Please ignore the comments below.
Trolls from YouTube have found me here and are harassing me.
They spread some horrible lies about me and my wife in hopes of turning people away from us.
Many have believed the lies and joined them.
They harass us in the real world and online.
All we do is share videos of our daily lives on the homestead.
Please do not give them the attention they seek.
Please ignore their comments and do not engage them.
They are dangerous in the real world.
Thank you.
@thediyworld, You keep saying "all we do is share videos of our daily life". I disagree.
This is not your daily life.
I should hope you spend your day in a more meaningful fashion.
If what you say is true, spending 3 weeks to build a box for batterieson the outside of the house in MI is foolish and irresponsible.
Didn't you learn anything from your supposed freezing all summer there?
No need to give excuses about the batteries. I am confident they're junk by now.
Sweeping snow off of solar panels that are improperly aimed at the sun and not connected to anything solar is fraud when you represent your businesses as "off grid".
Inviting me to come to your residence to fight with you makes YOU the dangerous person here.
SAT 25/11 17
Please do not support this scammer.
Watch Ming AdSense Free cook on the electric stove, more proof they have no wood burner.
Watch Trog for free if you are into watching four day no content crap.
you can hear the washer and dryer in the background then the electric stove and the stove hood vent all going and the electric food processor. Sounds like a pioneer family with no electricity just kerosine lamps and a wood stove. 95% off grid my ass
I'am sure those batteries were in good shape till he fried them with his weenie bedini
At least Trog’s rack wasn’t flexing in today’s video.
he is running a gas heater in electronics lad in the explosive H2 atmosphere from the batteries, not smart at all. He must not use google to learn things. Now he is totally dependent on propane on the homestead. Not a real off grid mentality. Then he says he will take away Ming Ping's electric stove and put in a gas stove. He has not researched the expense of a new stove and propane vs old electric and grid power.
About as much effort as he puts into everything he does...
You want us to believe its getting down in the twenties but a sunflower is doing just fine? Then you say don't let that cheap crappy plastic touch your plants but your plastic is touching your plants. As a gardener I know you are full of bull. You left the ends uncovered as well which means this was all for show and content for a video. A hard freeze down in the twenties would have decimated the crude attempt at protecting your garden. Lies on top of lies, just like 95% off grid
Does Ming Put ever ask you how you plan on supporting her and the kid on 71 cents a day?
An opinion on the Land Contract between Mrs. Marcia Wright & Troy W. Reid dated and notarized 29 July 2015.
Reid did NOT mention having a boundary survey done with stakes at the corners to verify the specific property dimensions. How would Reid know when folks were trespassing or when he encroached the neighbors land? Did he count on divine intervention from select texts in his battle bible? Allegedly handed over $15k as a down payment + $1500/month not knowing whether the land occupied was clear of any encumbrances? How did he know if Mr. Russell Wright had a wife or wives prior to Marcia, if they still held dower & courtesy rights, title and/or produced entitled heirs? If the contract was a valid one it would have contained the docket book number, block & lot numbers of land Mrs. Wright was to convey upon payment in full of the contract, until then the land was exclusively hers & obligation for taxes. Reid limited legal recourse by not paying for a title search before signing the contract devoid any knowledge of the land's history. Was it once the sight of a tannery, mine, cemetery, slaughterhouse, farm, battlefield, possible easement on the water rights such as maintenance of dams or bridges. Upon change of title designated as private forest with a reduced property tax rate it would legally require a variance to reside on the land in compliance with any/all health & building codes.
Reid was granted rights to occupy that land but not reside. Reid occupied the land with 160' long 10' wide lead paint demolished barn wood, roadside garbage, junk vehicles, rotting RV's, boats, tractors, & trailers. He failed to include the term exclusive. Troy could now legally hunt on that property complying with NY DEC regulations. Reid stepped on that land mine with both feet lamenting last year hunters were on the land illegally chasing away the deer. Marcia had every right to honor and/or revoke hunting rights granted in the past, while retaining title to the land. The timbers are specifically NOT granted to Reid & remain the exclusive right of Marcia, even the maple sap to harvest as she saw fit. It's a riddle that Reid failed to get in writing rights to use the timbers. Reid demonstrated on videos standing like a piece of dead from the neck up wood when contractors downed timbers with easement/access rights for their vehicles, under no obligation to fulfill Reid's alleged barter of timbers for gravel. Despite advertising Old Growth Firewood on the internet Reid exploited Mrs. Wright's property & her fair share of profit. Contractors were not strategically clearing timbers providing sunlight for solar panels, all profit from the timbers, are Marcia's alone.
Reid might as well have had strapped to his back a Vegas styled neon sign flashing S T U P I D. By going cheap thinking himself the more savvy of the two, certainly proved himself a six foot stack of dumb sh*t by not retaining a NY attorney to represent his interest in this first major real estate transaction. From the looks of that simple document, to wit, no educated consumer would have penned their signature.
He has no concept of value and his family has always lived in trailer houses so it looks like financial geniuses don't run in the family. His parents never had much so he didn't learn about real estate contracts. Now he thinks he is free to create an illegal dump in Michigan.