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RE: Simple Cheap Hoop House Alternative & Extend Growing Season

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

Spoiler Alert: This plastic did not work.

Reid bought cheap thin plastic that tore from removing it from the package.

Please do not learn gardening from this person.
There are millions of Other YouTube video channels to learn from.


Actually it worked well and I am going to use the very same plastic on the greenhouse. Its still in perfect shape. You are talking about the junk which I threw away.

"Going to?" It's damn near December. What is the point of a greenhouse unless it is producing vegetables well past the autumn season and preparing for next year's planting? What is taking so long? Have you even insulated your chicken coop for the winter yet? Those poor chickens.

Oh I thought it just snowed on the partly enclosed greenhouse how is that going to work???...plants must be dead by now.

The same greenhouse that the cats are shitting and pissing in? Troy said a few days ago its their litter box. Nice warm cat piss is watering what plants he hasnt killed yet.

those herbs will be a wonderful way to add cat shit and piss flavor to their meals. hahahhaaha

Reid why do you suck at everything you do. except making video's that scream out that your a liar.

No one with any sense would use 3 mil plastic to protect a greenhouse. It won't hold the snow and it can't take the constant scraping of snow to clear it. Only an idiot would go that cheap and waste time and money just for a video.