How much is too much when you are shopping for your wedding gown? Weddings back here in India are an occasion to spend. Too much pomp and show. Specially in northern part of India, parents empty their life savings on their daughters wedding. My dad was officially posted in the Eastern part of capital and we stayed there for like 6 years of my then years. During the time, I made some great friends until we had to shift back to our native and eventually, I got married too young.
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Thanks to internet, I was and am still in touch with my friends from there who tell me what's going on and in their life. When I got married, I decided that I would not spend too much on my wedding saree as it would be dumped in a white cotton cloth once after the event to never use it again. According to our tradition, I was expected to wear 5 sarees and I picked ones that coated around 4k each which calculated to around 20 k INR in total. Huge amount, but couldn't settle for anything less provided I had to wear silk sarees only.
None of my friends were getting married or had got married before me, so I didn't know much of what to do with the wedding shopping and how much to spend. Once I got married, I saw my husband's cousins get married and I rolled my eyes when they told me that their wedding saree costed them 25 k each. I astonishingly asked them if they are studded with precious stones or have gold thread woven on them, no, none. It was just a simple sill saree very much like mine. My heart skipped some beats when one of my friends from North spent a whopping 70k on her wedding lehenga.
As expected, my sarees were dried in the sunshine, packed in cotton cloth and carefully dumped in the corner of my almairah, never to use again and so were theirs. I however got to use it for my son's threat ceremony when I choose to not invest in another saree.
Spending too much for an one time event is so much India. ❤️❤️
We, the Indian community, do that too in Suriname (South America). We spend a lot on our weddings
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Very good freewrite