There are a lot of people all over the world (not just here in the U.S.) that push for open borders and seemingly allowing ALL people who want to come here to come here. If they have skills, whether they are criminals, whether they actually want to be part of the new culture, or many other factors are irrelevant. Essentially they want to pretend that borders do not exist for a reason.

Okay. Put your home where your mouth is.
I suggest ALL people that think this way should post to a common location images of their home, their address, etc.
Then leave your doors unlocked, your windows, your garage, etc.
Allow anyone that comes to live there, I mean after all you don't need a border for your house either. I mean think of the children, and the needy people.
That is what you seem to expect everyone else to do. We can't have a country, as we just wipe out the borders and stop any control of who comes in or not.
Why don't you try it at a smaller scale and do what I suggested.
Now I can predict what will happen. I am pretty sure I am right on this, but unless these insane people actually want to try this experiment it is a hypothesis.
The houses that look the nicest and have the most amenities will be flooded. Those that first get there will live it up, but that will be short lived as more and more people show up. Over time it may be a nice house for a few people but it eventually will be a crowded shithole.
People will move onto the next best looking places. Rinse an repeat.
They won't stop to build a house, or try to improve the environment they are in. Why should they if they can just ignore a trashed place and move onto another one until it is trashed. This is easy.
Though don't expect ANY of you doing this experiment to have a particularly nice experience. In fact, many of you probably won't survive the process.
Yet, you let your feelings be used to yank you around like you are on a leash and think that this is somehow a good idea for the country.
Legal immigration had a process for allowing immigrants at a rate that we could support and insuring that we were getting people that wanted to be PART of our country, live our ways, and contribute. It was not always easy, but the people that did it were generally proud and often know the laws and the history better than the citizens born here.
This is not a true statement when you just let anyone in, don't prosecute trespassers, in fact setup nice homes, and meal plans that feed trespassers and invaders better than people that are here legally.
To me this is utter stupidity. I understand the feelings. Yet there is a fine line between being compassionate and being stupid.
The majority of the legacy media narrative is stupid and clearly propaganda if anyone bothers to pay attention.
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It's that simple. I've posted about it before, even last year. Border of house, border of gated community, border of nation, same type of thing. Borders are legitimate. People are stuck in an ideal that can't be a reality yet. Anarchy is an ideal, but it won't work yet. Consciousness needs to evolve to be able to handle living in these ideal ways. It doesn't just work just because you want it to while others aren't ready to respect shit :/
Even Anarchy unless you are an Anarcho-Communist type still has the idea of private property and thus borders. Yet, I do agree they are not ready.
Most of the population doesn't grasp critical thinking. That seems pretty critical if you are not going to live in a world where you have a parental substitute telling you what you can and cannot do even as an adult.
This is the latest post that inspired me to write mine. Insane payout for compassionate stupidity.
That's not an honest, real payout. It's all vote buying bullshit... lol.
Yeah I saw that.
I literally closed my eyes for a few seconds trying to gain insight on why our forefathers left the regulations-clause out, while simultaneously trying to imagine what the U.S. would look like with an open-door, free-for-all policy, without anyone having a clue who entered in, and for what reason.
In utopia, everyone would have good intentions; but, that's just it...this world has increasingly, decreasing signs of utopia, and many who enter in mean no good thing for the nation...with, a both spoken and unspoken, economic-intention to bring America to 'her' knees.
And, then, just like that I got a glimpse of why the clause may have been omitted. Are you ready? Hold on to your hat:
The U.S. was founded on Christian principles. They knew that to own something the people would have to, as much as this burdens me to say, would have to fight to keep/protect its borders.
As much as I'd like to think the immigration issue will be resolved peaceably, I would not be at all surprised, especially with a Wall going up, (fueled with the words of POTUS: "Mexico's gonna pay for that wall") that the foundation for a second-round of war between the U.S. and Mexico might be in the future.
The Mexican-American War resulted in Mexico losing a lot of land to the U.S., that many continue to believe is theirs. Does this help explain the root principle of the Exodus into the US.? Perhaps. Will the immigrants retreat to 'U.S. regulations' or...I'll let you fill in the blank.
Just a thought: Mexico is letting its allies pass go to proceed onward to enter into the U.S. Could they be building an extended army on this side of the border? If Stuff HTF
the U.S. would have to deflect the internal war on its homeland, while preventing attack from across the border.
Of course, you realize this is probably more than a thought, born of a Higher Power than my own. And, as I wrote this post I kept getting flashes of Bush 1's unsettling speech decades ago...NWO...
This got lengthier than I anticipated, and I pray it makes sense.
One thing is sure: good fences make good neighbors.
Open borders has been a huge problem in Europe. Merkel and the EU (at least the cowardly countries that have followed suit and the ones that have drunk the Kool-Aid) have issued an open invitation and rolled out the red carpet to a whole bunch of unvetted riffraff (there are som refugees in there too, but it's mainly riffraff). Western Europe is starting to change irretrievably, some parts of Europe are well on their way to looking like third world countries (including certain parts of Paris), other parts are now no-go zones populated by foreigners who refuse to integrate in Western society, yet receive all sorts of social benefits without contributing. The free circulation of humans across non-existent borders of countries that have lost their sovereignty does not contribute to prosperity or peace, and the US certainly knows that.
By the same token, the US, I think, presents a somewhat different situation. The immigrants from South of the border have a culture which is compatible with the mainstream culture (judeo-christian), and on the whole their purpose is to work and integrate.
As someone who has the privilege of having an insider view on both sides of the pond, I can vouch for that.
All the same, there must be a legal and orderly process to immigration, and when the average American is having a harder and harder time to make ends meet and have their own needs met, it is particularly important to titrate immigration appropriately. Which doesn't mean that effective border control cannot be conducted in a more humane manner than it is now.
Yep. Yet here in the U.S. we have a bunch of Zombies, Sheeple, Social Justice Warriors, or whatever you choose to call them that drink the kool-aid of the legacy media and can't seem to grasp what exactly these things they are pushing for have done to Europe.
It's pretty sad that the majority of places my wife and I once wanted to go on vacation to in Europe and visit I wouldn't go to now.
The places that were formerly under communist control and have lived free since the end of the Soviet Union are the nicest places to visit now in Europe as many of them told Merkel and the unelected oligarchy of the EU a simple word "No!".
They are the only places not being plagued by the results of this crazy ideology.
Now they are either idiots or perhaps they are intelligent and just believe in the vision of Cloward and Piven. Socialism does not work. Universal Basic Income does not work. Governments cannot provide FREE anything, as they produce nothing. They pay for it with taxes which are taken from their citizens. Or with debt owed by their citizens. So there is no FREE from the government.
People buy into this free, guaranteed, stuff from governments and in their magical thinking don't seem to think "How does the government pay for it?". Education: "How do they pay for the books? How do they pay the teachers, or are they simply slaves and not paid?" Healthcare: Same thing, just tools, medicines, and doctors.
If the government is involved there is no FREE. Anything they promise for FREE you'll end up paying for in taxes or debt even if YOU don't need that FREE thing.
How about THEY open their borders to US.
What would they say if a buncha Texans were to take over ...oh...I dunno. Venezuela or Honduras?
Hmmm... Well they'd need to be okay with us sticking a few socialist despots heads on spikes along the way, but we could potentially turn those places into really nice places to live just by following the same recipe our forefathers used.
They set the rules.
too bad.
There goes my nervous 'lol' again...
Remember...the popular Bush NWO speech? Is this part of the 'fulfillment'? Any pushback to close borders will be like pushing an elephant up a grassless hill after a rain; simply because, the U.S. government is divided...and we all know that a house/people divided will...fall.
People have been hinting about 'civil' war; and, today I realize that it may not be a war between races as much as a war for the land.
I think there is a need for limits, because in a visit to someone else's house there is a courtesy that must be fulfilled by the guest
Why? We are not allowed to expect that from the people entering our country illegally.
So what people are demanding for the country they should first try it out with their own house so they can determine if it is a good idea or not.
Yet the reality is like most socialists they don't actually put up their own property they simply pass laws and push to steal other people's property.
Why should a wealthy socialist put up their house if they can pass a law making you or I give up ours?
EDIT: Also if someone is crawling through my window or sneaking into my house without my permission I am not going to bother with being courteous.
I have mixed opinions on this topic.
Borders are a man-made thing that has no real worth or value aside from that we are giving it. It's the same as is the case with things like religion or money, these topics cause problems because we are giving them meaning.
They exist. Yes they are man made but if people are directed primarily by emotions and feelings and lack most knowledge of critical thinking then such things are needed. People can be a fan of anarchy, and I do know what the word really means. Yet while the population suffers from the poor education and an interest in NOT teaching critical thinking then anarchy is something that cannot work. Anarchy requires people be self responsible, and be able to reason, and choose for themselves (NOT OTHERS). If you want to remove borders then the first thing to do is fix the global education. Teach people to think for themselves rather than teaching them to believe what they are told. They can consider what they are told, but they need to ultimately do their own thinking.
We are not there.
Borders matter to a nation just like the door does to your house. There is not really a difference other than scale. They both serve the same purposes.
As far as man-made. So what? Should we move back into caves and use stones as our only tools? Everything else is man made.
If you would give me good reasons for moving back into a cave, I would consider it.
I agree with most of the things you are saying here. Proper education and knowledge are important. I also think that teaching these to a population is much less complicated and costly than having borders and keeping them secure and in check.
I was wondering where you had gone to, any-ways regarding this post, yes it is insane at the present time to want open borders, just look at Sweden, the now rape capital of the world, or Germany, France, the UK etc the list goes on and on.
The thing is though, we could have open borders, if the welfare state was abolished, as then there would be 0 people wanting to come, as the free ride would not be there.
I have noticed these free border people (some of them) are also banging on about people not owning land, like anyone that has it should give it up or "share it" and to them I say this, share all you have first, everything, even your pc, then I will share mine, practice what you preach.
But that would be a little toooooo much to bear I guess.
The key problem with socialists. They are fixated on spending other people's money, and on redistributing other people's property. They don't seem to like it when either of those things belonging to them are messed with.
Indeed, I have noticed, hypocrites much.
I've been around. Usually just crank out an @newsagg, as I've been busy with things outside of steemit.
I know you have a busy life my friend, and the newsagg looks like you put a lot of time and effort into also, top work.
Yeah generally takes me 2-3 hours to do one of those. I haven't started on one today yet.
These fuckers want America to suck as bad as the rest of the world.
Thanks for putting words to those who are too short-sighted to see the chaos in the 'order' they try to present.
While I know not meant to be humorous; it both made me nervously 'lol'; while keeping my eyes from filling at the thought of how this might all play out.
Best regards.
I just write what I feel the need to write. :) If I don't my mind nags me until I do.
Thanks for your comment.
I definitely know that vibe all too well...In my case, I like to think it's born of the Holy Spirit.
Best regards.
I came across an interesting definition of socialism in a fantasy-fiction book (the definition reflected the author's views). In a nutshell it put forth that 'social rights' are considered more important than property rights. That of course translates into ideas such as giving over your home to squatters if they don't have as nice a place to live as you do - at least in the minds of people who believe this. Again, of course, the people who believe this think that the homes being given over to these people will be someone else's. You are right that open borders will breed shit holes. In my city of Montreal, all the fake 'refugees' (people 'fleeing Trump') are now putting such a drain on local charitable food banks that they are running dry. This means that people born and raised in this city who need some assistance are in competition for what little there is. In effect, it is the most have-nots of our society who are paying the price and being forced to give up what little they have, and not the people who flock to the borders to welcome these illegals with open arms. The naivete is sickening.
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