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RE: Thought Of The Day - Not So Sweet Alabama

Good article. Maybe, I am over simplifying it by stating the obvious. Here is what I mean, they pose that a woman should have the right to exercise control over her own body. Isn't that what she did when she decided to have unprotected sex? Historically to enslave or exploit a people, you must first dehumanize them. This allows one to perpetrate and justify all kinds of heinous acts. We don't really speak on all of the atrocities that took place under slavery. It would offend and shock our sensibilities. The same with abortion. With abortion, they call the child a fetus or "just tissue". In other words, it is justified because it is not yet a human. Never mind that this is the process by which we all come into this world. Someone else is sitting in judgement about the value and worth of some else's life (i.e. the "fetus"). And in most cases abortion is chosen because people don't want to be inconvenienced. If that is the case, then where do we draw the line? We see it played out in culture. People will now take a life because they were cut off on the freeway or someone got their fast food order wrong. And that ain't just in the hood.


"...she decided to have unprotected sex..."

In cases of child abuse and other rape, she didn't have that choice. Even so, once a human being is present in the womb, whether that person's mother was raped doesn't make it permissible to murder that person. Prior to a person being present in the womb, there is no just reason to restrict their parents from deciding whether it should come into being. After the person is present, no one, neither mother, father, nor anyone else, should have any right to kill them, for any reason.

People have rights. Should a man have unprotected sex, unvasectomized, with a women they know to be fertile, IMHO they have foregone any right to demand abortion. Should a woman voluntarily do the same, I reckon that's the case - but only once it is possible that a human person is present in their womb. Prior to an actual person being present, it's her body, and therefore her choice what may grow into a person within it.


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