
@thediyworld When you said you are driving “something else”, did you mean the tank? Why not just refer to your car? Please clarify.

Because I know that sucks will be abuzz with talk about this for days. And I do not plan to tell you anything.

Your team will now spend countless hour scouring the recent videos looking for it. You may just find it. You may not. Lets see.......

My team? Sucks isn’t a team, it’s a group of individuals that you (in effect) have created due to your life of lying and scamming. Now you’re trying to use red herrings and misdirection as a tactic? It’s not gonna work. lol.

Oh no. There are no lies. All we do is make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

You choose to believe its all a prop for some made up show.

That is your option.

But to harass us for it is criminal.