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RE: Terror Attacks and Terror Drills: Coincidence or Conspiracy?

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

Not enough people ask these questions, know this information or even consider that these things happen. It’s like the matrix analogy; they prefer to be plugged into the numbing day to day grind and have no deviations, no unexpected events and be told what to think, what to like and what to buy. I know so many like that it’s sad. You broach these things and they pull out the ol’ CIA punchline ‘conspiracy theorist!’ Without giving things a thought or analysis.
Have an open mind is all I recommend to people; do not believe anything that the TV spits out at you, it’s all fake.

Thank you for another great post.


Yeah, it's sad how mind numbed and unthinking people are to just go along with what they are told to believe is real... :/ You're welcome :)