The decline in teaching methods and curriculum content, the 3R's are largely ignored, instead they are obsessed with innovation & social engineering our children. The type of so-called education being promoted is not education. It is a system of group-oriented, collectivist, brainwashing/training in lower level skills and the necessary attitudes and values for the workforce, using the computer in conjunction with programmed learning software. This kind of learning bypasses the brain and a key feature of operant conditioning, does not allow for any real thinking processes to take place.
The reshaping and restructuring of our children into the Global Citizen is about to go to another level with introduction of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in classrooms across the globe. 17 SDGs, 169 targets are to be met by 2030 and the UN has made it clear education is central to their agenda. When you take into consideration how governments today are judged by their global education ranking, especially by media and parents. It makes sense the PISA, International assessment and UNESCO'S Universal Learning Program will concentrate on the SDGS. Why would Australia for example make Sustainability a cross-curriculum priority, including math
UNESCO is pushing sex ed in schools now. It's all part of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child