Amoral doesn't mean what I think you think it means to those agin' a border wall. I think they mean immoral. Amoral means without moral meaning or consequence, as you point out walls are. The opposition thinks walls have bad moral consequence, not none.
Also, you're right about walls. They're requisite to humanity, and one of, perhaps the oldest, extant technologies that are demonstrative of what makes humanity more than mere animals. Other animals use walls, such as termites, beavers, and every damn thing that nests, burrows, or shelters in any way at all, but we do it better, and more. So much better and more that there's a qualitative difference to our wall-building abilities with other species.
We rock, and walls are a good example of why.
Let's see termites colonize Mars! Hah. Stoopid termites.
Yep, I know the difference between amoral and immoral. Yet the deranged upped the ante with one Democrat in congress going so far as to say they are not immoral, they are amoral. I've seen it repeated since then. Thus, why I used it.
I am suffering cognitive dissonance atm. I just...
Well, I don't blame you. Using their ignorance against them is classy.