We are commanded to hate what God hates. In the famous "a time for..." passage read at funerals from Ecclesiastes, yes, even "a time for hate" is found in there.
We all know what God hates...
"These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren." (from Proverbs 6)
We also know from the Old and New Testament that He hates sexual immorality...in particular (because it is singled out for specific severe condemnation in both places) homosexuality.
While the punishment for adultery goes from stoning in the Old Testament, to "go and sin no more" in the New Testament (following genuine repentance,) homosexuality remains harshly censured under both dispensations. We are reminded that those who do not leave that particular sin and who make it a lifestyle are condemned already to trouble in this life "...so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done." (Romans 1:28)
While we are not permitted to hate the sinner, and while even long-term homosexuals can (and do) sometimes come out of that depraved life and find redemption, modern Christians NEED TO GET BUSY HATING WHAT GOD HATES. That includes the political agendas of the depraved!!
We can not coddle sin. To do so is truly HATEFUL. The people who truly hate are those who ignore God's principles, and who work to recruit others into a lifestyle that guarantees ETERNAL TORMENT. Even more despicable are those working to prevent those caught in that particular life AND WHO WANT OUT, and a means to receive help. In other words, some homoesexual activists' hatred is so deep, that they want their fellow homosexuals to suffer eternal torment with them with no hope of redemption or escape!!
That, and other despicable acts like late-term abortions, selling fetuses and baby body parts, etc., are ALL DEFINITIONS OF TRUE HATE, and Christians need to HATE such things, with a passion--LIKE GOD DOES-- and work to stop them.
The next time a person who "has been given over to a depraved mind" calls you a hater, thank him/her, tell them you are doing what God commands you to do, that you LOVE THEM AND WILL PRAY FOR THEM, and that true hate LEAVES PEOPLE TO DIE IN THEIR SIN.
Got it??
If not, go back and read it again. MEMORIZE THAT RESPONSE. It is totally Biblical and necessary "in times like these."
AND TO MY CHRISTIAN SISTERS AND MOTHERS who have been particularly deceived (due to inborn kindness and lack of Biblical teaching) by the propaganda of true hate...
YOU CAN NOT LOVE THE SINNER IF YOU DO NOT HATE THE SIN. Period. Think that over, and get your mind (heart and soul) right, on this point.
God bless!
Now, go out and HATE sin enough to rescue those who are dying in sin!
The truth is ugly to many self serving "groups" or Religious charities. Which is probably why God chose Jerusalem for his mystery. A self agrandizing (sp?) Community of Religious lawmakers? Who in their good intentions.... crucified The Messiah. Which...by the way was the will of God all along.
The question is...do we have a choice?
Did the high priest have a choice?
Did Pilate have a choice?
Who can "disarm" God?
Of course they did. Or else he could never have judged their sinfulness.
But he did give them over to their poor marksmanship in regards to "natural law". Hence, we must, as believers, heed the warning of scripture.
Hate the poor marksmanship, sin-an archery term, but sacrifice ourselves for the sinner.
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Hmmm... Never thought about it quite like this.
Thanks for commenting.
Hate hate hate all you do is hate fucking scumbag, downvoted for hate