That seems to be be an underlying problem for you. For the last five years youv've had 'freezing nights which killed off' most of your plants. And now in a new state you have the same thing.
You said yourself the farther north you go the colder it is - or words to the effect. So why are you not prepared for this kind of thing?
That is odd because I dont ever remember having a deep freeze in July, August and September anywhere else before.
Its a new area. New experiences. And odd weather patterns. Everyone who lives out here said it should never freeze here at night during the summer. A fluke. A strange summer.
And those are the words of people who lived here 20 or more years.
July had 2 days in the upper 40s for the coldest...NO FREEZE!!!!
August...Still no freezing weather...
You just killed your own garden by imprioperly fertilizing the tops of the leaves...
So what are your plans to avoid this situation arising next Summer then, let alone the Winter?
Well, although they tell me it was just a strange year, I am going to grow in a greenhouse next year. The sensitive plants anyway.
I have the materials to finish the one by the house. Just need a good day of weather. Looks like spring before that happens now.
we have a mountain house at a ski resort. Those temps are not enough to stop people from working outside. How would the ski resorts operate if everyone thought as you did. Putting plastic on a wood frame is a few hours work and I see on my weather app you are having good days in with the bad. You just prefer to not get cold. Bundle up big boy
Its not about the cold. Its because everything is frozen up. I cannot move anything due to it all being frozen to the ground.
And it is not a priority now anyway.
watch your video and see where you claim its too cold to do anything.
@thediyworld For all those "sensitive plants" it's going to have to be a sizeable greenhouse. What size do you figure?
The size of the second garden plot
So about 15 cords of wood per winter then when you go off on vacation everything freezes and its all for nothing? Only the wealthy can afford to heat a greenhouse of that size and you are at the lower end of the poverty stricken list.
"Everyone who lives out here says" I'm not believing that all those people living there will even talk to boy genious. The new neighbor that is going to bring a wife and kid to a shack not built for winters AND take away the very few conveniences they have and live like they are in a third world country. Not buying that for one minute. You are the freak the talk about, not the new family across the street over regularly for dinner and drinks. They are probably the ones that installed the hornets nest and put wasp seeds under your trailer. At least they have a new laughing stock.
Odd you would say that.
I can understand you insulting the tiny house I built.
You guys always said it would not last 3 months. You kept extending that time a month or so but after three years it still stands.
Now this house was built by other people.
So I dont get why you want to insult it.
The tiny house John built and you watched
Oh really? I wonder what videos you watched.
Because it sure was not my channel
Oh - it was your troll channel where you edit and modify my videos.
Yeah, thats right.
when you lose the property in foreclosure you need to explain to Ming Sing that you became so smart ass your viewers decided to go elsewhere to watch homesteading videos and Youtube quit paying useless channels for their crap so you make zero income and she was using too much grid power and wasted propane just to keep the shack above freezing so its mostly her fault. Short bus smart ass
again with the you guys. Its criminal to include everyone that disagrees with you in your false statements about what I said. I never said anything about the tar paper shack lasting 3 months. I may have said it was a piece of crap and using the treated plywood on it was injecting poison into a living space and how stupid it was to overbuild on that dinky trailer frame and you could never get it on the road if you got evicted and that you appear to think tar paper is an appropriate siding and because it was too wide to be considered a travel trailer you should follow codes especially wiring. You said 12v didn't need to follow any code but you eventually brought in 110v for appliances and other things so not following code bit you in the ass. Tacking on the battery shack was not a legally allowed thing to do but you don't follow any law that you don't like. Not properly sealing the insulation in the ceiling was extremely reckless for breathing fiberglass particles and you even had a tiny ceiling fan to more thoroughly distribute the glass fibers. Covering the ceiling with that crappy painters cloth didn't stop the fiberglass particles from contaminating the shack. The reason I don't like the shack you live in is it was built in the 60's by the look of it for only warmer months and has never been updated including the furniture. Looks like a poverty pit and I don't understand someone living in it through the winter. I am also not a fan of tiny houses especially when you have enough land to build something big enough for a family. We won't get started on the trailer because that rat nest is a dump.
@the-diy-world.............. i am glad that TROY has finally admitted on his latest you tube video that his homestead in PINE BUSH NY wasn't really DEEP IN THE FOREST as he has always claimed .
What??? I never said such a thing.
Pine Bush was a mile from the last road and certainly in the woods.
There was nothing at all on three sides but wild forest and the nearest house on the other side was 1/4 mile away.
But you guys know that since you have google earth maps all over the internet of my place.
Yep, I caught that. He sometimes- make that often- gives more information than he intends. Hahahah. Its gonna be a cold miserable winter for his family with no firewood and no woodstove hooked up to burn any. Just expensive propane and electric heat. I guess buying a run down 3 season house in a depressed area will turn out to be more expensive than even brainboy thought.
Same goes for you too.
Show undeniable evidence that we are not using a wood stove - or shut up.
Unless you can prove without a bit of doubt then what you are doing is slander and criminal.
@thediyworld. Actually, it is Not slander. You have not proven beyond a shadow of doubt that the wood stove is providing heat in the chalet.
You don't have firewood. Don't bother with your excuses for that issue.
When you made the soap making video, there was No indication that anything was being heated, plus you touched the pot and pan with your hand and never winced.
There was No soot, dust, wood debris.
The burden of proof is on YOU Mr. Reid.
It is criminal harassment to state something as fact with you do not have the facts.
I have shown the wood stove in use. Repeatedly.
What you are doing is criminal.
What you are doing to your chickens this winter is criminal.
All our information comes from Your mouth and Your videos.@thediyworld. Wrong again. It's NOT criminal.
So if you say our "facts" are wrong, then that means you've been LYING the entire time.
Besides, you have Not shown the wood stove "in use".
You've shown only a wood stove. That's it.
No fire burning, no heat, no smoke from a chimney.
Just a PROP for your show.
I get it.
This is how your brain works, semantics.
Far from the truth though.
boy he sure likes harping on the slander and criminal song dont he?
yep, besides being the totally off grid guru he is a practicing attorney. Practices making up laws that will justify his law breaking ways.
You need to get an attorney ASAP. I also have a wood stove and the chimney has smoke that exits when the fire is burning. You have shown yourself all bundled up in from of the shack and no smoke coming from the house. I actually don't think it would be safe to have a wood stove in such a small space as you sitting area. Especially the one you claimed to have cooked the soap on. That thin walled firebox burning pine would cook your family and the top floor would not be habitable. All the good homestead channels are proud of their free heating systems and show them often. Now another reason is I can't for the life of me imagine even a lazy man not having a winter's worth of firewood stacked near the house in your extreme temps. The tiny little pile of firewood is next to an outdoor firepit which would lead most people to believe that you are not stupid enough to burn pine indoors and the small woodpile was for outdoor fires. Now tell me where my reasoning is wrong. Or just snap a pic of the woodstove with the firedoor open showing a fire. Either way something is not right with you- should not be burning pine in a cheap woodheater and did not think to haul in enough wood to heat your house for the winter implying the safety and comfort of your family takes second place behind playing on the computer all day.
Oh. So if the wind blows the smoke away from the front of the house - then that is proof that the wood stove is not burning?
Ok. Now I get it.
Troll logic.
Troll logic is what allows us to see through all of your lies and bullshit.
again with your lack of understanding a simple statement. I never said wind or that the smoke would be in front of your shack. You have shown the front of your shack many time in what you says is extreme cold but no smoke rising from the roof. Maybe Ming Ping will understand and draw you pictures to help you understand. Short bus