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RE: The Off Grid Tiny House On Wheels I Built On Our Homestead

in #homesteading7 years ago

You guys....
Grow the hell up. You effectively got yourself kicked out of NY. Your extremely low quality videos meant that viewership dropped substantially, reducing your income so you couldn’t keep up with the land payments. Now in Michigan, with your youtube income dopping even further, you still refuse to get a real job. At 48 years of age, you needed your parents to help buy you dumpsite No 2.


And look up Land Contract. There is no kicking out of a land contract.

@thediyworld, Sure there is, when YOU stopped paying on your so-called contract, YOU voided that said contract.
Stop blaming trolls.

Actually I left because of harassment, vandalism and the fact that sucks members were threatening to have our child taken away.

NY is more of a nazi state so we moved to MI.

And do NOT even try to deny it because some are even on here bragging about trying to get our child taken away.

Its on the block chain and now its permanent.

@thediyworld. You, in your own words and video stated from the start, it was about your income.
Mrs. Wright had enough of you.
Doc Ryan is the only one that said he would turn you in as soon as he saw you violating anything, not "you guys".
Then while on one of your many "vacations" you told your family Melanie was pregnant and started looking for houses in MI. Your mother bailed you out.
Even Mrs. John Thayer verified this.
You know, and I know, there was no way you could have lived in that un-zoned property, especially with a newborn child.
The trailer was just a prop for your show.
You were living in an apartment the entire time.

You said you loved NY, now it's a "nazi state"?

Boy, you change your story with blame,
the same way the wind blows.

You NEVER has Proof of vandalism or harassment.
Even with having a survellience system.
No proof.

That's why the police did not take you serious and called You "whacked" (your words, not mine, remember?"

Thanks for speaking the truth. With his income diminished he could no longer afford to stay in New York. It was his choice to leave as he could have gotten a job in New York and continued land contract payments. He chose to leave cause too lazy to get a job. None does believe you Troy and people are leaving your channel in droves. Keep making videos that no one cares to watch. You have no worth while content just whining and complaining.

Blah blah blah.

You are getting very boring.

Go away. Stop harassing my family.

The public can see my videos and make up their own minds. They do not need you protecting them from us homesteaders.

We make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

If you do not believe it - simply leave.

@thediyworld. See, it's the truth! You have no reply!

By the way, you are no homesteader.

Oh, your grade school insults hurt so bad.

Go away. Get a life.

Stop harassing my family.

I can't leave troy, I'm here to help you long term. Please give me the money I spent on your gifts and baby cat's toys and I will quite commenting but until you appologize I will stay and help you run this site. So much inaccuracy on your part as though you can't remember the lies you have told. I'm here to help for the long haul.

Oh, and we pay our own bills, thank you

You lost the land deal by failing to pay, you even admitted it in a video

Actually NO. I said that we were moving due to harassment from you guys, the threats to have our baby taken away and the fact that you guys were reducing our income.

But you always leave those parts out huh.

Nope, you stood there and said you didn't have the money for this month's rent. You had to move and you can't remember your lies

@thediyworld If you’re so afraid of trolls coming onto your property, why do you have no problem giving out your address when some well meaning but ignorant viewer wants to send you free stuff?

By the way, what things have you bought yourself for your daughter? A real man (or woman) would be providing for his family by himself, not relying on donations because he refuses to get a real job.


Actually no. It was one of your friends who forced us to leave NY.

Remember the psycho green haired man who vowed to destroy our lives and have our baby taken away and will use all his strength to the day he dies?

Remember that one?

Here is the link if you forgot:

Yeah, that is the big reason. That and the visits to our property every 2nd to 3rd night.

Melanie was pregnant and afraid to go outside anymore.

Boy you guys are such a fine gang huh

@thediyworld No one trespassed on your property. That is a lie you have been propagating to try and smear your detractors, the ones who are awake to your scamming ways. Doc wont be doing a thing, unless you show actual evidence of any mistreatment of your baby on video. Do the right thing and you wont have anything to worry about on that front. Trying to raise a baby in the illegal structure in NY would have been a recipe for disaster though, so you had to flee.

@jackhoffman, You guys, you guys, you guys. Reminds me of the character Frank Burns from Mash.Sniveling, slimy, incompetent Mommy's Boy always following the path of least resistance.
Deja vu.

Yes, you guys do sound pretty bad. You really should give it up finally and move on since you hate me so much.

It is not healthy for you.

Nothing to do with health, its a hobby. You are certainly one to talk health. Surprised you are still alive.

Actually you guys paid a person to come to our land and its all on the internet. A permanent record.

I am sure you guys deleted it all when you shut down your forum for cleaning.

But dont worry, I have screen prints and copies enough.

Oh you guys are so innocent huh

You guys turn me in all the time. You openly plot against me and brag about it on your forum.

And then you come on here and act innocent???

You guys really need to seek professional help. I feel sorry for you.

The Off Grid Tiny House on wheels was just fine. It was warm and cozy and held the weather out nicely.

There was nothing wrong with it.

But being stalked and harassed was a problem.

And you forget, I had witnesses to the vandalism in the last months. Not that the authorities over there cared one bit. Another part of the reason for our move.

those videos and the pages from sucks have all been saved the days they were posted

I have multiple copies and am putting together a printed folder as well.

@thediyworld I have already debunked your lies about that visit to Pine Bush, after you had fled the dumpstead. The thread on the sucks forum has NOT been deleted. Why would they? There was nothing wrong done by anyone. If that’s your best example of “real life harassment”, then you’ve got nothing. You say there was nothing wrong with the tiny house? Lol it was an illegal structure, not built to any codes and illegal by NY laws to permanently reside in.

Another insane thing is that you feel that paying someone to come to my property and take photos and video when we are away is not wrong.

It just proves that you cannot be prosecuted by law because you will not be found mentally fit to stand trial.

The little man commenting on mental competency is right up there with Richard Nixon "I am not a crook".
The only thing you can say is WOW.
How are things going with your involvement in the CAI cult? Recruiting in Michigan?

Oh, now we are back to religious persecution?

Well, at least you like to mix up the harassment a bit huh

Good morning Mr Reid nice to see you up so early commenting and wasting your time on here. Just getting ready to earn another $320 today. How much will you earn by sitting on your ass trying to defend yourself. I will check back in at lunchtime.

No response from Mr Reid guess he is too busy with other commentators. Such as a shame no entertainment for me this lunchtime. I notice you have spent most of this morning on here. What a waste you could be out enjoying yourself. bet Melanie is fed up and being home all day. Going snapper fishing tomorrow on a charter. Snappers are good eating, beats your fishing in a muddy lake enjoy the rest of your day sat in front of your laptop.

You cannot "debunk" the facts. Its all out in the open.

We owned the property and you guys paid a guy to come take videos and photos when we were away.

He was trespassing and you guys were telling him to hurry up.

What you guys did not foresee is that I had someone on the property to watch for just such an occasion.

I got photos and video of your man taking photos and video.

The insane thing is that you deny it when its all out in the open for the World to read for themselves.

Now that is insane!!!!

@thediyworld, You did NOT own that property.
Land records prove that.

You are lying, again.

And you are warped. Just do a google search on "land contract"

you can read and write so just do it. See that of course my name was not on the deed. Not until I paid it off in full.

Its called a LAND CONTRACT

So I guess you are also saying that nobody with a mortgage "owns" their home?

In a way, you are correct. The banks own the home

So if sucks commenters were just playing with you knowing you read their site it would seem the joke is on you troy. That should hold up in court nicely unless someone has an attorney then its not gonna slide. Where is your big fat attorney friend Molly Dolly? Did she finally die of obesity?

Please think of us as super hero's saving the good and descent citizen from the likes of you.

Oh really?

So you are a super hero for setting me up for crimes I did not commit.

You are a super hero for stalking and harassing us on and off the internet

You are a super hero for trying to take our baby away.

YOU (meaning sucks members)

And dont deny it. They are bragging all over steemit now.

@thediyworld, The "green haired man" is NOT a friend of mine,
but I did see the video he made calling you out.

And I agree with everything he said.

So you stand by a man who vows to have my little child taken away no matter how or what he has to do in order to make it happen?

Ok. good. We got that all out in the open.

Thank you for admitting this to the World.

@thediyworld, And again, YOU have twisted all those facts.

I won't dwell here, however, you Failed to include that Ryan told you in that video, that when he witnesses YOU screwing up, he will report you.

You should fix your comprehension skills Reid.
Grow up.

Oh we all know that Ryan fabricates evidence as is written on your beloved forum.

And you guys worship at his feet like a dog loving his owner

@thediyworld Doc isn’t even on the forum and many people, myself included, don’t particularly like him. What he is though is he’s a good off gridder and survivalist and is trustworthy in his dispute with you. I don’t trust much of what you say because you are a serial liar as well as a fake off gridder and a joke of a survivalist.

Oh and his wind turbine surrounded by trees about 20 feet away on all sides and lower than the trees.

Yeah that is better than me. (sarcasm)

You guys worship at his feet while he clearly had AC wiring and a 120 volt incandescent light bulb running supposedly off 120 watts of solar panels and one or two batteries.

I run a homestead with 1,200 watts of solar power and would never be caught with an incandescent light bulb like that.

And he claims his solar power is better than mine.

I built an off grid tiny house on wheels while he lives in a storage shed.

But you guys worship at his feet.

I dont know about now, but Ryan was a BIG part of the forum last I looked.

Reminds me of the dog someone gave you. Joy was such a sweet little dog and even came with food and her own little house. Then you let her die chained to her little house from neglect. RIP Joy, if only someone- anyone, else had taken you in there is a good chance you would still be alive. But you probably watched the nightly chicken massacres and knew your days were numbered. RIP sweet girl.

Oh really?

So you stand by a man who vows to destroy my life until he breathes his last breath.

Let us cover point by point so we get the facts straight.

So you stand by a man who vows to destroy my source of income and chase me to the ends of the earth?

So you stand by a man who swears I never served in the military no matter that I showed awards, medals, photos and DD214

The man who rants and raves that I never served and that its all fake

i have never seen docs proof though that he was in the army or even kicked out of the army for socalled medical reasons , i wonder why not ? because fixedbydoc is a fake and passing the buck by keeping the attention on other people

so will doc for not declaring his full income,
so fixedbydoc has never lied or ebegged ? and claims he gets over $3000 a week from the government ??
then this video turns up , i hope he has told the proper departments of his extra income ,
and this is the man who bought his own land to live on
so who is the lieing scrounger now doc ?/

do not spam copies or steemcleaners will hit you

did you see this one fixitbydoc posted ? did you know he himself is a ebegger ? and this was not long after he bought his large bit of land and payed for it in one lumpsum ??

so will doc for not declaring his full income,
so fixedbydoc has never lied or ebegged ? and claims he gets over $3000 a week from the government ??
then this video turns up , i hope he has told the proper departments of his extra income ,
and this is the man who bought his own land to live on
so who is the lieing scrounger now doc ?/

Wait. This is the ring leader who stirs up people against me?

This is the man who is calling me all those things but he is doing precisely that?

And you will never see me asking for anything.

OMG, that is all we see you doing is asking for everything. You are always saying you need this and that knowing your idiot sidekicks will make them magically appear. You are delusional

my all time favorite was your wedding registry. Never in the history of man has the groom put things on the list for himself. You are an idiot

The fiction in this one is really spread on thick.

boy you sure are warped. Its all on YouTube.

Its almost laughable if you guys were not destroying our lives in the real world too.

for someone that makes a living off filming his life its odd you had an opportunity every 2nd or 3rd night to film bad people coming on your property but you never did. You are armed to the hilt according to you and a man does what a man's gotta do but staying up and guarding your shack is too much trouble after all its just Ming LIng who is scared. Is that what you meant to say? Not one video of a trespasser in all the years you were trashing the property. Plenty of gift opening videos and videos on how to stop trolls and how to stay healthy ( hahahahhaaha) and videos on cooking some crap meal fit for a Somalian but not one pic of a trespasser- Lets blame it on a wildlife camera with a red light. Not buying that for a second.

so will doc for not declaring his full income,
so fixedbydoc has never lied or ebegged ? and claims he gets over $3000 a week from the government ??
then this video turns up , i hope he has told the proper departments of his extra income ,
and this is the man who bought his own land to live on
so who is the lieing scrounger now doc ?/