
This is what we can see:

Visible light is a tiny sliver of the electomagnetic spectrum, about 0.0035%. But we have made measuring devices, with the help of capitalism and money, to perceive the rest of the spectrum. And no where in that 99.9965% that we cannot see, is there any hint of a "Law of Polarity", or any other goobley gook that you spout.

lets see, because electricity does not have a positive and negative charge perhaps... all ELECTROmagnetic forces in the universe derive from ELECTRIC FIELDS

Moreover, everything has its opposite because of the law of polarity.... like day and night... high and low tide... everything... summer , winter... all the cycles of life are polar opposites... life and death

and since electricity runs through our synpases, we think in term of polarity... GOOD AND BAD :)

nothing new age here... it is METAPHYSICS

just like all actions start as ideas... in the mind... the Principle of Mentalism

self evident.... my blog is not for you...

[-]earthcustodians (57) · 15 minutes ago
lets see, because electricity does not have a positive and negative charge perhaps... all electromagnetic forces in the universe derives from ELECTRIC FIELDS

Moreover, everything has its opposite because of the law of polarity.... like day and night... high and low tide... everything

So everything has its opposite and electricity doesn't have its opposite. Wow, you typed 2 sentences and only one contradiction. lolz.

lolz, we been through this before where you were shown to be wrong...what are the opposites of these particles according to your law of polarity?

Oops this left out the most fun particle, the Higgs boson, here we go:

What is the opposite of a Higgs boson?

higgs bosom is a hoax to start with...


Show me a spirit so we can analyse its properties to determine what might be its opposite.

higgs bosom is a hoax to start with...

Bessie! Get over here!

These Principles were understood by the ancient greeks and egyptians

Yea, they were wrong about a lot of things, so what?

atheism defined... the UNseen, The Spirit does not exist. :)

ok, my your special spirit then. It is much prettier than those other ones. :-D

even LIGHT is dual, a polarity... a wave and a particle.