Terror Attacks and Terror Drills: Coincidence or Conspiracy?

in #informationwar7 years ago

There are some odd facts about many "terrorist" attacks and school shootings. One oddity that repeats is the fact of drills being scheduled when an attack happens. This creates confusion. If it's real, people think it's a drill and don't respond properly. Or it could also be a fake event like a drill but purported to be real when it isn't.


Reality or Unreality?

You might recall having done some test drills at school for fire and bomb threats. I know it was done at my school. I've even done them while working in a corporate job. But what if the fire was real, and you thought it was only fake? What if the bomb threat, or someone attacking, was really happening? What is you though it was real, but instead it was fake?

Wouldn't you be really confused if something you thought was fake, was actually real? As far as you know in reality, there is no real threat, it's only a drill. If there are firemen, police, SWAT, actors with injuries, or whatever else to make it looks real, then it looks real but you were told it was fake, then even if it was real you would think it was fake.


And similarly, the opposite applies. If it's fake you would think and believe it's real if you were told it's real and saw all those emergency responders. Anyone watching a news report about a test drill, without being told it was a test drill and being told it was a "real" live event, would believe what the news tells them. This can apply to terror events or school shooting where no proof is supplied of what actually is alleged to have happened.

Some events are false flags where they are engineered by people in positions of authority to do harm others. They even set them up when there are drills to cause confusion but also for their agents to be ready to control the situation, carry out and cover up the deception.

The news feeds us a story, and we buy into it. The news tells us something is real, but it can be fake. They tell us something is fake, but it can be real. Behold the fakenews of the mainstream media, long before the fad of "fakenews" they try to use to disparage counter-information from alternative media sources.

Here are some famous attacks that had test drills on the same day:



On the 11th of September, and prior, NORAD and other intelligence and emergency response agencies held drills to simulate almost the exact attack that took place on 9/11. This kept people distracted from dealing with the actual event, thinking it was a only drill. This also allowed testing of how viable an attack would be to pull off, say, for a conspiracy to be pulled off...

Vigilant Guardian - NORAD
Global Guardian - Pentagon
Tripod - New York, FEMA, Police, firemen, etc.
CIA Excersices - Jet crash

NORAD drills on 9/11

7/7 London bombings


London had terror drills scheduled in their tube/metro/subway system on the day multiple attacks took place on those systems. With 52 dead, and over 700 injured, this was Britain's worst terror attack since Pan Am Flight 103's bombing in 1988, and it's first Islamic-based attack.

7/7/2005 London Bombings Terror Drills

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting


There was a drill going on in New Haven, Connecticut, not at Sandy Hook Elementary, but 14 miles away at St. Rose of Lima Elementary School. You can find footage where the news uses the other school instead of Sandy Hook, while claiming it is Sandy Hook, to talk about how Sandy HOok was being attacked by a shooter. Did it really happen?

People who took part in the mock drills, were also at Sandy Hook. Like the Sheriff. There are many inconsistencies with the official story, as there are with 7/7 and 9/11. If you look into this can of worms, you will be surprised at how unreal the reality we have been told about this shooting is.

Some schools have even carried out drills, while not even telling the children, and the whole time the kids think it's all real, being terrorized by the state. A drill can then be turned live, and who would know it was real or not? Could this have happened at Sandy Hook?

Sandy Hook: CNN Used St. Rose Of Lima School Drill Footage

Boston Marathon bombing


The Boston Marathon is a popular event every year. But in April 2013, it had bomb sniffing dogs, and other increased security such as roof spotters, yet police say they had no extra security threats that day. Witnesses say they heard a speaker say to keep calm during upcoming terror drills. Yet the officials won't admit to yet another terror drill, and even avoid denying there was a terror drill in some cases.

If there were no drills, why not just keep saying there were none? But then why do people say they heard it on the day of? Why was there all this extra security for a non-drill then, as if there was a real threat, or as if a pre-planned event had been orchestrated and needed to be managed immediately following...

Journalist to FBI: "Tell Us About the Bomb Drill!"

Marathon Runner: Loudspeaker Announcements warning people to remain calm during bomb drills

Coincidence of Events or Orchestrated Events?

How can it be that the same day there are drills are the same day a well orchestrated and planned out attack takes place? Out of all the days a drill could happen, it happens on the same day that the actual rare event takes place? It's not enough that the rare event actually happened, but that these rare events happened to coincide on the same day as scheduled drills?

Something is odd. Think about it, how many school fires, bombings or shootings to you hear about? The shooting in the past 2 decades have gone up, yes, but considering how many schools there are, it is rare, until recently.

So, what are the statistics of probability for this to happen, for an actual attack that is rare, to happen on the same exact day that a drill is planned?

The probability, P1, that an attack will happen on the day of a drill in a month is 1/30. The probability, P2 that an attack will happen within an hour of the drill that day (24h) is 1/24. The probability of both together, P3, is P3 = P1 * P2 = 1/30 * 1/24 = 1/720 = 0.00139.

Also, the more times in one day a terror drill is scheduled, the less likely it is to actually happen. The more variables you add the less likely something is to happen (more terror drills where an attack is less likely to happen). See the conjunction fallacy.

Why that day?

Remember, on these days, everyone is supposed to be prepared, ready and everything is setup to deal with an attack. Then an attack does happen.

But if the terrorists did know there were test drills scheduled, whereby the society would already be prepared to deal with an attack, would they really, honestly, do the attack? Think about it. Wouldn't you pick a day where there were no terror drills? Theses drills were planned weeks and months in advance. Famous attacks keep having test mock drills scheduled on the same day, over, and over and over. The odds of it happening once, ok, slim but maybe, but then over and over... yeah right! Why pick that day of all days? Either the "terrorists" are very unlucky or people in government are involved... seriously, it's not likely to "just" happen.

The drills are supposed to mean the emergency responders are already in place and are supposed to be prepared, and then the drill goes "live". They couldn't stop it, but they are ready to "manage" the aftermath. This conflicting information about doing a test (but is it really a test?) confuses people, because it's supposed to be mock test, and then all of sudden it's reality, it's "live". Flight controllers doing mock drills on 9/11 thought the planes changing direction on radar were not real.

Is this proof of anything nefarious on the part of the government? Not quite proof, but it begs questions and is something to think about. We can do some thinking about the info and put logical pieces together to see what makes sense and what doesn't.

Something fishy is going on. There is already proof of fakenews where they showed the terror drill of one school instead of the real one allegedly being attacked. They can show us things and we believe it. What else is being faked in these events? Thanks to the Internet we have more access to info and can put pieces together. People question these events and come up with interesting research. I recommend you doing your own research to see how the events we are told about have issues with them and something else can be occurring contrary to what we've been told.


Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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Same with Stoneman-Douglas H.S. false flag event under Sheriff Israel, and his Chabad coverup teams. There had been a fire drill at the school that same morning, and that is why many kids were confused what to do when the "shooter" (whoever he really was, and according to student Alexa Miednik, it was definitely NOT Nikolas Cruz) pulled the fire alarm again.

Also, very oddly, the U.S. Secret Service was at the school doing who-knows-what, just a couple weeks earlier. The Secret Service never goes to a high school unless the POTUS is coming for a visit, and he wasn't...

I followed this story for about a month and watched all the video interviews, articles about what happened, two seperate accounts by a teacher a student. The teacher said that the shooter she saw was dressed in full black gear and was shooting down the hallway as she was pulling closed the door to her classroom. The student said that Cruz was on the opposite side of the school when she saw him. The coincidence that all of these witnesses have a different story than that of the mainstream media and also the videos of the child actors practicing interviews in the basement before this happened do not lie. There is something really rotten in this case and there is no way the story we were told is true, especially when CNN spent so much effort shutting down and shaming anyone who dared speak out that the reporting didn't make sense.

Right on. I also posted an article here earlier about all the suspicious circumstances surrounding "hero teacher" Scot Beigel and his weird Chabad family, associates and lookalikes.

Interesting. I haven't looked into it deeply. Thanks for sharing those bits.

Here's a link to that article. You may find it hard to stop pondering...


I read your article and the additional links. It's unbelievable that the dead are alive and not mainstream media is talking about it. How is it possible for this actually happen without any coverage in the press. For God's sake, not a single thing that happens to Trump now isn't leaked to the media. The media is like a school of hungry pirañas. Where are they now to rat out this incredible slime. None of it made sense at the time of the "shooting" and nothing makes sense months later.

They literally recycle a lot of these actors for future false flags. There was one woman who was singled out for an MSM interview at THREE of them...Sandy Hoax, the Boston "bombing" and LAX.

I’ve personally connected these dots several times before. I’ve had heated discussions with people I would consider friends on both sides of the fence.

Some see the undeniable truth that the probability of such events occurring simultaneously leads to conspiracy. Others see the probability of probabilities and tend to believe the numbers are simply numbers. It’s bound to happen and while improbable it’s tragic none the less.

I see a media curtain, what’s portrayed is whats assumed to be true and because it’s from a reputable source it must be assumed to be true. No matter the evidence on the contrary.

Personally I’m a person of science and the numbers just don’t add up. How in the world would it be so coincidental, so perfect? There’s something behind the curtain they don’t want us to see. Don’t want us to be aware of... An agenda if you will. What tames the heard the most is the fear of the tamer.

This strikes fear into my heart. If this government I am thought to have elected is so pias and cruel as to fake a school shooting to push their agenda what’s next.

I’m a father. I have children in school. Am I suppose to shelter them from the individuals I supposedly elected to defend them or am I to take matters into my own hands and uphold the 2nd amendment? Do I fight fear with resistance or with cunning? That’s the question of our time now.... thanks for sharing.

Cunning for now, resist when it's time when a peak point is reached ;) You're welcome.

That's just silly. Everyone knows that it's perfectly reasonable for the 9/11 terrorist passports to be found on the ground at the base of the towers. That's just how these things work out sometimes.

And to get the Saudis out in a hidden flight the day after (or of?) because apparently everyone knew it was the Saudis before any identification was made... :/

Not enough people ask these questions, know this information or even consider that these things happen. It’s like the matrix analogy; they prefer to be plugged into the numbing day to day grind and have no deviations, no unexpected events and be told what to think, what to like and what to buy. I know so many like that it’s sad. You broach these things and they pull out the ol’ CIA punchline ‘conspiracy theorist!’ Without giving things a thought or analysis.
Have an open mind is all I recommend to people; do not believe anything that the TV spits out at you, it’s all fake.

Thank you for another great post.

Yeah, it's sad how mind numbed and unthinking people are to just go along with what they are told to believe is real... :/ You're welcome :)

Are you from America?
Cause I would say there is another terrible fact. As in our news we only hear about school shootings in the United States. So it looks like at least 95% of school shootings takes place in the United States. So you understand why pretty much the whole world thinks you should make guns illegal? And yet that is not what is happening. Why not?

Why not? The 2nd amendment push back from people who want to keep guns in the hands of free people to possibly combat tyranny of the state some day? What is your reason why?

My reason for wondering is that we have 0 school shootings a year. We even have zero per decade. I really like that, it gives a safe feeling.

My theory is that it is like the same thing.
There is no thunder without lightening.

To separate the terror attack from the terror drill is just impossible, probably even unthinkable.

It would be like separating terrorism from what govern-cement does. The text book definition of terrorism is the Infernal Revolting Syndicate.

So, that's my theory ^_^

LOL, they do seem inseparable like new lovers :P

Once again, I have no idea how you are able to write so much about so many varying topics so regularly. It's pretty amazing. Do you do this full time?

Yes. Steem is life :/ :P

Well at least your super human ability came back closure to earth. I was thinking you worked and wrote in your spare time. Hopefully this gig pays your bills...

The Secret Service never goes to a high school unless the POTUS is coming for a visit, and he wasn't

yes it is true, hopefully we can distinguish the real and the training so that no casualties occur if it happens and everyone can be vigilant. best regards @aminnullah

There are invisible invisible hands deliberately creating a riot in this world. we are made to be confused whether this is a reality or just a conspiracy.

Yup, give conflicting info and that will cause confusion for sure :/

We always get a mail before a drill in our company and no one takes it seriously. Never been in a real emergency so wouldn't know what its like.

Relevance: The Undeniable Link Between Terror Drills And Terror Attacks
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