I’ve personally connected these dots several times before. I’ve had heated discussions with people I would consider friends on both sides of the fence.
Some see the undeniable truth that the probability of such events occurring simultaneously leads to conspiracy. Others see the probability of probabilities and tend to believe the numbers are simply numbers. It’s bound to happen and while improbable it’s tragic none the less.
I see a media curtain, what’s portrayed is whats assumed to be true and because it’s from a reputable source it must be assumed to be true. No matter the evidence on the contrary.
Personally I’m a person of science and the numbers just don’t add up. How in the world would it be so coincidental, so perfect? There’s something behind the curtain they don’t want us to see. Don’t want us to be aware of... An agenda if you will. What tames the heard the most is the fear of the tamer.
This strikes fear into my heart. If this government I am thought to have elected is so pias and cruel as to fake a school shooting to push their agenda what’s next.
I’m a father. I have children in school. Am I suppose to shelter them from the individuals I supposedly elected to defend them or am I to take matters into my own hands and uphold the 2nd amendment? Do I fight fear with resistance or with cunning? That’s the question of our time now.... thanks for sharing.
Cunning for now, resist when it's time when a peak point is reached ;) You're welcome.