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RE: Looks like I got under the bigots skin...

in #homophobicbitch6 years ago

I think we're all better off when anyone can say anything...

people say stupid things, when we don't like what someone else said we want to shut them up, but I always try to protect peoples right to say what they want, even to me, and I try to take it as it is and learn from it even if it pisses me off at the moment.

we're all people and nobody should be a second-class citizen, we should all be able to speak freely, you'll see, the very same people who say stupid things today might learn from these experiences and stop speaking like that, as long as we can all talk about it.

If you want the ability to shut people up for what they said, imagine what could happen if you said something that becomes unpopular and people use that to censor you? Maybe you feel like you're immune to that, but a lot of people that you like and support, may not be, and we can never guess where a whitch hunt can begin just around someones language.

I'm not saying biggotry should not be responded too, responding is healthy, that's why protecting peoples ability to express themselves has its virtues right?

Anyway thought I'd add something a little more unbiased to the thread.

We dislike biggotry because its a bias, all bias should be avoided if possible, they're all nasty, even our own bias agianst biggots is bad, we should not always act the way we do when someone speaks wrongfully, I've seen people fight biggots in unfortunate and ultimately destructive ways, making everything worse.

So, freedom first! its good to speak out against biggotry, its good to speak freely.

I don't think that calling someone a fag makes one homophobic, as in scared of homosexuals... that's whats on my mind :)


I was "The Fat Lady in Accounting" for many years and I was the fattest person in any room from the age of four until I lost weight at age 50. I was also a fat swimmer, and "Whale on the Beach" used to be one of my common names.

Even though 40% of Americans are currently obese, it is perfectly fine to say any hurtful remark you want to fat people. As a weight loss coach now, I still live this every day.

But you are right - anyone who wants to be a hateful asshole should do so with glee and no one should try to stop them. Because - freedom!

But I still block on platforms where I can. 99% of people are good and I do not need to deal with the evil ones.

Here's my most recent freewrite on this very subject. Who knew I would get to feel the joy of being called a "retard" right after I wrote it?!

fitinfun You can do it if I did! sharon before and after.jpg

As to the gays, different races, religions etc? I don't care. If you are fat, I will help you if you want help. I see nothing but the thin and healthy person you could be.