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RE: THUMBNAIL AND TITLE PICTURES. Here is a fast and easy way to make yours look amazing!

in #howto8 years ago

waiiiiiit a minute... That's african ?

I can understand nearly everything !!

How the hell has no one informed me that whichever african dialect this is, is either a derivative of (or the ancestor of) the scandinavian languages ?!?


Afrikaans. Yes, spoken mainly in South Africa. We mix and match a lot and some things are very easy to understand. A lot of the grammar is the same too! Mate it's been fun! Congrats on making it to round two! Hope you have a good one, I'm off to bed! Google time in South Korea, this Fork has kept me up for too long! Til next time!

Scandinavian languages? Afrikaans is a derivative from Dutch. How close is Dutch to Scandanavian languages?

Pretty close, I think.
We do only have, like, 3-5 big language roots on the planet, so I might have read a bit much into me being able to actually understand most of what they were talking about XS

Damn... Guess that's my TIL fact of the day/month XO