
looks like a 2003, they are goin for about $8000.00
must be makin out better than you have lead eveyone to believe TROY !
imho it seems you just act poor and broke all the time for sympathy and the donations.

Last I knew, in this modern age, every family needed one running vehicle.

Especially with a wife and child.

I can just imagine what you guys would say if I had no vehicle.

we know yull fuck this car up soon enough by not maintaining it and you really will be without a vechicle. better get goin on the show truck reid so you have a backup vechicle. its not that hard a fix. no power to the fuel pump or the fuel pumps shot.youre a big electronics guru. buy a chilton manual and start backtracking using the electrical diagrams to isolate the problem or are you too stupid to do that? or just too lazy? heres a hint moron. its a common problem on those dakota pickups. go to a dodge dealership and ask em. more than likely they will tell you whats wrong. your welcome dumbass. turns out nobody sabotaged your truck after all. liar.

There you go again lying to turn people against me.

There is a police report on record as proof that someone was here on our land and vandalized the truck.

Unless you have hardcore evidence to the contrary, your comment is criminal.

no reid. whats criminal is your claims that the truck was sabotaged to get sympathy and donations.your buddy got it going again for you. you said so yourself. you said it was a bad wire. you also stated your truck was sabotaged is why it wouldnt run. your own words reid. if anyones a criminal its you.

since you have no proof other than oil in the reservoir the police just took a report saying what you told them. If I was going to have vandalism done to my truck finding oil in the reservoir would be the absolute best outcome since it wouldn't damage the engine. Now if you blew up the engine or had a seal leak and oil got into the tank then that is on you and impossible for a "vandal" to do. Sometimes you make up lies that even a 6 year old can see through. This is one of those times. I can get a police report that says bigfoot stepped on my big toe and broke it but that doesn't mean I ever got within 3 states of bigfoot.

why hide it Troy? i dont think you want people to know you have money because they will stop donating.

So, you are saying that only rich people drive cars?

This is not the 1800s here.

Did the taxpayers pay any part of the medical bills for Ming a Ling and the kid? That would tell us if you were honest in getting a new car.

So the question is did your parents buy this car too the same as the last two vehicles? Its not a trick question, the problem is you don't want your viewers to know that you either were given yet another car by your aging parents and your father came out of retirement to work again and support a son soon to be 50 years old and still cannot support himself and family OR you found the money to buy another car and that means you chose not fix whatever was wrong with the Oldsmobile and paid more to get a new used car. And all the while the crappy truck sits there looking like you junked it for all your viewers and neighbors to see what kind of DIY person you really are. Just trying to figure out your angle and it doesn't look good for you

I had to get a loan. Period. Simple.

A car is a necessity, especially out in the country with a wife and baby.

What I dont get is that you guys are so upset that I have a car.

This is not the 1800s.

Every family has a car.

Its normal.

Dick Head, Any "Homesteader" with an ounce of brains would have bought a real truck. With the unmaintained roads the next vid will be Poor me, Poor me we are snowed in.

something is not adding up. You stated that your income dropped to $1400 a month and you have a mortgage, insurance, shed payments, clothing expense, utilities, food- you are not self sufficient in the food category, cell phone bills and you have several, gas for your vehicles, maintenance on the vehicles and insurance on the vehicles, toys like the new microphone and you think a single viewer believes you qualified for a car loan? Was your interest payment around 50%? Your credit score must be in the toilet since your income to creditors ratio is horrible.

@troyreidlies, The loan was from Mommy.

That makes sense and with notes of $3 a month the car should be paid off in just over two hundred and twenty two years if all goes well and your new youtube clone is a smashing success which will be a first for you.

@troyreidlies .......... better question is .... WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BLACK CAR ???? I would bet he doesnt want anyone to he wrecked the damn thing and totaled it . If thats not the case then what really happened to the black olds ??

Again you state something as fact when it is not at all correct.

What you are doing is criminal

Unless you have hardcore facts to back up your statements then what you are doing is slander and defamation of character.

That is criminal harassment.

Considering he cant afford a box of screws till payday. (Sob sob send donations)

Who is asking for donations?

The funny thing is that you guys are the only one talking about donations.

All we do is make videos of our daily lives on the hoemstead.

Your harassment of us online and in the real world is criminal.

In 5 years of begging on your channel its painfully clear how you beg. You show a piece of crap tool and say I need a new one but can't afford it and ZAM in the mail comes that tool. Same with help me I need a chicken fence or I need money to buy Ming Ting clothes when she gets here. And I need money to go get Ming Ring. You don't remember all the begging? Short memory.

And the stupid thing is that right here on steemit, where you are harassing me like this, people can see my videos for themselves.

that's a great thing so they don't believe we are trolls. They can see for themselves the deceit and lying you do regularly.

All we do is make videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

You will NEVER hear me beg for anything on YouTube or in the comments.

You stating it as fact is criminal harassment.

If I point to a particular video and time stamp of you asking for donations will you stop with the I NEVER beg for anything? I remember the video but it may take me some time to find it. Will you agree to admit you do beg if I show you?

you have several videos begging for help on your homestead from the very beginning. You also have the donate button. Remember when you sat in the greenhouse and poured out your heart that you couldn't afford food for your bride? The same bride you claimed in legal documents that you could afford to take care of?

@bigjeff .... it's brutal earning money on YOU TUBE when all of your subs see and call out your lies ................ they are just nasty trolls

All we do is make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

If you do not believe us that is fine.

But your harassment of us online and in the real world is criminal.

Lets not forget he took a survey to see if he should start a go fund me for people to buy him a new house! I mean the guy doesn't beg one minute he's moving to be closer to his family because he can't afford the land he lives on. Next minute it's the trolls and I need to go fund me


are you telling us this is another example of its always someone else's fault? Yep I remember that one. I get the feeling he was raised with mommy and daddy putting up and not calling him out on his lies so throughout his life that's his first line of defense- lying his ass off because nobody ever called him out on it. Now he has moved into the real world and this truth shit is kicking his whinny little ass. He needs to call mommy and tell her everybody is picking on him just because he wouldn't know the truth if it bit him in the ass.

you keep saying that but you don't make daily videos. You never have. Your videos are whenever you feel like cobbling one out. Not consistent at all

If you dont like us then leave.

Just go away.

But harassing my family online and in the real world like this is criminal.

Can't leave till I make a ton of money here. I dropped everything and came to steemit as you asked me to in order to make money and it hasn't happened yet. I will stay and ride this out for both you and myself. I'm not a quitter.