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RE: Distraction techniques.

All the world's a stage alright and the show is playing 24/7. It used to be said that you shouldn't believe what you read. Now you can't even believe the evidence of your own eyes and ears. I've exited stage left and retired to the country to live off the fat of the land:)


"I've exited stage left and retired to the country to live off the fat of the land" same here :-)
This reply on blurt is superb.

"It is disheartening to observe that many of our world leaders today seem more focused on accumulating wealth and power than on serving the greater good. The narrative of self-interest and greed has become all too familiar, with leaders prioritizing their own agendas over the needs and well-being of their citizens.

The consequences of this self-serving approach are far-reaching and devastating. We see it in the widening income gap, the erosion of social safety nets, and the exploitation of natural resources. We see it in the marginalization of vulnerable communities, the suppression of dissenting voices, and the perpetuation of systemic injustices.

It's a narrative that undermines the very fabric of our societies, fostering a culture of distrust, disillusionment, and disconnection. It's a narrative that ignores the inherent value and dignity of every human being, reducing people to mere commodities or pawns in a game of power and greed.

And yet, despite the overwhelming evidence of the harm caused by this narrative, it persists. It persists because it serves the interests of those in power, because it maintains the status quo, and because it distracts us from the real issues that need to be addressed.

But we must not be fooled. We must not be swayed by the empty promises, the clever rhetoric, and the manipulative tactics of those who seek to exploit and oppress. We must instead demand more from our leaders, more from ourselves, and more from our societies.

We must demand a new narrative, one that prioritizes the well-being of people and the planet, one that promotes justice, equality, and compassion, and one that recognizes the inherent value and dignity of every human being.

It's a narrative that requires courage, conviction, and collective action. It's a narrative that requires us to challenge the powers that be, to question the status quo, and to imagine a different world.

But most of all, it's a narrative that requires us to believe in ourselves, in our capacity for goodness, and in our ability to create a better world for all.
As i write this comment, I just realized this you have struck a cord in me to make this a post rather than just a comment"

That's all fine and dandy but who is the we? There are people like us who realise we live on a people farm and have been lied to about everything and then there's everyone else who thinks that the future will be rosy if they can just vote the right people into power. And when has demanding things from our leaders ever worked? Of course we need collective action and mass noncompliance but where's the collective? Most of the masses are too busy trying to make ends meet to even see there's a problem. We're doomed I tell you. Doomed!

"we need collective action and mass noncompliance but where's the collective?"

We need a robust and anonymous system to help enable the above. Testing and adaptation of systems that have potential to be robust and anonymous enough, are in progress.

Doomed "We" are not, unless we give up the good fight & let them walk over us. We need to remember who or what we really are, and play this game of life with the knowledge that it is just a game, and share our infinite love with One and all.

Sat Nam.

Doomed "We" are not, unless we give up the good fight & let them walk over us.

I think that ship has sailed! Have we not just undergone and miserably failed a mass IQ test? Have we not lined up to sacrifice ourselves upon the altar of compliance? I don't think we know who or what we really are or the nature of this world we inhabit, though I suspect it's some sort of game to which we haven't (yet) worked out the rules.

Testing and adaptation of systems that have potential to be robust and anonymous enough, are in progress.



Not disagreeing with you, most are like I used to be, work all night, sleep by day, get up, eat and go to work again, no time to fart let alone think with the 9 - 5 grind, and grave yard shifts :-)