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RE: Billionaires — A Social Metastasis

in #informationwar5 years ago

Humans are social animals and all social animals form hierarchies - there's no way around it.

Of course there is. Alternative was known since the beginning of the Centralized Hierarchical Political Matrix. Through the big part of the history, alternative was called by the guy who formulated it some 2000 years ago — it was called Christianity. It was an ideology of horizontal (or net) organization of society. Ever since through history, until this day, Centralized Hierarchical Political Matrix is destroying Christians wherever it can. See the current events in the Middle East, which are in essence extermination of Christians from the territory where Christianity origins from.

Today, blockchain is the missing tool that can help humankind to destroy Centralized Hierarchical Political Matrix and establish a humane society. The process already started.


Christianity? Be serious, it had a hierarchy from the very beginning.

If Jesus and and his twelve disciples is not a hierarchy, nothing is. Are we to pretend that Jesus was no fan of your Centralized Hierarchical Political Matrix?

"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's."

Also, Jesus says, "I am the good shepherd" (John 10:11, 14) and there's some hierarchy involved when talking about the shepherds and their sheep.

Today, blockchain is the missing tool that can help humankind to destroy Centralized Hierarchical Political Matrix and establish a humane society. The process already started.

Only if you ignore the hierarchy that exists on the blockchain.

Using fancy terms such as Centralized Hierarchical Political Matrix and daydreaming about crypto utopia with no hierarchy is mental masturbation.

Your ignorance won’t make you a better man, @politicus. Hierarchy exists where you can enforce it. Bitcoin is the blockchain. Where do you see a hierarchy and enforcing it inside the ecosystem?

Jesus didn’t use force at all. His only ‘violent’ moment was when he expelled the merchants and the money changers from the Temple. By your words, it seems that you would rather go with the money changers.

Your ignorance won’t make you a better man, @politicus.

Neither will you nor will bring about your daydreams into reality.

Hierarchy exists where you can enforce it.

And that's everywhere.

Bitcoin is the blockchain. Where do you see a hierarchy and enforcing it inside the ecosystem?

Ever heard of the miners and the bitcoin developers? If you think that bitcoin has no hierarchy I've got a bridge to sell you.

Jesus didn’t use force at all. His only ‘violent’ moment was when he expelled the merchants and the money changers from the Temple.

And? He still was at the top of his little group.

By your words, it seems that you would rather go with the money changers.

And by your words you'd rather use passive-aggressive attacks than give up on your daydreams. No real communism, no real Christianity... no true Scotsman!

For your utopia to work, everyone has to accept your values and vision. If anyone refuses to do it, your entire scheme fails. Your choice then is to do what all the commies have done in the past - try to kill all those who oppose your worldview.

Why are you trying to redefine Jesus and Christianity to be something it never was? From the very start till this day it's always been a hierarchical ideology. God, angels, son of God, shepherds and sheep. There's the structure and the positions of power that are enforced.

Ever heard of the miners and the bitcoin developers? If you think that bitcoin has no hierarchy I've got a bridge to sell you.

If you see force there, then you don’t know what you are talking about.

Why are you trying to redefine Jesus and Christianity to be something it never was? From the very start till this day it's always been a hierarchical ideology. God, angels, son of God, shepherds and sheep. There's the structure and the positions of power that are enforced.

A typical wrong interpretation under the influence of Centralized Hierarchical Political Matrix, which is manipulating terminology. You are a victim of the notion that Christianity is a religion. Well, it is not. Religions have dogma. Christianity doesn’t have one. Catolicism is a religion. Orthodoxy is a religion (both loosely leaning on Christianity) Islam is a religion. Christianity is an ideology of a sustainable and free world. It is not what Church is teaching you.

And? He still was at the top of his little group.

No, he wasn’t. He didn’t force anyone to listen to his words. That’s like you would say that your professor has the right to tax you — and punish you if you pay. You are simply wrong.

If you like to be a slave, it’s your choice. Not Jesus nor anyone else will prevent you to be a slave.

You are a victim of the notion that Christianity is a religion. Well, it is not. Religions have dogma. Christianity doesn’t have one. Catolicism is a religion. Orthodoxy is a religion (both loosely leaning on Christianity) Islam is a religion. Christianity is an ideology of a sustainable and free world. It is not what Church is teaching you.

true definition of Christianity!99.999% of the Christians will disagree with you, but what do they know. You're the One to define Christianity. They are all wrong, @lighteye is the one with the

If you like to be a slave, it’s your choice. Not Jesus nor anyone else will prevent you to be a slave.

Lucky me!

Well, then, you and I know different kind of Christians, don’t we? Christian I know are aware that Christianity existed before the Church. I have an old Syrian Godfather, whose family keeps history of Christianity before Church, and they know what it is. Also a few philosophers, one of which allowed me to put up his book at Steemit. It is you my friend, who is living inside the prejudice of the Matrix.

You see, Donald Trump declares as a Christian, but he murders people with bombs and sanctions all over the world. His fat clown Mike Pompeo, also declares as a Christian, and look what he is proud of:

And both of them have made Bloody Gina Haspel head of CIA. That is a satanism under the label of “Christianity” — because that is possible in the Matrix. If you believe that they are Christians, then you are lost forever. Christians I know do not invade countries and kill people. Christians I know are against the war.

Who are your Christians?

No true Christian, again?

Trump is a Christian, so is Pompeo and a couple of billions people more. They all lie, cheat, steal and go to war. And that's been true since the birth of Christianity.

There are quite a few saints that went to war.

Who are your Christians?

I have none.