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RE: Are we seeing the great awakening?

in #informationwar7 years ago

To put it in a metaphor; culturally we are entering / at / past the crossroads.

Down one path would become something like the Borg. A merger of man and machine, ultimately controlled by a central mind.

Alternatively, unlocking human potential through technology and expanding into space, as in starfleet.

As far as a tipping point; it would take some serious undeniable evidence that could not be ignored that shows just the levels of evil we are up against.


Imagine what would happen, if the evidence that was exposed to the American people, was enough to force a mass awakening.

My guess is that kind of evidence might just likely, force the near total destruction of most of our institutions, banks and corporations, and both political parties... along with the total and complete loss of the MSM.

But, remember it wouldn't take much to cause American's to go hungry... and if they miss too many meals... who knows what can happen...

That's the problem with exposing corruption, where does one stop?
How much truth can we bear? All of it? The true story of all of the corruption in America is a story that would take years to tell.

That's a good question... Not having any control over it, I suspect that first step would be enough to force people to accept that they have been lied to over an over. Something to force people to awaken.

From there, it's probably best to leave the information available so that people can go as deep as they desire. It's not just US, but world wide... It's gotta be for all the marbles though, if the evil is not uprooted it will just come back.

if the evil is not uprooted it will just come back.

Yes, but another thing that would come up is, how much corruption would the people want exposed? All of it in Washington D.C. and the World's capitols? or just some? How about all the way down to city governments and everything in between?

And, what about Corporations? Do we go all the way down to the Mom-and-Pop store on the corner?

That's the problem with rooting out Evil -- where do you stop?

Isn't being just a little bit corrupt, kinda like being a little bit pregnant?