I was "The Fat Lady in Accounting" for many years and I was the fattest person in any room from the age of four until I lost weight at age 50. I was also a fat swimmer, and "Whale on the Beach" used to be one of my common names.
Even though 40% of Americans are currently obese, it is perfectly fine to say any hurtful remark you want to fat people. As a weight loss coach now, I still live this every day.
But you are right - anyone who wants to be a hateful asshole should do so with glee and no one should try to stop them. Because - freedom!
But I still block on platforms where I can. 99% of people are good and I do not need to deal with the evil ones.
Here's my most recent freewrite on this very subject. Who knew I would get to feel the joy of being called a "retard" right after I wrote it?!
As to the gays, different races, religions etc? I don't care. If you are fat, I will help you if you want help. I see nothing but the thin and healthy person you could be.