in #howto6 years ago

This is one of favorite wild edibles.

Yes, they do have quite a sting as well, but don't let that scare you. The nutritional benefits of this plant alone should at least encourage you to check it out. In this video, I share a bit about this plant and demonstrate how to enjoy eating it raw in the wild.


As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

GIF provided by @anzirpasai



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My favourite too, I think it’s a crime to cook it :D It tastes so much better when it’s raw! I love salads with nettle(smashed with olive oil and salt with gloves). Great that you’re spreading this info :) I met once one really old forager in the forest, and he told me - if people knew how nutritious and healthy the nettle is, they would eat only nettle :D

Wow! Very cool! I love what the forager told you too!


Hi papa :-)

That was great man! I've seen loads of vids on this one over the years and am familiar with it but it never hurts to see another. Good one!

Eating weeds and playing in the stinging nettle? These are signs that you are turning into a goat! Check to see if your feet are turning into hooves or if you are starting to develop horns.

LOL - Soon I plan on making a wild edibles video called "Man vs. Goat!" You're onto me!


Hopefully this leaf can you use and useful for all who use it.

How does it taste ?

Hmmm.... That is a flavor that I can't quite place at the moment, but perhaps I'll munch some more in an attempt to get an answer. It is not unpleasant though, and it does taste healthy.

I went out to look for any nettles but I only found these
(not my picture, it's from google)

I think think this is called an Archangel and it's white fruit (look at the pic) tastes really good if you suck the juice out of it.

I didn't try but I don't know if it's good to eat that plants leaves aswell.
Maybe you know :D

Anyways tomorrow I will go look for some real nettles and try to eat them like you did.

SO glad this is in my feed! Know of it from pain, heard of it as food, but never tried it because I hate pain.

To ease into it, just cut some leaves off with scissors while wearing gloves, rinse them off, and saute them in butter. You should love it!

@papa-pepper Thanks for the tip. I love anything sauteed in butter ;)

Dang hahaha I never knew, I always hated those guys!

Very interesting. I knew it can be eaten raw but didn't dare. In Romania, old folk apply it on their bare skin in an attempt to cure rheumatic pain and sore joints. As for the "cuisine" aspect, we have a variety of recipes.
I think I will try it raw...God help me! 🙂
Did you know that nettle makes your hair shine? I use it as an infusion for years now and I'm very happy with the result.

it's a dang weed! wow I could have been eating those dang things all this time and getting good nutrition from them! lol. very educational papa-pepper, if you had to you could live off the land no problem I think.
great video!

I take two gelcaps per day of the processed stuff. Kills foot fungus (at least the kind I have) and helps with swollen prostate too. Amazing stuff! I didn't know you could eat it raw.

As always, PP, you are a pure fountain of welcomed info!

Thanks man! It is a blessing to receive the encouragement that I get from you!

If i'm ever in a situation when I need to eat a plant i'm not sure how to eat, I will thank you for teaching me how, Lol. Great Stuff @papa-pepper.

@papa-pepper you give us knowledge. And let me add so that other steemians can take advantage.
This very smooth thorny contains formic acid as contained in bee stings and black ants so that if exposed to skin will feel itchy, sore and hot for some time. Behind the itchy race caused if bumped on the skin, this plant contains great chhisat in the treatment. In traditional medicine which is a relic of the ancestors, this nettle leaf is very effective to treat some diseases.

  1. Anemia.
    This nettle leaf is a natural tonic that can increase endocrine balance. the content of iron and chlorophyll in large quantities is very useful and effective
  2. Overcoming arthritis.
    It is said that during the treatment of Ancient Egypt the physicians injected nettle spines on the skin to relieve pain of arthritis or rheumatism.
  3. Detoxification.
    eating nettles can secrete toxins in the body. if you eat nettle or drink nettle tea will more often urinate ..
  4. pregnant and lactating mothers.
    Consumption of nettles by pregnant and lactating mothers has a good effect. can reduce pain during childbirth and increase the nutritional fetus or baby, and improve the quality of breast milk
  5. kidney stones
    if exposed to kidney stones or inflammation of the bladder can be treated with nettles.

@papa-pepper has given an example of how to eat raw nettles, but if you are unsure of the itchy race caused by dry and make a tea that can be brewed with hot water.
Can also nettle cooked and will not itch again.
Take the leaves before flowering so much softer.

Thank you @papa-pepper
Thank you Steemit

Warm regard from indonesia

So awesome!! I love finding out what plants are edible! :) Especially ones that are super common. Thanks!

I know! I could almost live off of the "weeds" growing in some peoples gardens!

LOL that is awesome! :) Aren't dandelions edible? And clovers? haha I bet there is so much edible stuff growing in people's yards that they don't even have a clue.

where I am also a lot of plants like that ... but I never know that the plant can be eaten or not .... a good science from @papa-pepper.
thanks you

Apparitions that are not 'fierce' make them almost ignored existence. But the consequences can be fatal. Itching, burning, and heat up to the bone with a span of a week or more that would be the climbers received if not have sufficient knowledge of the venomous vegetation of Familia Urticaceae this. Handling Poisoning there are smeared with urine, water sprinkled, water squeeze plant Alocasia macrorrhiza (Talas Elephant), there are feathers plucked with plaster, there is rubbed into the head hair, Nettle has the benefit of being a diuretic, tonic, or detox. whether this information is correct sir @papa-papper ??

I used to eat these a lot when trekking through forests and living off the land. Prepare and use like spinach, this old forager recommends.

The taste? Mild spinach with a hint of cucumber, I would say, but YMMV 8-).

Thanks! I appreciate the flavor you described!

Dock leafs usually grow around stinging nettle and are also a cure for the sting of a nettle. Can be made into fiber and grows better without pesticides than cotton. Teas made to help with several ailments including arthritis. They are a good dye plant. Roots produce a yellow color and the leaves produce a green dye. Plus they are damn good food! Good post!

Oh yeah, I've shared some more in depth info posts about this one before! One of my favorites!

You do a great job on steemit!

Thank you for your post about eating stinging nettle. I drink dried nettle tea almost daily. My grandson said he has eaten stinging nettle at a camp he went to. He liked it. I will have to try eating it raw.

Stinging Nettle Tea is amazing! I love it!

You are braver than I am! I will eat it cooked, but raw...I don't think so. LOL

Bravery and stupidity are often mistaken for one another because they can appear similar from the outside looking in... not that it applies here, I'm just saying...

LOL! So true...

This is a great I would have never dreamed of eating them raw like that.

One day, we may have to.

Why do you remind me of craig grant so much hahaha

Ive used Nettle as tea lots of times. But I dont think Ive come across it fresh before.

Have you heard of Nettle bread?