regarding nukes and big waves.
Seems reasonable but I'm not sure. The power of a nuke pales by comparison to that of a the tinyest earthquakes. Big waves might be harder to make than we think.
Regarding domes...HELL YEAH. Not just over cities either. I propose a change in the pollution regulation.
Zero tolerance. None, zip, zilch. Not one Iota of pollution should be allowed off the property of those who are making it. Noise and Light included. Put a dome over all factories. Inside the dome they can do what ever they please.
Speaking of Domes once more...Have you ever noticed a skyline of a city? I can't think of anything that would be a BETTER structure to radiate heat. Looks kinda like cooling fins don't it?
Put a dome over it and massive (truly massive) energy needs...go away.
How much would a dome cost compared to a wind farm?
Just think of the possibility.
Oh wait Bucky Fuller did that already.
My bad.
Yep, Buckminster Fuller was way ahead and still is even from beyond the grave.