
@thediyworld, And again, YOU have twisted all those facts.

I won't dwell here, however, you Failed to include that Ryan told you in that video, that when he witnesses YOU screwing up, he will report you.

You should fix your comprehension skills Reid.
Grow up.

Oh we all know that Ryan fabricates evidence as is written on your beloved forum.

And you guys worship at his feet like a dog loving his owner

@thediyworld Doc isn’t even on the forum and many people, myself included, don’t particularly like him. What he is though is he’s a good off gridder and survivalist and is trustworthy in his dispute with you. I don’t trust much of what you say because you are a serial liar as well as a fake off gridder and a joke of a survivalist.

Oh and his wind turbine surrounded by trees about 20 feet away on all sides and lower than the trees.

Yeah that is better than me. (sarcasm)

You guys worship at his feet while he clearly had AC wiring and a 120 volt incandescent light bulb running supposedly off 120 watts of solar panels and one or two batteries.

I run a homestead with 1,200 watts of solar power and would never be caught with an incandescent light bulb like that.

And he claims his solar power is better than mine.

I built an off grid tiny house on wheels while he lives in a storage shed.

But you guys worship at his feet.

I dont know about now, but Ryan was a BIG part of the forum last I looked.

You guys....
Give it a rest. I don’t follow his videos but I’m sure you’re either lying about him or misunderstanding whatever it was in his video that you watched. No one worships him.
Are you trying to say that you don’t read the forum any more? Sure! You might have cut down since you started playing on steemit, but Doc has been long gone from the forum.

Oh, his intentions are clear to the World.

I hear he was allowed back under a different name as long as he played nice with the other guys. He is not a good team player they say

Yeah, he came back and was posting for a short time quite a while ago, but then he either left or was told he wasn’t welcome. That doesn’t sound like what should happen to someone who is “worshipped” as you ludicrously claim. Maybe one day you’ll have a coherent thought, but I’m not holding my breath.

Reminds me of the dog someone gave you. Joy was such a sweet little dog and even came with food and her own little house. Then you let her die chained to her little house from neglect. RIP Joy, if only someone- anyone, else had taken you in there is a good chance you would still be alive. But you probably watched the nightly chicken massacres and knew your days were numbered. RIP sweet girl.