& I am fully aware of how unjust the private prison system is. I was wrongfully imprisoned for 36 days, extradited through 6 different facilities spanning across 4 states, including the federal prison transfer center in Oklahoma. I started in Florida, then was chained head to tow, purposely sleep deprived, and thrown on a rickety plane to Oklahoma confiscated from international drug smugglers with serious felons, some of which had life sentences for murder, child molestation, and rape. After spending two weeks in that PRISON, I was sent back on the plane again, chained up and sleep dep'd to Pennsylvania, where I eventually was transported by van to DC jail in Washington, DC. All of this for a misdemeanor drug charge that I wasn't even guilty of. When I finally got to court in DC I explained that the charge was supposed to have been dropped 4 years ago, and they only recently put out a warrant for me, which made no sense. They said my previous pre-trial probation officer made a mistake on my community service paperwork that made it look like it was incomplete. Apparently my old P.O. had been FIRED! They would not tell me why, but they immediately dropped my charge and violation, and is not on my record. However to this day there is still arrest photos and online articles about my case, making it look like I was found guilty, and those sites make you pay to remove the info. It would cost me thousands of dollars, as there are several web sights like this, which I am sure are all attached to the prison system itself. Just another way for them to make money I guess, how it is not libel though is beyond me. Suing the feds would be a scary ordeal to get reparations, and although I have considered it, I probably will not unless I find one hell of a lawyer to protect me. I was also in one of the worst jails in Florida, Marion County Jail, that has a reputation for its overweight guards raping the inmates. I am so grateful I made it out of all that safely.
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Umm why wouldnt you sue? With @adamkokesh on yourside anything should be possible!
Because fighting the feds is like getting in a boxing ring with Evander Holyfield, and they will put every detail of my life on blast. It sounds great until reality hits, the courts are their turf, judicial and executive are the same these days, there are no checks and balances anymore. Don't forget that supreme court justices are appointed by the President.
oh wow..I appreciate you sharing this chapter of your life and I'm sorry to hear you had to go through this ordeal. Do you know the reality tv show 60 Days In? believe me or not @dynamicgreentk and @elamental, I have watched the whole season 1 and 2. I just got curious of how people in jail live their life there. It's terrible! When you're a new mate, everybody is looking at you to death. They will intimidate you..they have to know your character if you're an easy guy or not. You should earn their respect and trust that you're not an "asset". If you're weak, you're dead! I mean, not literally as to what I've watched on tv. But damn! you have to witness the catfights/brawling each day. It's traumatizing. And the food - there's this what they do.. they exchange foods? or they use their food as payment to what ever favor they'd do for someone. Then you have to share everything in one room. i don't know it's too much for me. But I finished everything up to the confrontation or open forums of the 60 Days In actors.
I'm really glad you made it out of all that safely @elamental. I believe not everyone got jailed deserved to be there and this is something that the government needs to carefully look into. They should protect each individual's right. Or else, somebody has to suffer for false imprisonment.
I don't know if i'm making sense but that's just what I've observed from that reality tv show. But I'm definitely sure not everything what's happening inside was captured.
Some of this is correct, but I would not base my view of being imprisoned from a reality show on tv. The fighting, brawling, and power struggle thing you mentioned only really applies to maximum security prisons, unless you act like a complete idiot in the jails or min. security. Jail is not completely like they make it out to be on tv, although some of it is. The food is not real food, that part is true. If you don't have money for commissary on your books, you are forced to eat the low quality fake meat tofu and microwaved frozen beans they provide you. Also, the meals provided on trays 3 times a day is technically less calories than is required by the human body daily, so you pretty much have to get commissary eventually. But even when you do, commissary is mostly junk food, candy, and Raman noodles, so not really any better than the trays, just more calories (but not the right kind). It is also true that food is used as a bartering tools, but that mostly applies to commissary items unless it is during meal time, and people trade meal items on their trays... just like back in grade school. The way my high school was set up reminded me of a prison, especially since it had very few windows and florescent lighting that never seemed to turn off.
I can imagine you were shaking most of the time due to less calories your body was taking in. That was a horrible experience that one could ever deal with..eating food that isnt even considered a food... yikkeees!
More like fuzzy brain syndrome, while feeling more passive and docile all the time. They make the food like that on purpose to better control the inmates. When the low quality food actually causes more issues than it prevents.
Remember that reality tv is about as real as our government says they are (for the people by the people, mmmhmm).
Reality tv isnt real after all smh.. XD my husband caught me watching that reality tv show and he's like "why are you watching these stuff??" HAHAHAHA! Because to him, it's very unusual for ladies to watch stuff like that. I should be watching Pretty Little Liars, Mean girls, Once upon a time.. LOL ok im waaaayy too off to topic but I enjoyed talking to you, @elamental. Have a great day!
You as well, bless.
What reality tv were you watching, @dynamicshine? Haha!!! You should quickly switch to Bloomberg or any documentary channel when there's a chance that your husband walks past and sees you. Haha!!! Just kidding!!!
I totally agree with him, though. Don't watch them. They're just a bunch of garbage.
@elamental, news programs are reality TV. Too much drama and too much hypocrisy. But I'm giving the benefit of the doubt that most of them actually report the truth of what really goes on behind closed doors of those seated in the government, and not just trying to ruin someone's credibility and reputation.
Hubby is always watching Bloomberg A LOT! to the point i got jealous one time because I thought he just wants to see that Korean news anchor! ahahaha
I was watching "60 Days In" last year. I just got curious lol. I wanted to compare the jail system between the US and in the Ph. I got hooked up watching whahah.. i dont know why.. just one of the craziness in me i guess! XD