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RE: Open Borders / Open House

in #immigration7 years ago

I was wondering where you had gone to, any-ways regarding this post, yes it is insane at the present time to want open borders, just look at Sweden, the now rape capital of the world, or Germany, France, the UK etc the list goes on and on.
The thing is though, we could have open borders, if the welfare state was abolished, as then there would be 0 people wanting to come, as the free ride would not be there.
I have noticed these free border people (some of them) are also banging on about people not owning land, like anyone that has it should give it up or "share it" and to them I say this, share all you have first, everything, even your pc, then I will share mine, practice what you preach.
But that would be a little toooooo much to bear I guess.


The key problem with socialists. They are fixated on spending other people's money, and on redistributing other people's property. They don't seem to like it when either of those things belonging to them are messed with.

Indeed, I have noticed, hypocrites much.

I've been around. Usually just crank out an @newsagg, as I've been busy with things outside of steemit.

I know you have a busy life my friend, and the newsagg looks like you put a lot of time and effort into also, top work.

Yeah generally takes me 2-3 hours to do one of those. I haven't started on one today yet.