is bragging about it here on steemit so dont try to deny it. Its a permanent part of the block chain now.

Troy was asked a question about the tiny house: Was it your full-time residence or did you live somewhere else?
A person with nothing to hide would say something like “yes and I didn’t live anywhere else.”
But he answered “It was my home. My homestead.”
Not very convincing. People can have 2 or more homes, or in Troy Reid’s case a rented room and a tiny house he pretended to live in full time that was just used as a film set.
Eventually Troy and Melanie were trying to live full time in the tiny house, after they either got evicted from their room, or left the rented premises because they could no longer afford it, due to Troy’s tanking youtube channel.

Oh what a wonderful story. You should take up writing fiction books. Make some money with your talent instead of harassing my family

Lol, glad you like it. It would be in the non fiction category though. You might consider incorporating some of the flair that you admire into your own daily little fiction stories attached to your “free entertainment “ videos. A little truth wouldn’t go astray.

I tell you what, let me write an authorised biography of you. You confess all your lies, deceptions and scams to me. Tell me what has motivated you to live this way, how you kept up the con and how the trolls finally brought you down and to your senses. You make a goodbye video, telling everyone to buy the book, then disappear from youtube. We could go halves in the sales. There could even be a movie! It might even sell more than you silly solar panels book. What do you say?

Oh, I pretended to till the garden today.

Oh, I pretended to plant the garden.

Oh, I pretended to take care of pretend chickens.

You guys are unbelievable

Come on, I know it’s hard for you, but don’t play dumb. I’m talking about the overall con, the lie that you’re 95% off grid and your whole homesteading schtick, when the fact is you’re no more off grid than many people who have normal solar panel setups. You’re less off grid than those people! Sure, you can play at actually tending a failed garden, or doing worthless experiments in your lectronics shed, or making hideous trinkets out of rotten pallet wood, or packing defenceless chickens into tiny cages.

We make videos of our daily lives on the off grid homestead.

You know what though

People on here can see that for themselves.

You guys are making fools of yourselves.

What insanity to claim it is all fake.

wrong jackhoffmann a real man would tell you to go f**k yourself

So Troy Reid isn’t a “real man” according to you? Interesting.....
By the way, where’s Skank?

You made it or business Reid.
Or have you forgot about your whine fest daily life video when you showed the documentation from the authorities of Mrs. Wright getting sited for your illegal doing trying to skirt the building codes and defecating all over the property polluting the water.

Actually I showed a video where you guys turned me in for illegal building codes and defecating.....

But there were no charges and life went on as usual at the off grid homestead.

Just another encounter with the authorities due to being set up for crimes I did not commit.

I still have a clean and spotless record despite your biggest attempts.

No water=No Occupancy.
No waste disposal=No Occupancy
Propane Heat=Not Off Grid
TSHOW sinking in the mud=Priceless

Had water. It was an RV. No permits needed.
Had $1,000 composting toilet. Sufficient I would think.
Grid = electrical power grid. Propane backup is VERY common in off grid homes
Tiny house never sunk. Never fell apart either as you guys predicted.

Health dept telling you were you not allowed to live there
You pulled NO permit
You BUILT NOTHING to code.

You were not allowed to LIVE there

Oh no, you guys failed in all those points.

Health dept made me get a $1,000 toilet but that turned out fine.

No building code for a camper/RV so you guys failed on that point too.

You guys failed to destroy me although you tried again and again.

no permits needed unless you wanted to live in it in which case it would have many codes to follow. You skirted the law and lived in an illegal shack. NY law can't live in a RV and a house must be at least 800 sq ft. Troy doesn't have to follow the law but sure spouts criminal shit on here as though he is an attorney like Molly Dolly the rollie pollie lunatic lawyer.

just cause you have a composting toilet the waste is still in it, you never answer the chicks question.

No camper living was allowed in PineBush NY

It was your land rental, not homestead

You were evicted from the land because you bought to many toys and could not pay your rent, ( yea we know Troy ) not everyone was silent after they left your property.


I continued to make my daily videos on our homestead no matter what you guys threw at me.

We left because of the constant harassment. I had no rent. It was a mortgage. You cant even get that right.

Look up Land Contract if you need more details.

Your last line does not make sense. It was Melanie and myself that left.

You had no land contract it was never registered, if its not registered its worthless.

That is one reason why you lost the property, and and not making your payments.

I did not "lose" our property. Your friends harassed us so much we left.

Again, the threats were very bad. Those threats are all online in the public.

Melanie was afraid to go outside anymore.

With a baby on the way and your friends threatening to do whatever it takes to take our baby away, we moved to Michigan which is a better place.

And do not even try to deny it because molly dolly is right on here telling me that she and another person from sucks are doing just that right now.

.sucks do not live near NY, and no one really is going to travel to visit you.

One person did but you did not live there, YOU MOVED !!!

This is steemit. Its all open. And its all permanent. Everything you guys say. It stays forever

I have the evidence video saved right here with me. Reid do need your memory refreshed?

Your "evidence" is warped and edited videos and photos

Wrong wrong wrong dumb ass troy. A state law in New York you cannot live in anything smaller than 800 sq ft. You knew this and lived in 2 different campers breaking the law then built the tarpaper shack on wheels knowing it was too small to legally live in so you claimed you were renting a room from the landlady where you were actually living in the shack. You just now admitted to it. So troy reid can pick and choose which laws he needs to abide by. Maybe we should keep an eye out for breaking laws and rules in Michigan.

Notice the photo of the pots and pans hanging,
the price tags are still on the bottoms.

These were grifted to Reid by viewers, and used as Props in his YT show.

Never used for what they were intended for, cooking.

That's what happens when you give him your money or gifts.

Uh, yeah. We had just received them as gifts.

But you know, the sad thing is that its all on my videos and yet you still try to turn people away saying its all props.

You are so odd.

We make videos of our daily lives and you call it all a fake.

Strange really.

I should add "wedding gifts" to make that clear.

Reid lies. Something you may notice in time.

He fails, omits or refuses to give you all the information needed to understand his so called daily life.

That's why one person admitted to resorting to going to his fairy meadow to see for himself,
the TRUTH.

Also keep in mind Reid loves playing the victim with drama.

Oh. Now you are saying that you guys DID pay someone to trespass on our land and take videos and photos against our will?

Good. Thank you.

It was all over on your forum anyway but thanks for clearing that up here.

@thediyworld, I don't expect you to comprehend this,
I mean, what the hell does "against our will" mean??
but I am aware Rob took it upon himself to see your lies for himself.

I am aware he received money from a few people (not me) for gas money, however when he didn't show on video all of your mess and blight YOU created and left behind,
Rob returned all of the money to those people.

Also, it is not your land, therefore it was not trespassing for you to declare.

You abandoned PineBush, and the mess YOU created.

Look up Land Contract. As long as the person is paying the monthly mortgage he/she is the owner of the land just like a mortgage through a bank.

Thank you for openly admitting to his trespassing at your friends will and cost.

You guys harassed him because he did not show enough dirt on us.

Thats too bad for you huh

That does not make it any less illegal what he did and that you were all behind it.

You stopped paying the $1500 payment 2 or 3 months before Kimball went to your ex-property. It ceased to be yours two months before his visit. As soon as your payment was 'missed' you were DONE and the land contract VOID. You sure have trouble telling the truth.

Wrong again.

You guys keep forgetting it was a land contract. Like a mortgage. The property was still mine.

You do not just void a land contract. Either both parties come to an agreement or it goes into foreclosure.

Even then it would still be considered the possession of the buyer, just like a mortgage.

The problem with you guys is that the law means nothing to you.

Your 'land contract' was broken by you when you stopped making the payments. If you wish to claim ownership past the time you stopped paying then pay Marcia Wright $3000 or $4500 to bring your arrears up to date that Rob Kimball visted the property you did NOT own. You were 'rent to own' and broke the contract. Ask a lawyer but none will answer for FREE you cheap ass. You owe Marcia for those months but she knows it is fruitless to go after a deadbeat like you.

The guy was trespassing. Period.

You guys new it. Period.

He broke the law. Period.

Your friends paid him to do it. Period.

Property was offered for sale on craigslist so was 'open for inspection' by potential buyers. You had abandoned the property to another state. Your 'rights' ended the moment your payment was late.

Reid let us set the record straight John Thayer built that Stage prop.
You stood at the side with that cheap video camera with dreams of grandeur pointing your finger muttering LOOK ERR BODY.

Oh really? That is so interesting because I have 100s of videos of me working alone on my off grid tiny house on wheels.

Must have all been a dream.

But no - wait - its all on YouTube.

I can't wait for the pallet wood picket fence video. One of Reids finest projects.

Actually I did get a lot of compliments on that one. Still do when people see the video.

@thediyworld, Compliments on your low quality crap work.

It says a lot about you and your character Reid.

Hah. Look at you. I am doing my work here on my own blog.

You are harassing me day and night.

Well they were lying to you so you would not block and delete them.

Oh. Ok then. Thats what you think.

Sadly I think you really believe that.

Nice stage set Reid ALL FAKE !
Do you have a Certificate of Occupancy.
Your the laughing stock of the off grid homesteading community.
you can;t even fake it properly or have any marketable skills other then being the town tool.

Boy, you must have had a bad coffee this morning.

It was a camper/RV

If I was a laughing stock then I sure love it because my videos were paying for the mortgage and all the bills.

Seems that 100k people liked my videos.

I am not marketing anything really. Just making videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

Nothing to fake either. Just our daily lives.

If you believe I am faking our daily lives then you need to lay off the energy drinks or whatever. Its giving your hallucinations.

@thediyworld, 2500 daily views average out of 102,000 subscribers.

And yet you mysteriously gain 30 new subscribers each day, yet daily viewership is FLAT and sinking fast.

Why isn't 99,500 people watching your videos?
That's just Subscribers, not including casual visitors.


Long story but WHO CARES!!!!!

Go way. you are boring

@thediyworld, The Numbers Do Not Lie.

No, you are correct. After threatening and harassing so many of my subs, most stopped watching.

And THAT too is all out in the open. The threats. The harassment. Its all there.

Reid Good job of pimping your daughter on YT this morning.

100K subs my ass. Simple math using your view count would suggest 15-20k real subs.

actually i'd say 1,500-2,000 tops

yeah yeah. The same old story. Well, it is what it is.

What it is you lie.

No lies. Nothing hidden. Just our daily lives shown on video.

You guys are just unbelievable. Really.

My off grid wood shop has no wires from the outside world and you guys say it is not off the grid.

There is just no convincing you at all. Odd really

WOW his woodshop is off grid. I have a hobby solar setup on my garage just to play with. It runs a freezer and some led lights. But its only 800 watts with 6 batteries. My house is fully on grid and we live quite comfortable and have a whole house generator for power outages. So we are about as off grid as you. hahahahhaahhaa

TR'S first eviction notice, more to follow, the one's he says he's never had!

I was never evicted though. It was a notice. I got a $1,000 composting toilet and lived as usual as is shown on all my videos.

You know, the insane thing is that anyone can see all my videos for themselves instead of your edited out garbage.

Congratulations @thediyworld!
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@originalworks Nice article. I have always dreamed of building my own home but never had the courage to try. Your home looks so good. I really like the paneling.

The reality of this build is that it was just a prop in his scam to make you believe his fictional video's about his fictional life on an off grid homestead which was and still all BS.


Ignore these guys. They are trolling me in hopes of turning people against me. Why? Because I blocked them on YouTube years ago for harassing people.

Do NOT engage them for your own safety. These guys attack in real life as well.

Sorry to hear that. Hope you can get help.

But it looks real though. I looked at some of his videos and it looks like he really lived there.

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Living in a tiny house may be a novelty but after a while would it drive you mad because of a lack of space?

An opinion on the Land Contract between Mrs. Marcia Wright & Troy W. Reid dated and notarized 29 July 2015.

Reid did NOT mention having a boundary survey done with stakes at the corners to verify the specific property dimensions. How would Reid know when folks were trespassing or when he encroached the neighbors land? Did he count on divine intervention from select texts in his battle bible? Allegedly handed over $15k as a down payment + $1500/month not knowing whether the land occupied was clear of any encumbrances? How did he know if Mr. Russell Wright had a wife or wives prior to Marcia, if they still held dower & courtesy rights, title and/or produced entitled heirs? If the contract was a valid one it would have contained the docket book number, block & lot numbers of land Mrs. Wright was to convey upon payment in full of the contract, until then the land was exclusively hers & obligation for taxes. Reid limited legal recourse by not paying for a title search before signing the contract devoid any knowledge of the land's history. Was it once the sight of a tannery, mine, cemetery, slaughterhouse, farm, battlefield, possible easement on the water rights such as maintenance of dams or bridges. Upon change of title designated as private forest with a reduced property tax rate it would legally require a variance to reside on the land in compliance with any/all health & building codes.

Reid was granted rights to occupy that land but not reside. Reid occupied the land with 160' long 10' wide lead paint demolished barn wood, roadside garbage, junk vehicles, rotting RV's, boats, tractors, & trailers. He failed to include the term exclusive. Troy could now legally hunt on that property complying with NY DEC regulations. Reid stepped on that land mine with both feet lamenting last year hunters were on the land illegally chasing away the deer. Marcia had every right to honor and/or revoke hunting rights granted in the past, while retaining title to the land. The timbers are specifically NOT granted to Reid & remain the exclusive right of Marcia, even the maple sap to harvest as she saw fit. It's a riddle that Reid failed to get in writing rights to use the timbers. Reid demonstrated on videos standing like a piece of dead from the neck up wood when contractors downed timbers with easement/access rights for their vehicles, under no obligation to fulfill Reid's alleged barter of timbers for gravel. Despite advertising Old Growth Firewood on the internet Reid exploited Mrs. Wright's property & her fair share of profit. Contractors were not strategically clearing timbers providing sunlight for solar panels, all profit from the timbers, are Marcia's alone.

Reid might as well have had strapped to his back a Vegas styled neon sign flashing S T U P I D. By going cheap thinking himself the more savvy of the two, certainly proved himself a six foot stack of dumb sh*t by not retaining a NY attorney to represent his interest in this first major real estate transaction. From the looks of that simple document, to wit, no educated consumer would have penned their signature.

so will doc for not declaring his full income,
so fixedbydoc has never lied or ebegged ? and claims he gets over $3000 a week from the government ??
then this video turns up , i hope he has told the proper departments of his extra income ,
and this is the man who bought his own land to live on
so who is the lieing scrounger now doc ?/

My only concern is Reid
If you have a beef with FIXbyDoc I suggest you take it up with him on his channel.
Deflecting Reid's sins on to others is dishonest. Because your saying because someone else did it so its OK for Reid to do it. That is a total bullshit argument from ignorance.
What else you have ? Trying to intimidate a whistle blower is a against the law. Reid is playing you to protect his ass and putting you in jeopardy. Wise up son.

Oh no!!! The point I see is that sucks members call me a liar, beggar and a fake when you never see any hint of such a thing on my videos.

But your ring leader is doing EXACTLY what you guys accuse me of.

NO - This is VERY fitting here.

He’s not a ringleader, he’s got nothing to do with the forum. Your deflections, in tandem with your derelict sycophant, dork wont work. Sorry about your luck.

Actually you lie because he is all over the forum. Of course you will point out that he has been quiet recently but he was gone for 6 months hiking.

You, the King of Liars accusing me of lying. LOL.

All we do is make videos of our daily lives for your FREE entertainment.

If you do not believe that, it is fine.

But you have no right to harass us and destroy our lives on and offline.

It looks like Reid forgot to mention that John Thayer built the house on the trailer, aka tiny house on wheels.

And like everyone that has crossed paths with Reid,
he refused to take advise and criticizim of his lying and refusing to return his ladders from Thayer,
by Blocked Thayer too.
Thayer and his nice wife are now considered trolls.

You, the curious reader will become one soon enough too.

Another tale is about to unfold concerning our man from Michigan . The reason(s) the man was forced to abandon his empire in Pine Bush NY . Several videos and countless comments all documented by the man himself will have you scratching your head in disbelief . We will concentrate on 3 different ones . Let us begin , shall we .

Harassment and Vandals : Persons of ill repute were travelling hundreds if not thousands of miles several times per week to lay carnage upon our hero . Killing chickens , destroying property and general mischief all done while professionally installed video surveillance captured , well , none of it . This is the one our hero wishes everyone to sympathize with and take to heart . The truth in this one has more holes in it then a pasta strainer .

Mortgage or Land Contract : As stated and documented by the man himself he was unable to meet the monthly payment . A subliminal message to garner sympathy donations no doubt . You see folks this is how our hero operates . He doesn't directly ask for your money , just throw an idea out to the audience . Crafty but you can only go to well so often .

Code Violations : Lastly and most likely the true reason for his departure . The tiny shack on wheels was uninhabitable for permanent residency . A structural nightmare . The initial build was more than adequate with the guidance from his friend Hahn ( not his actual name ) it was the projects our hero added to the initial build that come into question .
The electrical installment was brazenly amateurish , dangerous in some regards .
No septic system to speak of . Compost toilet and buckets to receive waste from sinks and shower .
Finally and to me the author the most bizarre aspect of the mans existence at the fairy meadow . He didn't have a well . Traveled to a near by creek and collected rain water was his source . The man's property was surrounded by wetlands . The well would have and should have been high priority . Several years passed without an attempt to remedy this .

All the code violations were easily remedied and with plenty of time to complete . Did our hero attempt to right the wrongs ? NO , he drove around on his $700.00 juvenile mini bike , spent monies on a failed greenhouse along with countless trips to name a few , all the while claiming poverty .

What do you think of our main character Troy ?
My next tale will feature some of our hero's friends and ardent supporters . A self proclaimed judicial representative . Another , like our hero , a chicken loving , crown bearing individual . The main character will be BJ Hands On . Stay tuned .

In all fairness Troy I would like to give you the honor of suggesting a topic for one of my stories . Some conditions apply . I will not put to words anything about FBD for the simple fact that all your troubles with him started before I began following your channel . I could go back and watch earlier videos to get a better grasp of the situation but let's face it , a person can only watch grass grow or paint dry a limited amount of time .

2nd and more importantly no mention of that site whom you consider a blight upon this very earth .

Thirdly , and I must be firm on this condition . You must upvote this post . As with all my comments the proof of my words are easily verified from your very own videos and comments . I must insist you do likewise .
