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RE: Morally Disconnected, Strangely Depressed: Young Americans & The Culture of Hypersensitivity

in #ideas9 years ago

Real insightful article. I think social media can exacerbate this issue. I personally tend towards this kind of sensitivity. There's a fine line between acknowledging your legitimate feelings vs. dramatizing and wallowing in them. The issue really is about how public it's all getting. Rather than having a good little private pity party about how life is so hard, but then getting over it and joking about first world problems or whatever people turn it into some sort of righteous cause and get mired in it. Really growing up is about realizing that it's not all about you and that your little hurts and struggles are not so unique or special or even interesting to most people. In other words, you get over yourself. I think many young people are simply not growing up on the inside.


Right, everything is connected to social media now. If you haven't read it, check out the YA book "Feed." It's a sci-fi novel that imagines a world where this need to be connected to other people and media constantly goes into absolute overdrive.

Thanks for the book recommendation. I will check it out. It sounds like something I'd enjoy reading, and it's probably thought provoking as well.