I would learn a new skill,
I'm too old/I'm too busy/I'm not talented enough.
I would go visit/call my friend,
They're probably too busy/They won't want to talk to me/I don't have time.
I would play outside with my kids,
I'm too busy/I'm too tired/It's too hot.
I would exercise better/eat better/take care of my body better,
I don't want to/ I don't have the energy/It won't make a difference.
And the worst but of all:
Yes. You. Can.
The buts go on and on, and all of us have them. We are all tripping over them, and frankly, it's kind of smelly and stupid. It's a whole lot of butt. There is no reason for us to have buts. The next time you trip over a but, stop yourself, decide if it's worth the butt, and proceed from there. Go outside with the kids. Go on that vacation. Go take care of yourself. Go call that friend. Go do whatever it is that you've been tripping over butts about!
That's really good advice. There are always a million reasons not to do something. How much better would our lives be if we took chances, got out there, and gave something a shot?!
Well, we're all on Steemit reading your post, so I guess we're already doing it. Now on to the next thing... :)
Exactly! 😁
Regálame un voto
But, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but I don't know how to write a good comment. People might think I'm weird. Then I'll start drinking again and my life will fall apart. Then I'll be scrounging up change for a cheeseburger and a few beer. I can't do this! There's too much on the line here! I think I'm having a panic attack. OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG! I'm trippin'!
Girl, you be trippin'. Calm your butt down!
How am I supposed to stay calm after you called me a girl! OMG OMG OMG OMG! I knew I shouldn't have done this!
You sound like an experienced tripper! 🙃
You... you can hear me?
Sure can. That's what happens when you're trippin' butts. Can't you hear colors?
Lol. Butt hurt!
Lol ... really funny post ... nobody wants a but ... we all should be butless... no more but!!!!!! Live your life and enjoy !!!
Haha, totally! 😁
Good post
@uglysweater could you help me? I'm a beginner in this steemit and need support in the form of upvote and reesteem, can you do that for me? please i want to increase steem power have me. I do not know who to ask for help from. please help me.
I sent you an upvote!
If you want people to upvote you, though, comment on their content, not just to ask for help.
sorry if I did wrong, I will self-correct. thanks for his advice.
Good reminder!
but! ...............................OK, no more Butts! LOL! You are so right.
Haha, it applies to all of us!
You ugly piece of meat .YES IM ON SOME MOLLY
Funny post
You got to burn that ugly sweater .cummon why would you joke about such things i was so ready for some eye candy when i clicked this post (the photo hadent loaded yet )
Love @uglysweater
You want a flag? 'Cause this (especially your other comment above) is how you get a flag.
Don't be disrespectful - Women were not put here for your pleasure.
Another piece of advice? Never molly and Steem, bro. Especially when it leads to comments such as these.
Suena bien lo que escribes sobre los peros que uno se pone en la vida. en gran parte tienes la razón, peroooooo! eso depende de las circunstancias que este confrontando las personas en un determinado momento. aqui en venezuela, la gente quiere realizar sus propósitos de vida, peroooo las condiciones no están dadas. Ejemplo:
Mañana quiero comer o tomar tal alimento. . . contrale! peroo no tengo como comprar eso, no hay la suficiente plata o dinero para prepararlo. Quiero viajar a Mérida, pero no tengo efectivo para pagar el transporte. Pero prometo aprender y tener constancia en esta Plataforma, que tengo la fe de que me ayudará a eliminar muchos peroos en mi vida. saludos!
Todos tenemos que eliminar los peros! ¡Gracias por tu comentario! Bendiciones! 😁
😂 well done am gonna say No to Buts henceforth@uglysweater this is really hilarious but am not laughing I would have commented but....
No more butts! 😁
True post
This is very true.....thanks for sharing
Excuses are the cause of most failures, unsuccessful ventures and irresponsibility.
We'll stop making THEM!
Yes, no more excuses!
Hey some "butts are good" :D . Like 'i could hit the gym BUT i'd rather finish that pizza' or ' i gotta clear the semester BUT i'd rather sleep'. XD jk that's some good advice though :)