
Wow, the sheeple are flocking again. They smelled free steem I guess. I gotta give it to him though; he knows how to market. He saw a price spike, and boom, he is giving away what he undeservedly got to begin with.

Yeah, I too was very impressed with how he showed people how to use Steemit. And the way he engages others is very skilled. I am not used to people talking trash about's very strange. Yeah, he knows how to bring in the naive, Beta men, so kudos for his slimy salesmen techniques......they work! If he'd give his Steem to his victims, then I'd be more impressed...

Ι think most people fall for these kind of memes. Especially people who are groupies and always seek a leader, a hero to lead them away. This is what most people saw in TDV. He dressed the role, used sleazy rhetorics and sooner or later he amassed angry teenagers and the like who didn't like the government. It's not that hard if you consider than most men blindly try to mimic other men.

you've just described the entire human race in that one sentence.
Women are exactly the same, maybe worse, because our role models are usually just over-painted sex honey pots whose only goal is to get men hard. Not much of a goal actually when looking at the world and its horrific problems.
I am really wondering when doing cool things for humanity will be in style. Maybe it's time for a revolution.

This is why I hate popularity and leadership. Wrote an article about this way back. At the end of the day groups breed stupidity and conformity. You are soon lost into a perpetual clusterfuck that lingers between vanity and dread.

10 Ugly Truths About Being A Leader And Why I Quit Being One

And considering Jeff injects himself with testosterone......this video sort of changed everything, and after seeing I decided to just leave him completely alone. He's completely nuts: have you seen this?

Yes, saw a bit. Sad. I don't think he understands much about biology. I got a feeling of him from day one that he is dealing with some issues. Cigarettes and alcohol pretty much gave it away.

am i detecting a glimpse of empathy from you? As an ex-alcoholic and chain smoker myself, it was certainly bringing back the dark shadows......yeah, best to stay out of it all....

Well, I also used to smoke and drink but not on that "advertising level" He is showing it off as a sign of masculinity rather than a habit. This is what is giving him away (without him realizing it). He is trying too hard.