Since we have freezing nights all summer I made a simple and cheap hoop house to protect our plants at night. The nice thing about our hoop house is that we can roll back the plastic every day when it gets hot outside.
We have about 50 degree temperature differences from day to night during the summer. It often gets down to 40 degrees or even in the high 20s at night.
I had been laying down sheets of plastic every night to cover the plants and used stakes to hold it down. And each morning I had to pull it all up before the hot sun baked the plants. This was too much work.
I put up some stakes in between the tomato plants already to tie them up and came up with the idea of a modified hoop house.
I ran rope between the stakes and then I draped the plastic over the rope. This makes a tent over our plants. At night I drop the plastic and put the stakes in to hold it down. In the morning I roll the plastic up and use rubber tie down straps to hold it during the day.
This entire setup cost me a total of $8 to make. You can use wood, metal or plastic stakes. Just use whatever you have on hand.
You can watch the video here:
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Please ignore the comments below.
Trolls from YouTube have found me here and are harassing me.
They spread some horrible lies about me and my wife in hopes of turning people away from us.
Many have believed the lies and joined them.
They harass us in the real world and online.
All we do is share videos of our daily lives on the homestead.
Please do not give them the attention they seek.
Please ignore their comments and do not engage them.
They are dangerous in the real world.
Thank you.
@thediyworld, You keep saying "all we do is share videos of our daily life". I disagree.
This is not your daily life.
I should hope you spend your day in a more meaningful fashion.
If what you say is true, spending 3 weeks to build a box for batterieson the outside of the house in MI is foolish and irresponsible.
Didn't you learn anything from your supposed freezing all summer there?
No need to give excuses about the batteries. I am confident they're junk by now.
Sweeping snow off of solar panels that are improperly aimed at the sun and not connected to anything solar is fraud when you represent your businesses as "off grid".
Inviting me to come to your residence to fight with you makes YOU the dangerous person here.
SAT 25/11 17
Please do not support this scammer.
Watch Ming AdSense Free cook on the electric stove, more proof they have no wood burner.
Watch Trog for free if you are into watching four day no content crap.
you can hear the washer and dryer in the background then the electric stove and the stove hood vent all going and the electric food processor. Sounds like a pioneer family with no electricity just kerosine lamps and a wood stove. 95% off grid my ass
I'am sure those batteries were in good shape till he fried them with his weenie bedini
At least Trog’s rack wasn’t flexing in today’s video.

he is running a gas heater in electronics lad in the explosive H2 atmosphere from the batteries, not smart at all. He must not use google to learn things. Now he is totally dependent on propane on the homestead. Not a real off grid mentality. Then he says he will take away Ming Ping's electric stove and put in a gas stove. He has not researched the expense of a new stove and propane vs old electric and grid power.
About as much effort as he puts into everything he does...
You want us to believe its getting down in the twenties but a sunflower is doing just fine? Then you say don't let that cheap crappy plastic touch your plants but your plastic is touching your plants. As a gardener I know you are full of bull. You left the ends uncovered as well which means this was all for show and content for a video. A hard freeze down in the twenties would have decimated the crude attempt at protecting your garden. Lies on top of lies, just like 95% off grid
Does Ming Put ever ask you how you plan on supporting her and the kid on 71 cents a day?
An opinion on the Land Contract between Mrs. Marcia Wright & Troy W. Reid dated and notarized 29 July 2015.
Reid did NOT mention having a boundary survey done with stakes at the corners to verify the specific property dimensions. How would Reid know when folks were trespassing or when he encroached the neighbors land? Did he count on divine intervention from select texts in his battle bible? Allegedly handed over $15k as a down payment + $1500/month not knowing whether the land occupied was clear of any encumbrances? How did he know if Mr. Russell Wright had a wife or wives prior to Marcia, if they still held dower & courtesy rights, title and/or produced entitled heirs? If the contract was a valid one it would have contained the docket book number, block & lot numbers of land Mrs. Wright was to convey upon payment in full of the contract, until then the land was exclusively hers & obligation for taxes. Reid limited legal recourse by not paying for a title search before signing the contract devoid any knowledge of the land's history. Was it once the sight of a tannery, mine, cemetery, slaughterhouse, farm, battlefield, possible easement on the water rights such as maintenance of dams or bridges. Upon change of title designated as private forest with a reduced property tax rate it would legally require a variance to reside on the land in compliance with any/all health & building codes.
Reid was granted rights to occupy that land but not reside. Reid occupied the land with 160' long 10' wide lead paint demolished barn wood, roadside garbage, junk vehicles, rotting RV's, boats, tractors, & trailers. He failed to include the term exclusive. Troy could now legally hunt on that property complying with NY DEC regulations. Reid stepped on that land mine with both feet lamenting last year hunters were on the land illegally chasing away the deer. Marcia had every right to honor and/or revoke hunting rights granted in the past, while retaining title to the land. The timbers are specifically NOT granted to Reid & remain the exclusive right of Marcia, even the maple sap to harvest as she saw fit. It's a riddle that Reid failed to get in writing rights to use the timbers. Reid demonstrated on videos standing like a piece of dead from the neck up wood when contractors downed timbers with easement/access rights for their vehicles, under no obligation to fulfill Reid's alleged barter of timbers for gravel. Despite advertising Old Growth Firewood on the internet Reid exploited Mrs. Wright's property & her fair share of profit. Contractors were not strategically clearing timbers providing sunlight for solar panels, all profit from the timbers, are Marcia's alone.
Reid might as well have had strapped to his back a Vegas styled neon sign flashing S T U P I D. By going cheap thinking himself the more savvy of the two, certainly proved himself a six foot stack of dumb sh*t by not retaining a NY attorney to represent his interest in this first major real estate transaction. From the looks of that simple document, to wit, no educated consumer would have penned their signature.
He has no concept of value and his family has always lived in trailer houses so it looks like financial geniuses don't run in the family. His parents never had much so he didn't learn about real estate contracts. Now he thinks he is free to create an illegal dump in Michigan.
It's a good thing you started this project before the freeze hit. Oh wait...
It's a good thing you finished insulating the sheds before you needed propane heat. Oh wait...
It's a good thing you cut firewood for the winter before installing a wood burning furnace. Oh wait...
It's a good thing you finished the greenhouse before all of the plants inside of it died. Oh wait...
It's a good thing you finished insulating the bottom of your battery box before putting the batteries inside. Oh wait...
It's a good thing you took off your shoes before tracking blood through the house. Oh wait...
It's a good thing you properly sized a 2000 watt inverter for how little power you use so it doesn't prematurely drain your batteries. Oh wait...
It's a good thing you researched other ways to keep your batteries warm in the winter before cutting a hole in your house that won't work. Oh wait...
It's a good thing you spread fertilizer in the garden BEFORE planting vegetables. Oh wait...
It's a good thing you made compost this year in anticipation for next year's growing season. Oh wait...
It's a good thing you called Miss Digg before you began building the underground greenhouse you never finished. Oh wait...
It's a good thing you showed everyone the cord, inverter, and charge controller running from your solar panels to the house so people don't think you are a fraud. Oh wait...
yep, thats the plan man that never follows through with anything.
using the small 20# gas bottles is very wasteful and very expensive. Not something a true off gridder would do but then this is only for show in your videos. That is the reason you can't show an electric bill from last month- it would show much more than a well pump was running. Shame you make Ming Sling turn off all the lights when you video your fake life on the fully on grid homestead.
Now that we know for a fact you've never been Off Grid since moving to MI, how much effort will you exert pretending the wood stove is actually in use?
We all know the soap making on the wood stove video was fake too.
The wood stove wasn't cooking anything. Including when you touched the pot and pan.
Shame on you for mixing lye in the house with a baby.
Turd has handled so much asbestos from his wood pile in the New York dumpstead, that he can touch boiling hot cast iron with no protection...
But but but that pallet wood created a spa-like atmosphere in the tiny dump on flat tires. Never mind he had no idea of the concept of shrinkage and the cracks got bigger and bigger. Throw in that he used treated plywood to box in the shack and you have a health issue forever but he knows best and now its someone else' problem
Reid admitted in today's DIY video he is 100% ON GRID.
He has not had any solar power connected to the houses as he is in the middle of a battery box project, (which does not and will not prove anything once completed), the solar panels are on the ground facing the stars connected to nothing,
and Melanie is cooking on an all electric cook stove.
But Reid wants everyone to believe he only uses the well pump.
He speaks with forked tongue...
WIKI QUOTE Usage as First Nations cultural term:
The phrase "speaks with a forked tongue" means to deliberately say one thing and mean another or, to be hypocritical, or act in a duplicitous manner. In the longstanding tradition of many Native American tribes, "speaking with a forked tongue" has meant lying, and a person was no longer considered worthy of trust, once he had been shown to "speak with a forked tongue".
This tells us Ming Ling is totally misleading the viewers in the 95% off grid bullshit. She is now complicit in the lies and has sold her soul to the devil for a little pocket change. These videos will always be circulating as comedy and that child will eventually watch them and be shocked at what her parents tried to pull in the name of off grid e begging
Screenshot from Trog’s recent video Solar Power ~ Battery Box ~ Processing Deer & More, showing 3 hotplates being used on the electric stove, probably consuming around 4 - 5 KW.
100% ON GRID
If Fung Lee doesn't grow a pair and put her foot down he will get rid of her stove and have her outside cooking over an open fire in the dead of winter. This will cause her to stop bathing and turn into a crusty stinking slave.
the solar panels on the ground are to show us how wealthy the Reids are. They can afford to replace them when deer walk across them and break them. I was easily fooled. I thought he was poor and he took good care of his few possessions
It DOES NOT "Freeze all summer" in Michigan.
Don't forget he brought his "micro-climate" with him from the illegal garbage dump he ran in New York...
You remember the one where his temps were 20-30 degrees different then they were in town?
He doesn't realize anyone with a smartphone can see what the temps are doing in his make believe world. Even knocking 10 degrees off Lewiston's weather he still is full of crap in his poor pitiful me lying videos.
Spoiler Alert: This plastic did not work.
Reid bought cheap thin plastic that tore from removing it from the package.
Please do not learn gardening from this person.
There are millions of Other YouTube video channels to learn from.
Actually it worked well and I am going to use the very same plastic on the greenhouse. Its still in perfect shape. You are talking about the junk which I threw away.
"Going to?" It's damn near December. What is the point of a greenhouse unless it is producing vegetables well past the autumn season and preparing for next year's planting? What is taking so long? Have you even insulated your chicken coop for the winter yet? Those poor chickens.
Oh I thought it just snowed on the partly enclosed greenhouse how is that going to work???...plants must be dead by now.
As dead as his chickens...
The same greenhouse that the cats are shitting and pissing in? Troy said a few days ago its their litter box. Nice warm cat piss is watering what plants he hasnt killed yet.
those herbs will be a wonderful way to add cat shit and piss flavor to their meals. hahahhaaha
Reid why do you suck at everything you do. except making video's that scream out that your a liar.
No one with any sense would use 3 mil plastic to protect a greenhouse. It won't hold the snow and it can't take the constant scraping of snow to clear it. Only an idiot would go that cheap and waste time and money just for a video.
Who builds a wasteful greenhouse for herbs? Nobody with any sense. Herbs can be in pots and moved indoors for freezes. If he had to heat the greenhouse with wood it would all die from his laziness in not feeding the fire on cold nights ( remember the greenhouse flop on dumpsite one in Pinebush?)
Trog uses greenhouses to kill plants and as a location to make lie filled videos. What a guy!
Could that be the herbs he raves about? Might need a site inspection
“Tomato plants” .....wink-wink
We are homesteading and lost our garden three times this year to nature. Its our first season on the new homestead so it took us by surprise. We are trying to become self sufficient.
@thediyworld, Homesteaders should know better, besides, you claimed back in Pine Bush you were gardening your whole life back in MI.
Nobody loses a garden 3 times in one year.
Funny thing is, two days before the great summer deep freeze hit Michigan, Turd videos himself sprinkling caustic fertilizer on top of the leaves and burning the shit out his plants...
Also note, the electric fence never worked either.
Besides, those don't stop a deer from jumping, or Troy from touching it while going over it.
Just another PROP on the On Grid show.
No rain and no irrigation = dead plants.
Troy Reid + plants + animals = dead plants + dead animals
He had his very pregnant wife carry the heavy water as he made a video. Only a selfish husband does that.
every type of fertilizer a vegetable garden needs can be obtained FREE from nature with a little hard work but Mr. Off grid DIY man uses store bought stuff. He doesn't appear to think his videos through until he uploads them and sees how foolish he really is.
You were told MANY times before you planted to build a large hothouse over the top of your garden. You declined. You were told repeatedly to haul in soil for your overly acidic soil. You declined. You were told repeatedly to go to the extension office and pay the $10 for a proper soil test so you could prepare your garden bed properly. You said "no." You were told repeatedly to learn how to make compost. You didn't. You were told you needed to prepare a garden calendar and grow crops at certain times of the year and with different life spans so you could avoid problems with the cold. You didn't. You were told to make a greenhouse to grow you seedlings earlier. You didn't. You were told to cover your plants at night with plastic before they froze. You failed. You were told to fertilize. You only did so AFTER the plants were in the ground. You were told to put a real fence around your garden to protect it from critters. Instead you installed your stupid electric fence that didn't stop anything except maybe deer. You were told not to introduce MORE acidic content to your garden. But you didn't pay attention and put pine chips and needles in your garden despite pleas not to do so. You were told you couldn't plant corn so late. But you did so anyway. You were told to prepare a root cellar like any REAL homesteader would. You didn't. You were told to install a sprinkler on a long hose at your garden. Instead you had Melanie lug water to the garden every day. You were told so many other things by experienced gardeners and you heeded NONE of their advice and could not cite any reasonable source as to why you didn't and shouldn't. You lack even a modicum of gardening and farming skills. But you blame nautre. That's rich.
People giving Troy good advice makes him feel uncomfortable.

This guy needs to cut back on the ICE.
Dance Turd....DANCE!!!!!!!
No, you lost your garden three times because you aren't very bright and you were ill prepared. Don't blame it on nature, Mr. Master Michigan Gardener.
with google and your "close" friendship with the "awesome" neighbors I would think you would not have to experience the number of "surprises" at your "homestead". My neighbors would clue me into such things to help save me the devastating blow of losing a garden 3 times. Sounds like they either don't like you or they enjoy watching you fail as we do.
The type of plant makes no difference. The little man can kill anything living. Watch his older videos for dead chickens and turkeys along with numerous dead "gardens".
He killed the pickle bushes.... ;)
@danmcc, Until that very day the little men revealed the pickle bush info I never knew where pickles really came from. All these years I thought it was the Vlassic stork.
The Grey Ghoul of Ghoul Gardens!
going going going. a day at the home is a day of work.
done it my self all my life. always more than you can get done. right?