Taking care of our boundaries definitely is important, but just as you've said, it can be complicated.
I have never heard of EFT until today (i just looked it up) and I think someone once tried it on me when I was still in the process of healing. Just like you, I do pretty well in comes to pushing all the emotions in and acting all "brave", (slowly learning that, that really, isn't "brave). It did help to get those some of those feelings out but I didn't really get what he was doing and I didn't bother to ask. I was this kind of person that once I bottle these feelings up, then they get impossible to come out and when it happened, I thought it was because I let my "guard" down for a second, didn't even suspect it being somewhat related to the finger-tapping thing he was doing or the fact that he told me to literally take my self back to that event. That's definitely something I should practice more often.
Forgiveness is freeing definitely but the process doesn't always make it seem so. Yeah, healing from the pains first makes it a whole lot better...
Yeah, we do learn from each other. I felt somewhat connected to it that I just had to share..
I really enjoy your comments and thoughts, @audreybits
So happy to have met you - hope we keep running into each other.
Have a beautiful day!
Thank you, it seems like we will be running into each other more often now...