Making all natural ketchup from our own home grown tomatoes. And testing out my new wireless microphone set while I work on the homestead.
We had a huge harvest of tomatoes this year so we made mincemeat pie earlier from all the green tomatoes. We had freezing nights which killed off most of our plants. The green tomatoes were used though. Nothing gets wasted on the homestead.
After cutting back all the dead tomato plant growth, the survivors took off nicely. We got a huge harvest of what was left over.
We already made 16 pints of salsa the other day and now we made all natural ketchup using our tomatoes.
It really feels good to be making our own food. We are striving to become self sufficient and fully off the grid on a budget. This is a large step forward in that direction.
I had recently purchased a wireless microphone for my video camera and I was able to walk clear across the yard with it. I love this thing. It is going to make outdoor recording so much better.
We put away a total of 36 pints worth of tomato products from our homestead garden harvest.
You can watch the video here:
Please Subscribe & follow my daily YouTube videos
Read my articles at The Do It Yourself World
Since everyone is talking firewood and not ketchup. Didn't you do several earlier pieces on firewood for this year and next? Am I really going to worry about you being out of fire wood when you've shown how much there is out there in the woods around you all over? How you heat is your affair, but it would be a tragedy if you aren't using wood when you are being buried by it.
Those are just common trolls talking about propane heat in attempt to turn people away from me.
Same old story for 5 years now.
I am a firm believer in saving and cutting costs.
So with a forest full of pine trees, I am certainly going to be burning pine this winter.
It just burns faster and we burnt more than I had planned. So I cut fire wood all the time.
We will get through just fine though.
your insurance company and your mortgage lender should be made aware that you are burning pine in a wood stove- your claim not mine. All wood burning stoves come with a warning not to use soft woods in them as the fire can become uncontrollable and the excess heat can cause damage to the combustion box. Only a fool would do such a thing but then you claim to do just that. My insurance co. made a visit to my house to confirm my stove is properly installed and that is was sized correctly for my house. Being my heated sq footage is about 4,000 sq ft they had no problems with it but did say burning soft woods in it will void my insurance coverage. You might want to check into this. I warned you.
@thediyworld................Note: Copying this video, in part or in full, is a violation of copyright unless the user has express permission from the owner. Violation of this copyright will be pursued to the fullest extent of the law................ I HAVE ALMOST EVERY ONE COPIED NOW ............. AND I CAN USE THEM ..IN WHOLE .. FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMMENT AND DEBATE PURPOSES .......... AS IN USING THEM IN A PSYCHOLOGICAL/SOCIOLOGICAL DEBATE . BELIEVE ME THEY WILL MAKE GREAT CONTENT FOR THIS INTERNET DISCUSSION GROUP.......... THE 3 THAT WILL BE BEST THOUGH ARE ......... BAD GUYS REVEALED ......... KILL THE TROLLS .....AND BLOOD ON THE CAMPER . EVEN THE COMMENT STREAM OF EACH VIDEO CAN BE USED . HOW TO SEE YOU JOIN THE DEBATE WHEN IT GOES LIVE ON YOU TUBE IN 4 WEEKS .
yes the courts have determined that it is not copyright violation to use parts of other people's videos for parody or educational purposes. The disclaimer means nothing on videos.
0.000 STEEM
33.330 SBD
i mean all it is , is 33.330 STEEMING steembitcoindollars ??????????? REALLY !!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK ????? OH WAIT A MINUTE ! ! ! ! ! THIS WILL PAY SOME OF THAT SHIT OFF , YEP THIS RIGHT HERE WILL DO IT ......................Estimated curation rewards last week:
2.286 STEEM POWER@troyreidlies ............. how does he feed his family and pay bills like ?????? .................... Estimated author rewards last week:
@troyreidlies ........... when all known to date business/you tube titles become mine by copyright it will be of no concern anyway ................. the paperwork is in progress as we comment here
Yeah, I guess you guys spit on my face on that one.
Odd because most of you whined that the only reason you were upset with me is because I blocked you on YouTube.
I find it petty that a person would want to destroy someone's life because they were blocked on YouTube.
Dick Head, Again with your comprehension issues. "You guys" don't like you because you are a liar, scammer, con man and to lazy to get a real JOB. Does daddy leave a bulk truck at the dumpstead so you have a constant propane supply? 95% On grid.
yep, that is trog. Never ever finishes anything he starts and this is the way he goes about it. People once told him a better way but he always knew best and seriously F$&@ed up everything he touches.
[-]thediyworld (58) · 7 days ago
I generally do not answer trolls anymore . AGAIN , YOUR WORDS@thediyworld ..........................
you never blocked me. I found your channel because of my interest in self sufficiency. Didn't take long to see you were just a lazy little man that played the poor pitiful schmuck that played the poor pitiful newbie poverty stricken and needing all the help you could get. You did EVERYTHING wrong and pretended you didn't know how to google and use youtube for ideas and answers. People started sending you nice gifts including me and you quickly started taking the gifts for granted and hinting at needing more. Then you became an outright leach begging for donations and everything needed on the homestead. Pretending to live in a roach and rat infested trailer woke me up thinking who would do that? That's when I decided I knew your plan from the beginning and despised you for your dishonesty and deceit. Then after years of gaining money for each project you would never finish you decided to grow your channel by involving an innocent young girl from a third world country to work like a slave on your junkyard. You prayed on the fact those woman will do anything to come to the USA and then you doubled up your begging to get her here and at the same time filed legal documents claiming you were well able to support her without govt assistance and even begged for strangers to buy her clothes and a plane ticket home. At the same time you bought the kid's mini bike and when called out on it you claimed it was $700 you got from working a side job. Why in hell did you not spend your own money to buy her clothes of air fare? This is the thinking of a supposed off grid homesteader. Now do you see why I don't like your channel? Everything I have just said is in your videos or from comments you made in the comments under videos. Dishonesty is what got you to where you are today. No one else can be blamed for any of your actions. Enjoy the DIY world you created and torpedoed to the mess it is today.
@troyreidlies............. 6 years , he first appeared on you tube in 2011
An excellent post! You should write it has a blog.
Hi Troy :)
This ketchup must be delicious, and I am sure it is very healthy. Maybe I could use these recipe also on my YT food channel?
I find your channel very interesting, I am am with it for 3 years now.
You make good, informative videos, and I enjoy watching your daily projects being done with all hard work put in it, and your passion put in those.
I was thinking about your last YT video on Steemit subject.
I have an idea. If before you release your video, you would here or on steemitchat or whatever other way inform me, and/or your other followers on Steemit know prior about exact time of your posts relises, we would be able to comment you straight away having all good comments high up.
What do you think about it?
I wish you all, everything best in the world, keep doing your great job, and I will support you here for sure.
Have a nice day :)
I am now following you too :)
Looks like you are doing something right on here. Your rep is looking good. Wow, so many followers in such a short time. Amazing work!!!
Thank you :)
You are doing amazing job -Troy, your projects are very inspiring (I want to do some of it too in the future - like off-grid, homesteading etc.)
I was sitting at this job here on Steemit, and I got few followers indeed.
If I will find any of your posts, which co-work with my kind of area, with your permission, I will resteem it on my fee.
Thank you. Yes, of course resteeming is great.
I have been looking at your channel too. Looking good over there. Keep it up. You are certainly on the right path.
I think steemit is relatively new and we are riding along on a platform that is going to grow very large.
Especially as YouTube dumps on more people. This site is gaining users.
It is nice, that you have decided to go and look at my stuff on Steemit too.
I agree with you - I think Steemit will be drawing YouTubers, Patreons, Facebook-ers and others in.
YouTube did big mistake, I think. They firstly de-monetize videos,also they have removed their video editor which I was using for my videos editing.
I looked online and after long search I found 1, but need to learn it.
It is like, they shoot their foot depriving themselves of their own tools -odd indeed.
You can use Windows Movie Maker if you have it on your computer.
I use Wondershare Filmora. Only cost me $29 a couple years ago. Has a lot of good features.
Easy to learn. That was important for me. I dont have time to learn new software.
I am about to release my video sharing site to the public soon.
Not sure if you are interested in using it or not?
I am going to ask some people to upload videos to the site pre-release so that it is filled up a bit.
I will share 50% of earnings like YT did in the beginning.
I will continue to use YT but I am going to duplicate my stuff on my own server (with unique video descriptions) and then put that on steemit.
@thediyworld "I will share 50% of earnings ...." Will that be real cash? ie money that's easily folded and put in a wallet to spent on Main Street. Or will it be the kind that only exists here - Monopoly money?
Dick Head, abc deals in reality which is something you have no concept of.
Thank you for being there on YT all this time and now here.
Yes you can use the recipe. If you use any parts of my own video please just give me credit in a link.
But just the recipe alone, feel free to use it.
The ketchup tasted just like the stuff from the store. I know, its funny, but its hard to get that exact same taste from homemade.
I can always up vote your comment to the top if I want. I am low on voting power or I could have put your comment right up there.
I could gray out any trolls junk that gets in between as well if I had enough voting power at the time.
So just keep on commenting.
Thank you.
Thank you - this ketchup video on my channel will be a hit :)
If I decide to use this recipe, I will surely name you in the video and put a link in the video's description linking to your original video, and also send you url address to my new video.
I will continue to upvote you on nice articles (I can commit 5 votes a day for all my followers).
Keep the good job going, Troy.
Peace :)
Thank you very much.
spending all your steemit income on down voting again? Only a fool doesn't notice by now that greying out comments is futile when another commenter just copies and pastes it right back on your chain. As a business man you suck big time and only you are not aware of it. Most family men would wise up and say this can only be a hobby I MUST go out and get a job to support my family and my mommy can stop buying her adult almost 50 yr. old son vehicles. How low do you plan on going before getting a job capable of supporting your family. Foreclosure notice in the mail?
in other words- hey upvote me and I have no intention or power to help you.
he will......upvote you later lol
Yes, it was a strange year my cousin in Saginaw planted and was washed out three times last year. The third time he threw in the towel. This is the first time in 50 years that he did not have a garden. I know another guy that grew his own food for he and his wife. They figured they needed to put up a minimum of 100 quarts of tomatoes alone. Are you guys anywhere near that now? If not do you have plans to be? I think the idea of growing certain crops in the "greenhouse" is a good one given the weather in the area. Six mil UV protected plastic sheet on the outside with a second six mil anti condensation sheet on the inside. You can always use old style incandescent filament light bulbs for a heat boost, if you can spare them from the chicken brooder. Other plastic sheeting will be fine as a short term fix.
Yes it was a very strange year for planting and weather. Many gardens failed this year.
I plan to grow sensitive plants in the multiple greenhouses. The one by the house will be heated by air from the house itself through ducts. This will be more of an all year greenhouse then.
I have 6 mil plastic for the outside. And 4 mil for the inside.
We canned about 50 to 60 pints of tomatoes over all. But that is less than half of what I want for next year.
From the ice hanging of the roof on today's video you are already heating the surrounding area. How much propane have you used so far this winter?
There is a small bit of space upstairs which loses heat. A friend told us we should stuff insulation in there.
We have only used 1/4 of a 20 lb tank for our cook stove so far this winter.
how do you know the level of propane in a 20# tank? A friend told you to stuff insulation in a space inside your home? How dense are you? Keeping the cold out is a priority in northern climates but you didn't know until a friend told you? Thank God for friends or you would freeze to death.
•[-]jessiescott (4) · 10 hours ago
@troyreidlies .......follow my blog about diy aquaponics on my STEEMIT
remember trog's attempt at aquaponics? What a disaster. Poor fish died and we all knew he would fail at keeping the greenhouse fire going. Karma hits him hard and often.
Well, now that you have already insulted me....
It is in a tiny space hardly visible between the floor and the roof upstairs. You have to stick your head down in there and shine a light to see.
So that is why I had no idea.
I did not build the house.
Someone else did.
Insult them if you want.
Anyway, I am thankful for the heat loss due to the wood stove being too hot in here.
Live in northern Michigan and you are thankful for heat loss????????? Is this a joke or you really believe that? If you really are using that wood stove and burning pine and the stove gets the shack too hot most normal people would not take a chance on burning down their home . Ok, I answered my own question.
@troyreidlies .......follow my blog about diy aquaponics on my STEEMIT
@jessiescott upvoted and resteemed :)
how do you know the level of propane in a 20# tank?
I guess you dont have a BBQ grill?
By feel.
And by the condensation on the sides sometimes.
Yes I have a grill but the small bottles are either mostly full or almost empty. In between I have no idea the difference. Even tried the level gauge strips and the gauges but none were accurate. I would never be able to judge a quarter of a tank is what I meant.
Propane must be eating him up. No one would show a dinky little pile of PINE firewood and say I'm almost out in the middle of December in upper Michigan unless firewood was not their source of heat. I watched a video of his today showing snow on the roof of the greenhouse but not a spec of plastic sheeting. Lazy to the bone. No insulation for the roof to be melting that much snow. I saw in the video the wood stove still not hooked up. Someone is deceiving the very people he depends on for his income.
Yes, someone certainly is deceiving people.
Please tell me where you get the idea the wood stove is not hooked up???
It is all we use for heat these days.
Fire wood is free heating energy.
Now, unless you can show absolute proof that we do not use the wood stove - then you are slandering us and that is criminal
firewood is not free dumbass. it takes WORK which has tangible value to go get it.if you wernt getting wood you could be working at a job and earning money. something youre in no danger of doing anytime soon. the chainsaw isnt free. they cost money to buy. the chains,bars,gas,oil,wear and tear on the truck to go get it,the gas for the truck,etc. you are deluding yourself again that firewood is FREE.
No chainsaw was free oh and the chain and everthing else he gave a sob story about his garage sale chainsaw AND BAMMM a brand new Stihl chainsaw from a gullible viewer ( but remember he dosent beg)
How often did you show the stove in the dumpsite 1.0 ? Regularly, but now you never do. The heater you claimed to cook the soap on has a very thin metal firebox that would easily warp if you used pine which is the worst wood for laying down creosote and burns like balsa wood and can burn down your house. I would rather give you credit for being smarter than that so I'm saying I don't think you are using it. I don't see a 20# tank outside the kitchen of the shack so please tell me its not INSIDE your living space. That is not safe.
Interesting. So you are saying that you have been to my home and looked outside for a propane tank?
Because I never showed it on video or talked about it. So how do you "not see" one unless you were here stalking us?
That "heater" I showed on video clearly already.
You just spread lies and confusion.
Stalking and harassing us in the real world and online like this is criminal.
Troy , are you Melanie and Michelle living at 4489 Pine Road Lewiston Mi all the time ? or are you all living someplace else and just coming to 4489 pine road to film?
Did you know that it is a violation of privacy to show someone's full home address and names without their consent?
Did you know that stalking and harassment online and in the real world is a crime punishable by law?
there is that stalking shit again. We are on a public forum. Now if you want to go private with just a very few of your well paying fans that is your decision but on steemit this isn't stalking its actually making money for steemit.
Greenwood Township is a civil township of Oscoda County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population was 1,121 at the 2010 census.Wikipedia
Population:1,121 (2010)
Area:70.8 mi² (69.9 mi² Land / 640 acres Water)..........................4489 Pine Rd, Lewiston, MI 49756
(989) 786-5280
Open now: Open 24 hours
hey dumbass. you post your address for all to see everytime someone wants to send you gifts in the mail. why is that reid? you just cant resist free shit can you? if youre so fucking worried about stalkers then you wouldnt publicly post your address unless you really are a dumbass and mooch. right melanie?!
@pineroadhoa, Dick Head will never answer that question and expose more lies.
So you will set up easy access for mice and rats to come into your house through ductwork? I like that idea very much and see no problems with it. Are you familiar with the temps a greenhouse needs for vegetables to grow and produce (not just stay above freezing) I don't think you will be capable of heating it to that temp. Then you will have the underground greenhouse in the shade next to the garden. How much heat will be required to heat that to a temp capable of vegetables producing? I don't think you have thought this through. You are relying on the ground temp being 50 degrees but neglect to factor in the extreme temps on the roof at night and even most days in the winter. Well it will serve you well as a trash pit the second year since it won't work as planned. Just trying to help.
@troyreidlies.................... AGAIN ,HIS OWN WORDS...................I plan to grow sensitive plants in the multiple greenhouses. The one by the house will be heated by air from the house itself through ducts. This will be more of an all year greenhouse then. I take it to mean since he has a climate different than anyone else there , that the air surrounding his greenhouse which he plans to bring into it by duct work must be almost tropical in nature to enable him to grow the MOST SENSITIVE PLANTS year round ................AGAIN HIS WORDS TAKEN FROM HIS STEEMIT COMMENT
you read where you need 300 jars per year for a family. So whats in the jars? Jelly, vegetables, sauces, preserves- Thats less than I jar a day and you wouldn't count jellies and jams and preserves as a meal so how does that work? I jar of vegetables a day? That would be 365 jars. Not understanding how the math works. Some days you eat a jar of jelly? So you eat nothing from the jars 65 days a year? Weird.
Strange year? Get real, your entire youtube career has been taking advantage of viewer sympathy for money and donations and gifts because another disaster hit you and it was always just a strange weather phenomenon or nature's animals doing what they do or your lack of financial sense. Using that crap plastic on a greenhouse is a waste of time and money. Go to a garden center or on the internet and buy greenhouse covering that lasts many years and protects the plants much better. Just a strong wind will demolish crap plastic as you have already found out at the first dumpsite.
@watertower. Done for the day here. I don't want to help provide Reid with any awards.
I'm the same, going to keep my comments right down to abear minimum, maybe 1 or 2 a week.
Its easy to get carried away and he brings out the bad in me and i dont like it.
I will however continue my work in other ways and leave Reid to the guys that are far better at it than me, they are creating some amazing comments.
See yer later Turkey Head!@watertower.
@watertower ..... i wonder if i can spell WATER like JEFF or BILLY ???????
What's with the new beige car we see parked near your house in a few of your past videos, including today's video? Did you get a new car?
his mom can't leave because trog needs her to do the work his slave is unable to do with the kid and all.
Its gray. Yes a long time ago.
Thanks mom and dad
What are you thanking your parents on here for? Odd. Very odd.
mommy and daddy bought you the car. why havent you mentioned it before? worried your loyal donating subs will feel scammed and stop funneling $$$ into your pocket ?
Who said that?
Where did you get your information?
Stating things as fact when you have no idea if it is true is slander.
That is a criminal offense.
All we do is post videos of our daily lives on the homestead.
YouTube pays our check.
If you do not like us then leave.
Harassing us in real life and online is criminal.
You don't really post videos of your daily lives on your so-called homestead. According to your mouth you say your daily life includes: (1) gathering eggs, (2) your new baby daughter, (3) composting, (4) finishing the battery box, (5) a battery-less 95% off grid solar system, (6) hunting, (7) a new car, (8) using firewood to heat your home, (9) cutting firewood, (10) getting free energy from a Bedini motor, (11) using cloth diapers, (12) taking water out to the chickens twice a day, (13) cleaning the chicken coop on a regular basis, (14) finishing your greenhouse, and (15) insulating your chicken coop for the winter. We see NONE of this in your videos. All we see is you cleaning off solar panels and spending entirely too much time online. That's it. You're not a homesteader, you're an Internet addict.
Troy if you go back a good bit you will see where your hood blew off your little gay honda while on a vacation either to the Canada CAI or your parents house. They then went out and bought you the old Aurora. Now does that jog your memory? Look back at your videos because that is where you told us. Then when your black truck broke down they bought you the ugly ass dodge. Ask your parents if they remember buying you the vehicles since you don't remember. Shows how much you appreciate gifts.
criminal or not it sure is fun! but then,so is lying and fraud to get free gifts and cash. right troy?!
we are calling you out on all your lies and your scamming
@thediyworld Troy slander is spoken! Libel is written!
Both are civil matters and not criminal.
@pineroadhoa, the new car must be why Reid can't afford a $3 box of screws to fix the stairs or build coffee coasters or little wood boxes for outlets to pretend charge all his gadgets.
Are you trying to make your huge fan base believe you bought the car and the truck yourself and not mommy and daddy? Deception is never a good thing when you are trying to make a living with social media.
And slander and defamation of character is a crime.
Unless you have hardcore facts to back up what you say - that is a criminal offense.
I think you are confusing defamation and definition....
Pointing out that you are a useless piece of shit isn't a crime...
common sense dictates that if you cant even afford a $3 box of screws then you sure as hell cant afford a new car. somebody else must have bought it then. or you were so stupid as to stretch yourself so thin financially that a $3 box of screws breaks the bank. prudent people buy what they can afford.
if I'm wrong its because you said they bought them on video.
None of your business really.
I do not answer to common trolls.
Stalking my family online and in the real world is criminal
They also bought him the “show” truck, which is now rotting in his yard.
I’ve only had 5 cars in my life, but I bought every single one of them myself, with my own money that I earned by working a real job, like most decent people do.
Remember when he first moved onto the 3 season trailer park he said he was cleaning out the garage so his vehicles would not have to stay outside. Then he said it again when Ming Ling ready to drop the kid was moving them out of the old trailer into the little shack and troy said he was bringing a lot of stuff to the garage but needed to leave room for a vehicle? Look at the truck. Covered in snow not in the garage. I guess junk takes priority over something that just gets used to go into town for doc visits and grocery shopping since very few things are actually grown or produced on the land or even hauling firewood or compost or rotted building materials.
again with troy failing at comprehension skills and showing his inability to follow along in a conversation...
@fixedbydoc, The Steemit glitch continuously grays out your comments. If I notice any I will repost them.
fixedbydoc (54) · 1 hour ago
again with troy failing at comprehension skills and showing his inability to follow along in a conversation...
3 votes
Haven't your parents bought you EVERY vehicle except for maybe that black four-wheel drive truck that you traded for an oven
Damn those steemit glitches againfixedbydoc (54) · 57 minutes ago
again with troy failing at comprehension skills and showing his inability to follow along in a conversation...
Only on Troys many channels that this happens.
@thediyworld, The new car looks silver to me. It looks a lot like an Olds Aurora too!
looks like a 2003, they are goin for about $8000.00
must be makin out better than you have lead eveyone to believe TROY !
imho it seems you just act poor and broke all the time for sympathy and the donations.
Last I knew, in this modern age, every family needed one running vehicle.
Especially with a wife and child.
I can just imagine what you guys would say if I had no vehicle.
we know yull fuck this car up soon enough by not maintaining it and you really will be without a vechicle. better get goin on the show truck reid so you have a backup vechicle. its not that hard a fix. no power to the fuel pump or the fuel pumps shot.youre a big electronics guru. buy a chilton manual and start backtracking using the electrical diagrams to isolate the problem or are you too stupid to do that? or just too lazy? heres a hint moron. its a common problem on those dakota pickups. go to a dodge dealership and ask em. more than likely they will tell you whats wrong. your welcome dumbass. turns out nobody sabotaged your truck after all. liar.
There you go again lying to turn people against me.
There is a police report on record as proof that someone was here on our land and vandalized the truck.
Unless you have hardcore evidence to the contrary, your comment is criminal.
why hide it Troy? i dont think you want people to know you have money because they will stop donating.
So, you are saying that only rich people drive cars?
This is not the 1800s here.
So the question is did your parents buy this car too the same as the last two vehicles? Its not a trick question, the problem is you don't want your viewers to know that you either were given yet another car by your aging parents and your father came out of retirement to work again and support a son soon to be 50 years old and still cannot support himself and family OR you found the money to buy another car and that means you chose not fix whatever was wrong with the Oldsmobile and paid more to get a new used car. And all the while the crappy truck sits there looking like you junked it for all your viewers and neighbors to see what kind of DIY person you really are. Just trying to figure out your angle and it doesn't look good for you
I had to get a loan. Period. Simple.
A car is a necessity, especially out in the country with a wife and baby.
What I dont get is that you guys are so upset that I have a car.
This is not the 1800s.
Every family has a car.
Its normal.
Again you state something as fact when it is not at all correct.
What you are doing is criminal
Unless you have hardcore facts to back up your statements then what you are doing is slander and defamation of character.
That is criminal harassment.
Considering he cant afford a box of screws till payday. (Sob sob send donations)
Who is asking for donations?
The funny thing is that you guys are the only one talking about donations.
All we do is make videos of our daily lives on the hoemstead.
Your harassment of us online and in the real world is criminal.
In 5 years of begging on your channel its painfully clear how you beg. You show a piece of crap tool and say I need a new one but can't afford it and ZAM in the mail comes that tool. Same with help me I need a chicken fence or I need money to buy Ming Ting clothes when she gets here. And I need money to go get Ming Ring. You don't remember all the begging? Short memory.
you have several videos begging for help on your homestead from the very beginning. You also have the donate button. Remember when you sat in the greenhouse and poured out your heart that you couldn't afford food for your bride? The same bride you claimed in legal documents that you could afford to take care of?
@bigjeff .... it's brutal earning money on YOU TUBE when all of your subs see and call out your lies ................ they are just nasty trolls
All we do is make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.
If you do not believe us that is fine.
But your harassment of us online and in the real world is criminal.
It's really quite strange what you chose to film and not film. Perhaps this is one reason your YouTube channel is failing and NOT YouTube's fault. A channel with 103,000 subscribers should have 5 to 10 times the # of views per video. Why did you not cover the fact you got a new car? Why haven't you shown the completed battery box? Why didn't you show the 95% off grid solar system you concocted this summer? Why haven't you shown the chickens? Why haven't you shown yourself adding to your compost pile? Why haven't you shown the inside of your chicken coop? How come we haven't seen Michelle in MONTHS? Have you ever taken the time to ask your viewers what they want to see? Where is the video of you taking in your wedding rings to be resized and getting them back? Instead you make videos that are easy and not time consuming so you can spend more time online, I think. Shameful.
Well, because this video is from summer and we are not there yet.
You are a bit off topic now arent you
It is ALL very on topic, isn't it? You won't allow such questions on your YouTube channel, so I would rather pose them here in the hopes you have a moment of clarity and decide to answer them. But your need to obfuscate the truth for some reason seems to win over every time. So at least I plant the seed in your other viewers who visit here so they too can wonder, "Gee, why HASN'T he done a video about his new car? Is it so he can still look poor and receive cash and gifts from viewers?" Or, "Gee, why HASN'T he showed the inside of the coop? Is the chicken shit 3 feet high?" Or, " Why hasn't he shown the finished battery box, which claims to have insulated and more?" No, the average wise person has the same question. Only a doofus like you thinks you're actually hiding something from everyone. No, your viewers will just watch you less. It's why only 3% of your subscribers watch your videos anymore. Everyone knows you're full of shit.
Makes you wonder if trog went to college. His reasoning and ability to comprehend is off the charts in a negative way. His video said he spends all day filming everyday and he isn't getting paid for it. Now from my viewing history I remember him not filming everyday and his subs often mention it. And as for filming all day there is definately something wrong here. He just hold the camera and drones on and on about absolutely nothing of interest for no more than a few minutes and maybe as much as 18. What he shows up needs no editing or if it was edited his camera skills are really bad for someone that does it for a living. Most of the time he tells us what he did and says I didn't have time to film which goes against his constant harping that this is what he does for a living and his family depends on the income. He appears to think that what his viewers want to see is of no interest to him, its not like he depends on this for a living.
Well, this video is about making ketchup.
I have nothing to hide.
I just dont want to get stuff out of order or confuse people.
But it seems that is exactly what you want to do.
@thediyworld, I think you have a confused new Patreon subscriber today.
They must have missed the memo you're ending the program at the end of the year.
Perhaps you should make another sit down video for that.
Why should they pay you for doing absolutely nothing as promised?
No, I just want my damn questions answered...not two years from now. Besides, you confuse your viewers enough with your disjointed storytelling, half-truths, and exaggerations. I think it is obvious your chicken coop looks like shit (literally). I think it is obvious you haven't insulated your battery box yet. I think it is obvious you don't really invest a whole lot into creating a homestead...only enough to make a handful of videos. You are now an Internet addict, that's it. Nothing special to see here. It's why your viewers are moving along and finding entertainment elsewhere. You are a fraud.
Since when does a site owner tell viewers what order to watch videos in when you have all these sites? We get confused exactly where we saw any particular thing. Most creators are just happy to get the views and comments. You have said several things that if I was a glass half empty kind of guy I would think you didn't want me here but since I know you so well and know its a game you play saying leave I don't want you hear but what you really mean is please don't go even though my channel is a load of crap and I should be paying you to watch this garbage lots of which I get ideas from watching Docs channel and I copy it.
hey reid. i just talked to your best buddy lance boyle and he says if you dont have that drawing youve been promising forever then hes gonna quit showing up for bundshafting nites at the church! whats he talking about reid?
That seems to be be an underlying problem for you. For the last five years youv've had 'freezing nights which killed off' most of your plants. And now in a new state you have the same thing.
You said yourself the farther north you go the colder it is - or words to the effect. So why are you not prepared for this kind of thing?
That is odd because I dont ever remember having a deep freeze in July, August and September anywhere else before.
Its a new area. New experiences. And odd weather patterns. Everyone who lives out here said it should never freeze here at night during the summer. A fluke. A strange summer.
And those are the words of people who lived here 20 or more years.
July had 2 days in the upper 40s for the coldest...NO FREEZE!!!!
August...Still no freezing weather...
You just killed your own garden by imprioperly fertilizing the tops of the leaves...
So what are your plans to avoid this situation arising next Summer then, let alone the Winter?
Well, although they tell me it was just a strange year, I am going to grow in a greenhouse next year. The sensitive plants anyway.
I have the materials to finish the one by the house. Just need a good day of weather. Looks like spring before that happens now.
we have a mountain house at a ski resort. Those temps are not enough to stop people from working outside. How would the ski resorts operate if everyone thought as you did. Putting plastic on a wood frame is a few hours work and I see on my weather app you are having good days in with the bad. You just prefer to not get cold. Bundle up big boy
Its not about the cold. Its because everything is frozen up. I cannot move anything due to it all being frozen to the ground.
And it is not a priority now anyway.
watch your video and see where you claim its too cold to do anything.
@thediyworld For all those "sensitive plants" it's going to have to be a sizeable greenhouse. What size do you figure?
The size of the second garden plot
So about 15 cords of wood per winter then when you go off on vacation everything freezes and its all for nothing? Only the wealthy can afford to heat a greenhouse of that size and you are at the lower end of the poverty stricken list.
"Everyone who lives out here says" I'm not believing that all those people living there will even talk to boy genious. The new neighbor that is going to bring a wife and kid to a shack not built for winters AND take away the very few conveniences they have and live like they are in a third world country. Not buying that for one minute. You are the freak the talk about, not the new family across the street over regularly for dinner and drinks. They are probably the ones that installed the hornets nest and put wasp seeds under your trailer. At least they have a new laughing stock.
Odd you would say that.
I can understand you insulting the tiny house I built.
You guys always said it would not last 3 months. You kept extending that time a month or so but after three years it still stands.
Now this house was built by other people.
So I dont get why you want to insult it.
The tiny house John built and you watched
Oh really? I wonder what videos you watched.
Because it sure was not my channel
Oh - it was your troll channel where you edit and modify my videos.
Yeah, thats right.
when you lose the property in foreclosure you need to explain to Ming Sing that you became so smart ass your viewers decided to go elsewhere to watch homesteading videos and Youtube quit paying useless channels for their crap so you make zero income and she was using too much grid power and wasted propane just to keep the shack above freezing so its mostly her fault. Short bus smart ass
again with the you guys. Its criminal to include everyone that disagrees with you in your false statements about what I said. I never said anything about the tar paper shack lasting 3 months. I may have said it was a piece of crap and using the treated plywood on it was injecting poison into a living space and how stupid it was to overbuild on that dinky trailer frame and you could never get it on the road if you got evicted and that you appear to think tar paper is an appropriate siding and because it was too wide to be considered a travel trailer you should follow codes especially wiring. You said 12v didn't need to follow any code but you eventually brought in 110v for appliances and other things so not following code bit you in the ass. Tacking on the battery shack was not a legally allowed thing to do but you don't follow any law that you don't like. Not properly sealing the insulation in the ceiling was extremely reckless for breathing fiberglass particles and you even had a tiny ceiling fan to more thoroughly distribute the glass fibers. Covering the ceiling with that crappy painters cloth didn't stop the fiberglass particles from contaminating the shack. The reason I don't like the shack you live in is it was built in the 60's by the look of it for only warmer months and has never been updated including the furniture. Looks like a poverty pit and I don't understand someone living in it through the winter. I am also not a fan of tiny houses especially when you have enough land to build something big enough for a family. We won't get started on the trailer because that rat nest is a dump.
@the-diy-world.............. i am glad that TROY has finally admitted on his latest you tube video that his homestead in PINE BUSH NY wasn't really DEEP IN THE FOREST as he has always claimed .
What??? I never said such a thing.
Pine Bush was a mile from the last road and certainly in the woods.
There was nothing at all on three sides but wild forest and the nearest house on the other side was 1/4 mile away.
But you guys know that since you have google earth maps all over the internet of my place.
Yep, I caught that. He sometimes- make that often- gives more information than he intends. Hahahah. Its gonna be a cold miserable winter for his family with no firewood and no woodstove hooked up to burn any. Just expensive propane and electric heat. I guess buying a run down 3 season house in a depressed area will turn out to be more expensive than even brainboy thought.
Same goes for you too.
Show undeniable evidence that we are not using a wood stove - or shut up.
Unless you can prove without a bit of doubt then what you are doing is slander and criminal.
@thediyworld. Actually, it is Not slander. You have not proven beyond a shadow of doubt that the wood stove is providing heat in the chalet.
You don't have firewood. Don't bother with your excuses for that issue.
When you made the soap making video, there was No indication that anything was being heated, plus you touched the pot and pan with your hand and never winced.
There was No soot, dust, wood debris.
The burden of proof is on YOU Mr. Reid.
It is criminal harassment to state something as fact with you do not have the facts.
I have shown the wood stove in use. Repeatedly.
What you are doing is criminal.
What you are doing to your chickens this winter is criminal.
All our information comes from Your mouth and Your videos.@thediyworld. Wrong again. It's NOT criminal.
So if you say our "facts" are wrong, then that means you've been LYING the entire time.
Besides, you have Not shown the wood stove "in use".
You've shown only a wood stove. That's it.
No fire burning, no heat, no smoke from a chimney.
Just a PROP for your show.
I get it.
This is how your brain works, semantics.
Far from the truth though.
boy he sure likes harping on the slander and criminal song dont he?
yep, besides being the totally off grid guru he is a practicing attorney. Practices making up laws that will justify his law breaking ways.
You need to get an attorney ASAP. I also have a wood stove and the chimney has smoke that exits when the fire is burning. You have shown yourself all bundled up in from of the shack and no smoke coming from the house. I actually don't think it would be safe to have a wood stove in such a small space as you sitting area. Especially the one you claimed to have cooked the soap on. That thin walled firebox burning pine would cook your family and the top floor would not be habitable. All the good homestead channels are proud of their free heating systems and show them often. Now another reason is I can't for the life of me imagine even a lazy man not having a winter's worth of firewood stacked near the house in your extreme temps. The tiny little pile of firewood is next to an outdoor firepit which would lead most people to believe that you are not stupid enough to burn pine indoors and the small woodpile was for outdoor fires. Now tell me where my reasoning is wrong. Or just snap a pic of the woodstove with the firedoor open showing a fire. Either way something is not right with you- should not be burning pine in a cheap woodheater and did not think to haul in enough wood to heat your house for the winter implying the safety and comfort of your family takes second place behind playing on the computer all day.
Oh. So if the wind blows the smoke away from the front of the house - then that is proof that the wood stove is not burning?
Ok. Now I get it.
Troll logic.
Troll logic is what allows us to see through all of your lies and bullshit.
again with your lack of understanding a simple statement. I never said wind or that the smoke would be in front of your shack. You have shown the front of your shack many time in what you says is extreme cold but no smoke rising from the roof. Maybe Ming Ping will understand and draw you pictures to help you understand. Short bus
trog claims his loop hole in not following any codes was that he didn't live in it permanently. He said that was the reason he went on vacations so often to stay legal. Since he had no other residence that WAS his permanent residence. Vacations making the difference between permanent and vacation home doesn't work because anybody that takes vacations would lose their claim of permanent resident in their own home. He only follows laws that work for him and the rest he ignores. So now he has another house in Michigan that he is tearing up and not following permits or codes and he will be totally freaked out when they red tag his living space and tell him the property can't be lived on until codes are met.
Love the new sound microphone on your person it works very well.
@thediyworld you claim i have no content and have so repeatedly... so my questions to you are:
If i have no content then why is it that i have done better than you have on steemit in my 37 days compared to your 67 days?
if steemit is all about content and getting up votes to earn money then why are you not reigning supreme here despite your personal claim of having better content than anyone else?
why if you supposedly have the better content do you receive roughly 90% + down votes and i receive nearly 99.9% up votes? (my only down votes i get are from @thediyworld)
wouldn't these facts prove my content is better than yours?
no need to reply as you will just lie as usual.
Steemit glitch again!
•[-]fixedbydoc (54) · 33 minutes ago
@thediyworld you claim i have no content and have so repeatedly... so my questions to you are:
If i have no content then why is it that i have done better than you have on steemit in my 37 days compared to your 67 days?
if steemit is all about content and getting up votes to earn money then why are you not reigning supreme here despite your personal claim of having better content than anyone else?
why if you supposedly have the better content do you receive roughly 90% + down votes and i receive nearly 99.9% up votes? (my only down votes i get are from @thediyworld)
wouldn't these facts prove my content is better than yours?
no need to reply as you will just lie as usual.
im sure that comment just burns his ass doc. keep it up. in reids mind its all your fault too.
It is quite obvious that you guys worship at docs feet and up vote him while harassing me to no end.
Everyone can see that for themselves.
Doc doesn't lie or deceive us and has not begged or whined or done stupid things like drink runoff water or dump grey water on the ground or allow his chickens to be eaten by any and all predators within miles and he feeds and waters them. Notice a difference? We do.
the people think he is just better than you Troy , thats all. even back to the TV show days....they even thought he was better
@thediyworld "It is quite obvious that you guys worship at docs feet and up vote him while harassing me to no end."
The entire world can see that you are harassing me.
You are all over my blog posts harassing me and down voting my viewers.
Nobody will find me doing ANYTHING to you at all!!!
Let the World see who is the instigator of it all.
I take the high ground and never attack or harass you in return.
My hopes are that people will see you for what you are and make up their own minds.
"My hopes are that people will see you for what you are and make up their own minds."
Too true. Too true.
@fixedbydoc, I am sure one of us will repost this when it is grayed out.
@thediyworld troy what i don't understand is how you posted this blog 19hrs ago and it has 187 comments on it BUT you have only made $0.60...
Now I posted this article 1hr ago and much like many other of my blogs it has made $0.98 already but only has 3 comments... strange that my blogs make several times more income than yours off several less comments/views...
(edit) I just posted this video: 1hr ago and it has already made $14.14 with 51 up votes and 7 comments.
I don't see any of yours doing that good that fast.
Perhaps you need to rethink who has real content here and who does not?
Damn glitch again...
fixedbydoc (54) · yesterday
@thediyworld troy what i don't understand is how you posted this blog 19hrs ago and it has 187 comments on it BUT you have only made $0.60...
Now I posted this article 1hr ago and much like many other of my blogs it has made $0.98 already but only has 3 comments... strange that my blogs make several times more income than yours off several less comments/views...
(edit) I just posted this video: 1hr ago and it has already made $14.14 with 51 up votes and 7 comments.
I don't see any of yours doing that good that fast.
Perhaps you need to rethink who has real content here and who does not?
3 votes