I was thinking about the fact that the Russians have developed a method of deploying nuclear bomb manufactured tidal waves against coastal cities. My mind quickly went to how you would defend against such a thing. The only idea I can think of would be truly massive walls around the city states. I am calling them city states since they seem to think they have the right to dictate to the rest of the serfs not residing inside of their cities.

That would be an enormous task, and likely the result would simply be to counter it with a bigger wave. So the wall might transform into some kind of structure with a roof, like a dome.
Yet walls are amoral right? At least that's what the media and people that seem quite deranged keep being amplified as saying.
Then I looked around me.
If walls are amoral, then I and all of us I know of have lived surrounded by amorality our entire lives.
We all live in essentially what is a scaled down version of a structure that would be something like would be needed to counter the waves for those in cities...
We are also proposing colonies on mars, which we plan on putting people inside of totally amoral structures.
Our houses, our buildings, and even when we lived in caves. The presence of walls makes these all amoral enclosures. With the doors, and entrances being much like the ports of entry to a nation. An open window for a thief, assassin, or other to climb through is much like a tunnel under a nations wall or a gap in it's wall that is not a port of entry.
The undeniable (without some severe application of derangement, or cognitive dissonance) is that walls are not about morality at all. They have nothing to do with it. It is just more word play from the cultural Marxists that is being used to turn our collective minds into jelly with little cognition other than seeking how to claim victim status, how to be offended, how to be outraged. The mind is so messed up that the only joy we have is when we can express our outrage.
Well at least some of us... many of us haven't entered that state. We can see a wall for what it is, not as some made up idea of amorality.
Walls do not have minds. Guns do not have minds. They are inanimate non-thinking, non-emotional objects. Attributing the cause to them is naive and boogeyman like. People can be amoral. Blaming the inanimate object, and tools for the things people do is complete stupidity.
Now I don't blame the people completely. The enslavement of the mind is largely being accomplished using large propaganda tactics fueled by the complicit legacy media. It should be no surprise the National Defense Authorization Act signed by Obama in 2013 greatly reduced restrictions on the use of propaganda on the population. In December of 2016 as he was going out he signed an order that completely removed such protections. Those protections had existed since 1948.
Is it any surprise that instead of healing the divide and attempting to keep people rational and unite the populace the media is largely used simply to destroy, and divide the populace?
It's almost like we need a wall between us and that media. Wait, that would be amoral... sarcasm
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The Russians already have far superior technology to nuclear bomb powered tidal waves.
If The US ever went to war with Russia, we (americans) would lose.
Then, The US with their secret space fleet would bring hell on the Russians.
The Russians have been spending all of their military budget on tried and true defense and response technology. While The US wastes their money on fancy planes (supposedly). Analysis by previous Russians is that Russia is far better equipped to retaliate (overwhelmingly) than The US is in making war.
But, the elite, T.H.E.M. are behind all of the govern-cements. T.H.E.Y. are behind all of the wars. So, T.H.E.Y. seemed to have had plans to tidal wave N.Y., but i don't know what has happened with it. They appropriated the bomb, but the timing seems to have been put off.
I feel we should build a wall around the 69 square miles of foreign occupied territory on the Potomac. This will stop a lot of war and fighting.
We NEED walls to protect us from the bad people.
We need walls for the same reason we need walls to our homes. :) As you said. To protect us from bad people. Our homes also protect us from the elements.
They give us security.
How secure would your home be without a wall? (and yet, walls are amoral..., go figure.)
Amoral doesn't mean what I think you think it means to those agin' a border wall. I think they mean immoral. Amoral means without moral meaning or consequence, as you point out walls are. The opposition thinks walls have bad moral consequence, not none.
Also, you're right about walls. They're requisite to humanity, and one of, perhaps the oldest, extant technologies that are demonstrative of what makes humanity more than mere animals. Other animals use walls, such as termites, beavers, and every damn thing that nests, burrows, or shelters in any way at all, but we do it better, and more. So much better and more that there's a qualitative difference to our wall-building abilities with other species.
We rock, and walls are a good example of why.
Let's see termites colonize Mars! Hah. Stoopid termites.
Yep, I know the difference between amoral and immoral. Yet the deranged upped the ante with one Democrat in congress going so far as to say they are not immoral, they are amoral. I've seen it repeated since then. Thus, why I used it.
I am suffering cognitive dissonance atm. I just...
Well, I don't blame you. Using their ignorance against them is classy.
I would be more worried about an atomic bomb on the upper athmosphere, that would probably create massive eletromagnetic pulses and destroy the majority of the power grid sending everyone back 200 years in time…
We like groups and to separate ourself from others, that is when walls come into place brother ;) As to the media, than do everything for ratings, in the future you will see more and more division, more and more scandals, but that is my opinion, they need viewers!
It has gone beyond ratings. That is what they did before those restrictions were removed. These days many outlets have really bad ratings. Yet they keep pushing this narrative.
So while that was true not long ago. I no longer believe that is what drives the legacy media now. They receive tons of funding from special interests, the government, and cronies. Ratings are less important to them now than keeping those paying them happy.
The key here is the delivery mechanism too. EMPs in the atmosphere we can try to develop tech to stop the missile, the drone, the plane, the satellite, or whatever that must deliver it. Will we succeed? Maybe, maybe not, but we can still try. How do you stop a radioactive tidal wave?
I actually know how to stop a nuclear induced tidal wave, but it's not inexpensive. Given the extant state of US military auditability, I reckon the money to do it has been spent to do it.
Consider noise cancelling headphones, and extrapolate from there.
The EMPs from an atomic bombs is not a great threat.
Remember it was all the thing back in the 50s, and if it was being talked about, it sure as hell was being tested somewhere.
The EMPs from an atomic bomb wouldn't do much to the power grid. It is set up to take direct lightening strikes. It is literally comparing a few hundred volts to a few million volts.
If you have surge protectors on your electronics, it will most likely not even be bothered by an atomic bomb EMP.
You have to remember, EMPs fall off by the cube of the distance. They just aren't that effective.
Now, if you wanted to destroy the power, you just send a team of guys, who borrow a fuel truck, drive it into a substation and light it. There are no guards. There is barely a fence. The reason why it hasn't happened is that Russians are not our enemies.
All the fear is of and by the MSmockingbirdM. Who are the media arm of T.H.E.M.
Not that "atomic bombs" actually exist, but Americans all seem to believe in them...
Correct. They are Nuclear Bombs both Fission and Fusion.
Got any proof? - has one ever gone off?
The way I understand it our initial nuclear bombs (called atomic bombs then in the 40s) were fission. Since that time we have allegedly moved on to fusion bombs in our larger yield devices.
Here is where it becomes a stretch for many Americans - my little throw away line is actually a set up I'm 100% confident you won't be able to run with!
(and yes I always hope the reply to that will involve mention of Japan because those ones are on a par with 911 or the moon landing...)
And that howstuffworks site is just yet another propaganda site spouting the party line on bloody everything - jeepers it's a psyop in itself!
I dont want an Atomic bomb in the atmosphere, bellow water or on the surface, it sucks all the ways!
What scares me is that the "elites" think they can actually win a war against a nuclear nation, Russia or China, everyone forgot the old Cold War message of mutual assured destruction!
The risk is not worth it, but MSM puppets and politicians will probably brainwash the masses into thinking the oposite, good luck for you americans, I would probably try to flee from Europe to Africa or South America if someone pulls the trigger :)
The El-ites could win a nuclear war, since they have many shelters to survive in, while the Untermensch would all perish. Such El-ites aren't nationalists, and don't care if all nations and nationals certainly would lose a nuclear war.
They'd win.
This is so true I often wonder why they haven't already done it. Perhaps the nascent technology they want to maintain their quality of life in a post-nuclear wastescape hasn't matured yet.
regarding nukes and big waves.
Seems reasonable but I'm not sure. The power of a nuke pales by comparison to that of a the tinyest earthquakes. Big waves might be harder to make than we think.
Regarding domes...HELL YEAH. Not just over cities either. I propose a change in the pollution regulation.
Zero tolerance. None, zip, zilch. Not one Iota of pollution should be allowed off the property of those who are making it. Noise and Light included. Put a dome over all factories. Inside the dome they can do what ever they please.
Speaking of Domes once more...Have you ever noticed a skyline of a city? I can't think of anything that would be a BETTER structure to radiate heat. Looks kinda like cooling fins don't it?
Put a dome over it and massive (truly massive) energy needs...go away.
How much would a dome cost compared to a wind farm?
Just think of the possibility.
Oh wait Bucky Fuller did that already.
My bad.
Yep, Buckminster Fuller was way ahead and still is even from beyond the grave.