Omnipresent ICO ...

in #ico7 years ago

What the ... !?

Now they are even tokenizing buildings!? Wow.... Unbelievable.....


Oh.... Okay....

My bad....


I think I have some crypto addiction problem......


Well thats good news. As far as of my knowledge.

An Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is the cryptocurrency space's rough equivalent to an IPO in the mainstream investment world. ICOs act as fundraisers of sorts; a company looking to create a new coin, app, or service launches an ICO. Next, interested investors buy in to the offering, either with fiat currency or with preexisting digital tokens like ether. In exchange for their support, investors receive a new cryptocurrency token specific to the ICO. Investors hope that the token will perform exceptionally well into the future, providing them with a stellar return on investment.

Correct me if i am wrong.

In fact, name me one thing that can't be tokenized

love, imagination, human rights, creativity, affection, fairness, ... need more? ^^

I thought Steemit somehow tokenized creativity and affection, no?

To some extent maybe.... but cannot be exhaustive though... 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Yup yup, we are in a crazy era of monetization~~