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RE: Simple Cheap Hoop House Alternative & Extend Growing Season

in #homesteading7 years ago

Now that we know for a fact you've never been Off Grid since moving to MI, how much effort will you exert pretending the wood stove is actually in use?

We all know the soap making on the wood stove video was fake too.
The wood stove wasn't cooking anything. Including when you touched the pot and pan.

Shame on you for mixing lye in the house with a baby.


Turd has handled so much asbestos from his wood pile in the New York dumpstead, that he can touch boiling hot cast iron with no protection...

But but but that pallet wood created a spa-like atmosphere in the tiny dump on flat tires. Never mind he had no idea of the concept of shrinkage and the cracks got bigger and bigger. Throw in that he used treated plywood to box in the shack and you have a health issue forever but he knows best and now its someone else' problem