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If Thomas Mann is the Father of American education, Noah Webster is the Father of American Scholarship. Webster's Blue Back Speller traught generations of Americans before Mann and his humanist ilk began their assault on learning, knowledge and morality. The humanist hegemony on education, although planned over a century ago by Mann and his followers, is a fairly recent phenomenon in actual practice. It wasn't until 1979 with the nationalization of the entire system through the US Department of Education was the hegemony complete. Perhaps the first salvo fired at universal literacy was the "see and say" method of teaching reading in the 1950's. Education has been going steadily downhill ever since.
To show how "dumbed down" the educational system has become, I found some 8th grade test questions from between 1910-1930 to compare with what is being taught today...
I'm fairly certain many adults couldn't pass this test today. The philosophy driving the pre-humanist onslaught on morals and literacy was based on two things- the Bible and the responsibility of parents, not bureaucrats and paid "scholars" to educate children. Adam Smith, who was the Chair of Moral Philosophy at Glasgow University, cautioned about government interference in everyday life (education included- Smith believed it was the parents who should educate lest schools become centers of indoctrination, this was in 1753).
"Away, then, with quacks and organizers! Away with their rings, chains, hooks, and pincers! Away with their artificial systems! Away with the whims of governmental administrators, their socialized projects, their centralization, their tariffs, their government schools, their state religions, their free credit, their bank monopolies, their regulations, their restrictions, their equalization by taxation, and their pious moralizations!"
Before Smith, Martin Luther warned about public schools: "I am afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of youth." In 1888 historian Philip Schaff noted" It is impossible to draw the precise line between moral and religious education. Absolute indifference of the schools to morals is impossible; it must either be moral or immoral, religious or irreligious. An education that ignores religion altogether would raise a heartless and infidel generation of intellectual animals." Remove education from the mix and the public school system produces generations of "heartless and infidel... [non]intellectual animals." And we are witnessing the proof today- the public school system in America is little more than an immoral cesspool where moral relativism reigns supreme... if it feels good, then do it.
John Stuart Mill- who was homeschooled himself- was one of the most eloquent writers about liberty to date... about public education he wrote: "A general state education is a mere contrivance for molding people to be exactly like one another: and as the mold in which it casts them is that which pleases the predominant power in the government... it is efficient and successful, it establishes a despotism over the mind, leading by natural tendency to one over the body."
In 1923 J. Gresham Machen, professor at Westminster Theological Seminary wrote: "When one considers what the public schools of America in many places already are- their materialism, their discouragement of any sustained intellectual effort, their encouragement of the dangerous pseudo-scientific fads of experimental psychology- one can only be appalled by the thought of a commonwealth in which there is no escape from such a soul-killing system." No escape indeed! Adolph Hitler, before he outlawed homeschooling said: "Let me control the textbooks, and I will control Germany. The price for abjuring public education in Nazi Germany... "Recalcitrant parents were warned that their children would be taken away from them and put in orphanages or other homes unless they enrolled."
American public schools have turned away from education in favor of becoming indoctrination centers for pop-psychology and counter-cultural fads. The emphasis on homosexuality and transgenderism are just fads and dangerous ones at that. The problem is that once the fads pass, as they inevitably do, who's going to step up and take responsibility for the damage? No one is the answer. I'm not here trying to push religion, but look at the damage to our society that's been done since prayer was removed from public schools in the 1960's. In the last 50 years any vestige of morality has been removed- on purpose. This is all a part of the "great experiment," the long march of Cultural Marxism to destroy America. And replace it with what? They have no idea. Personally, I'd rather have children praying to a God that doesn't exist, than giving way to rampant sexuality and uncontrollable violence.
They had to get God and the Bible out of the schools to be able to dumb down America and introduce a Godless evil agenda. Thanks @richq11 for your ongoing god work.
There's only two sides in this fight, you're either with God, or that other guy- there is no moral gray area. Morality is one part of society that is in fact black and white (or light and darkness, if you prefer).
One way of easily oppressing a population is to keep them uneducated, unable to understand the world around them.
That in conjunction with perverting science, unscientific political infusion of distorted realities, coupled with lies (evolution, gender confusion etc) together with fascist bolshevic indoctrination from kindergarten age, creates a class of dumbed down hitler jugend followers who think 2+2 = 5, or 8, depending on their opinion.
Yet all this insanity only leads to the destruction of those individuals who lead the mass deception and their subjects.
Thank God for the red pill. Sweet'n SigSaur.
I've spent my hospital time reading some good books- Tornado in a Junkyard by James Perloff, where he destroys Darwin and now I'm wading through Intelligent Design, by William Dembski (which I've wanted to read since it came out in '99 but never got around to). I guess I figure if I'm going to die anyway, I may as well die smart!
Awesome. Notes of books made!!!
We are all gonna die - but some shall live... So, no worries brother. You're good.
You haven't gone yet. Hang in there brother!
Darnit. Tornado isn't avail in Kindle format.
Intelligent Design (uncensored) is.
Would you send me your copy of Tornado when you're done?
Another great contribution. I am not generally in favor of using schools to promote religious belief systems, but the principle of eliminating religious observances from public schools has given rise to amoral/immoral/unethical/inhumane treatment of others. The coercive collectivists have been hard at work for a very long time to make morality synonymous with state approval, and the educational system has long been their tool of choice. It is possible to raise and instill in children moral and ethical behavior without resort to religion, but the state is not interested in moral and ethical citizens, it wants cogs in the machine of mutual subjugation.
My opinion is that organized (institutionalized) religion is the worst thing ever to happen to God. God created man, man created religion for his own benefit. I'm in favor of using schools to promote spiritual belief, belief in morals coming from a spiritual basis without favoring any religion. But like you said, the state wants to be the religion and isn't interested in moral or ethical citizens, only subjects... and besides, they have to keep the jails full.
very good post sir, and think along the same lines.
While not religious, religion morality (thinking christian), combined with education, leads to much more well rounded adult.
Moral foundation is essential for stable society.
( I did pretty well in the test - I surprised myself! lol)
I don't know how to describe myself religiously. I believe that Jesus' Church began going downhill in 325 after the Council of Nicea. Before then it was decentralized and after it became an institution it fell prey to the issues that all institutions have... they're ultimately taken over by their very worst elements. I believe in God and Jesus, I pray the Rosary and take communion as the Bible says and I try to do the things Christ tells us to do... other than that, I don't have much use for organized religion.
I can't remember who said it, but it was something like- even if there was no God, we'd still need Him.
Voltaire stated the quote: If there were no God, it would be necessary to invent him.
religion cuases problems - but no religion causes much worse..
Do you mean the German author? Didn't know he was politically active in the US.
This test from 1909 is indeed something, it's especially very practical. Today, it's all just vague concepts and nothing to really use in daily life. Would be interesting how todays 8th graders managed to get through the test and - unfortunately not possible - how the kids of back then would have reacted to todays education standards.
Don't tell me I wrote Thomas... what an idiot! I meant Horace Mann. Thanks for catching that for me!
lol.. things happen:-)
good information
Nicely said, the Government policies are part of the problems and when teachers are not encouraged this is a problem for the children. The children also have their problems which is not studying their books, the parents can also play a part in making sure that their children are properly brought up.
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The decline in teaching methods and curriculum content, the 3R's are largely ignored, instead they are obsessed with innovation & social engineering our children. The type of so-called education being promoted is not education. It is a system of group-oriented, collectivist, brainwashing/training in lower level skills and the necessary attitudes and values for the workforce, using the computer in conjunction with programmed learning software. This kind of learning bypasses the brain and a key feature of operant conditioning, does not allow for any real thinking processes to take place.
The reshaping and restructuring of our children into the Global Citizen is about to go to another level with introduction of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in classrooms across the globe. 17 SDGs, 169 targets are to be met by 2030 and the UN has made it clear education is central to their agenda. When you take into consideration how governments today are judged by their global education ranking, especially by media and parents. It makes sense the PISA, International assessment and UNESCO'S Universal Learning Program will concentrate on the SDGS. Why would Australia for example make Sustainability a cross-curriculum priority, including math
UNESCO is pushing sex ed in schools now. It's all part of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child