It just hit me that this is where I should be posting

in #ideas7 years ago

I often have ideas about new ways to disrupt the world with crypto. Sometimes I'll write about them on Reddit, but most of the time I just think man that would be awesome and then wish I had the time, money and organizational skills to make them happen.

So why not just post them on here? Ok, it's a deal.

First, the rules. You can steal any idea I post here. You don't have to give me credit. You don't have to pay me, although I'm never going to say no if you want to. If you like something I suggest then just take it and run with it. I hope you get rich. I hope you change the world.

Ok, first idea I'm going to write about is Bespoke. I'll spend time putting up a real pitch, but the short version is this...

Combine Ether, a reputation service and uber for packages to connect consumers throughout the world with tailors in less developed nations. There are people who make very good clothing for not much money, and you are paying top dollar for those clothes. How about instead you pay 10% of what you currently pay, the producer gets 10x what they currently get paid and the world changes.


Have you heard of matchpool Coin? It's a way to link people. Most think it 's for dating but it's not. It is supposed to span across all industries. This could work this idea.

No, I haven't heard of matchpool but I will check it out. It's incredible how many services are ready and waiting to revolutionize commerce. It's just a matter of people realizing the opportunities that are emerging and then the very hard part of implementing these networks.

I don't know exactly how you would make it work, but it should be possible. Right now I can go on Etsy and find a handmade shirt from the Ukraine and buy that shirt from the person who made it.

But imagine if I could

  • Find the exact style of shirt I wanted by browsing styles from designers
  • Get matched with a tailor who could produce that style, and who's reputation I approved of
  • Choose a fabric that is near to the tailor, and see the entire provenance of the materials, down to the family that grew the cotton to the worker owned factory that produced the fabric
  • Pay far less than I would purchasing from some corporate brand
  • And have that package shipped to me through an Uber-like decentralized delivery service
  • Pay a price that affords everyone in the supply chain a healthy living
  • Pay in crypto and have smart contracts pass my payment throughout the entire network that made my shirt.

The main problems you need to solve are

  • Putting capital into the network. The people growing the cotton need to make a living well before you pay for that shirt, so there needs to be a way for people to acquire short term debt.
  • Building the logistics of the commerce network. This is hard, but there are plenty of real world logistics networks that do this every day.
  • Deal with the laws, regulations, and tax structures that exist between everyone. This seems like the absolute hardest part, but we don't have to settle for that. If someone can build a proof of concept, say within a single economic jurisdiction, then any government that stands in the way would be directly standing in the way of their citizens economic freedom. Obviously lots of governments do that happily, but enough pressure can change that.

I've truly never been a Marxist. I don't trust bureaucracies and any form of socialism I've seen involve ambiguous power structures that will inevitably be corrupted. But implementing something like this on public blockchains might actually allow for a type of crypto Marxism that could actually work. Maybe.

I'm not sure if you have heard of Viva, but there is a money transfer text messaging service being released called Viva Cash. This coupled with microfinancing could be helpful in solving the money transfer and financing issue. There is also a really great article,Winning supply chain strategies for African markets with scenarios to help solve the logistics problem. Now laws and tax structure. Ooh that's a doozy, but it's solvable.

I'm going to check that out tonight. Thanks for the knowledge!

I'll be doing the same with my ideas on my blog. I'll be posting ideas in a problem, solution format. I hope we can brainstorm ideas together in the near future.

Cool. We can comment on each other's ideas. It would be great to come up with a giant list of well thought out ideas for people to implement.