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RE: Chick Update and the new Warming Plate - 4-H and Homesteading

I'm glad you got to stop by as well. Do you want featheredfriday in the tags? (Even though it was technically Thursday when I posted - for me. I save Friday for the food fling.)

Did you find the silkies a little more susceptible to getting wet? I'm a little worried about it, really. It almost seems like the insulative ability of the down reduces when there are no proper feathers on the outside. Still, if this is a hen, she will be worth her weight in gold as a brooder. I'd much rather let the chickens do that job! (As fun as chicks are.)


The tag to use is #featheredfriends. I changed it for exactly that reason, so that people would know they could post any day of the week. There is a #featheredfriends community hive-106444 if you want to join in!

I had a pair of Silkies years ago and they free ranged with the other chickens. I don't remember any issues with them. My veterinarian came to the farm to see to one of the cows and he fell in love with my Silkies and he left with them in trade for his services. I knew they went to a good home, but I always missed the sweet little things!

Ah, yes! I've joined that community, I'm pretty sure - now to condition myself to look at those communities before posting/scheduling!!!

lol re the trade.
I did something similar once... Raising quail... took my second clutch in to the feed store to sell... went home with a pair of goslings instead! (Mind you, this was when I was a teenager.)

The vet charged quite a bit for farm calls, he checked on a cow that I had assisted him do a cesarean on a few days earlier and he taught me how to castrate my piglets while he was there, so my silkies were a more than fair exchange!

Wow, that's awesome. Yeah, sounds like you got a bargain!

I miss those long ago days on the farm. Some good memories, though!