Converting 50 Newbies To Steemit: How To Talk To Strangers On Social Media in a Non-Creepy Way That Gets Results

in #howto7 years ago (edited)


Like everyone else, I feel better about the social dynamics on Steemit. It has a different feel, mostly due to the price rise, but also because people seem happier. At least that's what i'm picking up on.

I created a new goal for myself: to convert 50 people to Steemit.

I've already brought a crapton of people into Steemit, and some of the most successful bloggers on here came in because of reading my articles about Steemit last year. But I want to bring in more people. I've had a couple successes recently on Twitter and Facebook and I'll show you how you can too.

I used these same social techniques when I sold cars. The very first thing I do, ALWAYS, is relate to people in a non-threatening, non-salesy way. No one likes being sold to. People want attention, validation and laughs. So that's what I give them, or at least I try. I don't always succeed, but I try to make friends wherever I go.

Let's take a look at my exchange on Twitter today with a total stranger who just joined Steemit, @wolfofpoloniex:

Find something similar, or funny when reading through people's tweets, about a topic you like. I read a ton on Twitter because I like to find out information on a constant basis. I found this guy, @wolfofpoloniex's twitter avatar, and noticed it was Leo DiCaprio, and was the same image in one of my latest Steemit memes I'd used on Facebook and Twitter:


For fun, I tweeted this meme to him in response to one of his tweets:


So, win! He responded with a "LOL".

Here's are next exchange:

IMG_9009 2.PNG

And it goes on for quite a while, which was fun. I do enjoy socializing, I won't lie....

IMG_9010 2.PNG

So, it went on for a while, then I simply asked in a casual way because I really didn't know if he was already on Steemit or not....I asked, "Are you on Steemit?"

And then I kind of teased him a bit about what angle or game he was going to play in Steemit.......anyway, as you can see, being casual, care-free and non-stressed is truly the key.

Now, it's your turn. Let's all get on Twitter, and engage with people in a fun way.....don't harass people to join Steemit.
Once you create a FOMO atmosphere, people will just join. That's human nature. Use it.

I'll go over what I do on Facebook next. Also, I found a ton of people on twitter who use the #facebookisdead hashtag. Those are our people. Find them. Engage with them in a MEANINGFUL NON-CREEPY WAY.

Stellabelle (the one and only)

And Welcome @wolfofpoloniex.....I found you and am waiting for your first post so I can upvote it.


Hello. I would like to say hello to everyone. I am a new user. I just registered.
I cannot convert/invite anyone to Steemit because I don't have friends due to my disabilities. Autism spectrum disorder/dyscalculia/Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP). Because of the ROP I have Myopia (short-sightedness), dyschromatopsia (disorder of color vision) and visual field defect) but I am sure I will still enjoy the site despite my conditions. Enjoy your day! Be happy!

everyone can make friends here. Welcome!

You will have many friends on Steemit! Welome. I will follow and resteem if I can. I'm new too :) Keep posting.

Nice tips @stellabelle, a couple of people are working hard (include me) in some projects to convert people here in Venezuela. News soon :). Salutes

Resteemed and definitely using your tactics. I so far have gotten three irl friends to join Steem. More are on the fence. How can I persuade people face to face? Due to my workplace conversations are very brief. Thanks for being awesome!

face to face, well, find out what needs they have then suggest Steemit as a solution

So easy it works.

I recruited a girl on Tinder :D

Sooner or later people will come to realize what kind of opportunity this is. Unfortunately I am not a good salesman. I am way too honest. I will spell out the negatives first and by the time I move to the positives people will back off.

every. fucking. time.

every. fucking. time.

Yeah, I would not recommend you go onto Twitter and talk with strangers.

i really lol'ed with the Gif. i am stealing it.

steal this one while you're at it: That's me, as an evil fucktard:

You could make serious money out of these :'D

You'll be interested to know that our boy Dollar attempted to ruin my reputation on his dumb live show recently. He said I was an "idiot" and a hater. He's lost as he was describing himself, not me. He's the one who abandoned his blog, and taken advantage of innocent people. Idiots don't get hired to write about nanotechnology for a website like Interesting Engineering. His choice of insult was absolutely fucking retarded. What a douche.

He is still around? I thought sooner or later someone would bust his ass. I guess way too many people follow him so whales owe to give him attention.

ps: absolutely insane collection!

I've already made serious money off these in a steemit post....Here's the entire collection:

Nice post, I think I should make a Twitter account finally as well. I just started blogging on Steemit. Probably should be consistent on all available platforms for the maximum results.

Keep it coming! :)

yes, make a twitter account and follow me on there, @stellabelle

I'm struggling to move newbies on Steemit thorough my YouTube channel and helping to all, who are asking me for any query .

Yes, I don't understand why the mainstream doesn't know about Steemit. I'm working on changing that, too :)

I use to spend hours on instagram and facebook! I've moved over to steemit just recently!!
This is my first week here. I am loving it! ;)

there, take my $.97

Wow! Thanks!!
Steemit just surprised me again!! hahah. sooo cool.

Thank you for this post. What disappoints me most on all the other social network platforms is the absence of engagement. I enjoy thoughtful exchanges, and that is sorely lacking. I help admin a number of pages on FB, and can not stress enough the importance of engagement with page followers to the page owners. It has all fallen on deaf ears. People want everything spoon-fed to them. Hit a Like button and be on their way. There is more to life than that, and I'd really like to take a pin and pop their bubbles. Maybe posting SteemIt memes like what was demonstrated above is a way to pique curiosity.

I'm only 48 hours new here, but I already feel at home because engagement is encouraged. Upvoted and following. Thanks again.

engagement and reading are a big part of steemit. It's an education for sure.

Tasking and Daunting, but i did it too.Brought in two from Lagos and Abuja Nigeria - @pai-ciens and @djsholy just jumped on the Steemit Boat.Waiting for their posts and i broadcast them.

great work, keep it up. Thank you

Got that motivation from you and @papa-pepper , @surpassinggoogle and others.Thanks for the encouragement,i'm gonna evolve with time as well.

@surpassinggoogle inspires me greatly.

It is back and forth! Thank you alot!

My recent post spoke of the tiny things i do!

Awesome, will have to try the more direct approach.

I am very new here, and already loving it. Haven't grabbed anyone yet, but getting more questions about it.
FB now makes me so irritated, Would be nice if someone would get a groups platform for steem, then fb would have even less of a hold.

I love the article. I post to steemit groups on Facebook and on Twitter. I will also find new groups to post to depending on the topic of my steemit article.

I have brought 1 friend over so that's a start I hope :)

one is better than zero, but I'm sure you know more who could benefit here?

I have tried to get my daughter and her friends over, my youngest joined wrote one post then forgot her password. I keep on nagging them :)

Excellent work dear friend @stellabelle, great initiative, I have no doubt that you will achieve your goal.
have a nice week

Great initiative!... Wish you all the good luck to convert 50 people to Steemit.

I wrote this post for they can do the same.

Absolutely ... we all will have to set similar goals to make steem grow and succeed.

if everyone brought in 10 people.....just talked with them one on one. it would work...

Great advice on connecting with people the right way, thanks for posting.

I spent a few years doing this in sales. it worked flawlessly. I actually didn't care if people bought a car or not. I always made enough from referrals to live off of.

zuckerbergs playground lol!

have you not seen this one?

no i hadn't seen any of these yet:)

Wow, thats amazing. The more people we bring the better it gets.
I'm going to start a philosophical talk show these days that is posted here and has a reference to steemit.
Hopefully, that would bring some people :)
Either way cheers on the great post ^^

talking directly to people is very effective mainly because no one knows how to do it properly.

This is epic! Well done @stellabelle!

I am a newbie and drawing other newbies to get sunk in Steemit!!!

I hate being a naysayer, but I do not see a large pool of people embracing this concept anytime soon. Its just so and different people don't like change.

Lol, Zuckerberg's playground :-D. Yet so true! Great post!

Awesome post as usual! I have started being more vocal and "aggressive" in my pursuit to convert people to steemit. :) Not really aggressive just...passionate. ^_^

hahaha I'm voting best Twitter convo of the year!

A oneliner like this; "Steem = 1 $"; like you do it, also works magic!

Not exactly a comment on this post. Glad that you have found some success with dash.

thanks! After i studied what was going on with Dash in depth, I couldn't help but feel optimism. So it's an extension of that...

@stellabelle, we need to chat

we did already on skype...

@stellabelle, nice post. we are at war with monero on twitter and everyone need to vote STEEM guys open this link and use the link to vote STEEM....STEEM needs us to get to the finals

You definitely got me on this site. Much better to write articles here verses LinkedIn.