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RE: Open Borders / Open House

in #immigration7 years ago (edited)

Yep. Yet here in the U.S. we have a bunch of Zombies, Sheeple, Social Justice Warriors, or whatever you choose to call them that drink the kool-aid of the legacy media and can't seem to grasp what exactly these things they are pushing for have done to Europe.

It's pretty sad that the majority of places my wife and I once wanted to go on vacation to in Europe and visit I wouldn't go to now.

The places that were formerly under communist control and have lived free since the end of the Soviet Union are the nicest places to visit now in Europe as many of them told Merkel and the unelected oligarchy of the EU a simple word "No!".

They are the only places not being plagued by the results of this crazy ideology.

Now they are either idiots or perhaps they are intelligent and just believe in the vision of Cloward and Piven. Socialism does not work. Universal Basic Income does not work. Governments cannot provide FREE anything, as they produce nothing. They pay for it with taxes which are taken from their citizens. Or with debt owed by their citizens. So there is no FREE from the government.

People buy into this free, guaranteed, stuff from governments and in their magical thinking don't seem to think "How does the government pay for it?". Education: "How do they pay for the books? How do they pay the teachers, or are they simply slaves and not paid?" Healthcare: Same thing, just tools, medicines, and doctors.

If the government is involved there is no FREE. Anything they promise for FREE you'll end up paying for in taxes or debt even if YOU don't need that FREE thing.