The truth is ugly to many self serving "groups" or Religious charities. Which is probably why God chose Jerusalem for his mystery. A self agrandizing (sp?) Community of Religious lawmakers? Who in their good intentions.... crucified The Messiah. the way was the will of God all along.
The question we have a choice?
Did the high priest have a choice?
Did Pilate have a choice?
Who can "disarm" God?
Of course they did. Or else he could never have judged their sinfulness.
But he did give them over to their poor marksmanship in regards to "natural law". Hence, we must, as believers, heed the warning of scripture.
Hate the poor marksmanship, sin-an archery term, but sacrifice ourselves for the sinner.
Posted using Partiko Android
Hmmm... Never thought about it quite like this.
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